Saturday, July 27, 2024

Minister of Health orders the construction 5 health posts in Luano


Minister of Health, MCC Hon. Dr Chitalu Chilufya  in  Luano , Central Province of Zambia
Minister of Health, MCC Hon. Dr Chitalu Chilufya in Luano , Central Province of Zambia

Minister of Health, MCC Hon. Dr Chitalu Chilufya has bemoaned the inadequate health infrastructure in Luano , Central Province of Zambia and has directed that 5 health posts be erected in the area to cater comprehensively to the people’s health needs.

Speaking at Chingombe on arrival for his tour of health facilities in Central Province, Dr Chilufya stated that he had decided to visit Chingombe to see first hand how health services were being provided to the people of Luano in General and in this particular case, Chingombe .

*” The Patriotic Front Government under the able Stewardship of His Excellency President Edgar C. Lungu is committed to the Universal Health Coverage agenda , leaving no one behind. The people of Luano will be part of the broad agenda to deliver health services, health access for all that summons us to the responsibility to build appropriate infrastructure and create relevant referral systems to ensure that people in Luano are linked to Health Services. ” He said .*

He stated that planning Health services involved mapping were people were staying and ensuring that they accessed health services within a 5 Kilometer radius and ensuring there was a network of clinics to provide appropriate primary health care services as well as option for referral to another facility or the next level of care.

” What we have noted here in Luano district in General is gross Inadequecy in Infrastucture for Health. Inadequate referal processes hampered by the inadequency in human resource and infrastructure but also by transport. It is important in a setup such as this that we create a network with a Zonal facility in a place were there are more people and plant health posts in places were there are non so that people stop moving long distances. In the meantime, other health posts that exist, should be referring to the Zonal facility. So that only those cases that require first level services go outside your catchment to the Mukushi Hospital.” He said .

*He stated that Luano in general did not have a first level hospital. And announced that Government would this year build a first level Hospital for the people in Luano.*

” We will position a first level Hospital strategically so that the Zonal facilities that receive referras from the Health posts are able to pour into the first level Hospital. Luano will need a fast tracked infrastructure expansion program in order to reduce inequalities and ensure that access to health for all becomes a reality. ” He said .

” For starters, Chingombe area is a facility that provides health services to a very broad catchment. Yes the population is 3200, but the distances people move to access the Health Services in some cases beyond 30 kilometers, the geographical challenges which often times involve rivers cutting off certain places from accessing health services requires that we reduce the catchment area for the first level of response.” He said .

And Dr Chilufya announced that the first thing that they would do , would be to upgrade Chingombe in order to reduce on the need for referrals outside Chingombe.

” We are going to Upgrade Chingombe to a Zonal Health Facility. And by upgrading to a Zonal Health Facility, we are going to Improve the establishment. So you will receive more human resource, more nurses, more clinical Staff. Services will be expanded. There will have to be Improved laboratory Services, there must be some form of imaging diagnostic Services. There must be some little theatre were you can do some basic cases and you will only need to refer for major surgical operations.” Said the Minister.

And the Minister of Health, has announced the Upgrading of Mpunde Mission Zonal Health Facility in Kapiri Mposhi, into a first Level Hospital.

The Minister said this when he paid a call on Senior Chief Chipepo .

He stated that President Lungu was determined to ensure access of adequate Health care services for all Zambian’s and Hence he had sent him and his team to ensure that they addressed the challenges of Health Facilities that the people of Senior Chief Chipepo’s area were faced with.

And the Chief stated that he was delighted at the gesture and pledged unflinching support to the leadership of His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu because he was bringing unprecedented development in the nation.

Find Below , a Picture version of the Health Ministers tour of Chingombe Health Facility in Luano and the Visit to Mpunde Mission Zonal Facility.

Minister of Health, MCC Hon. Dr Chitalu Chilufya  in  Luano , Central Province of Zambia
Minister of Health, MCC Hon. Dr Chitalu Chilufya in Luano , Central Province of Zambia
Minister of Health, MCC Hon. Dr Chitalu Chilufya  in  Luano , Central Province of Zambia
Minister of Health, MCC Hon. Dr Chitalu Chilufya in Luano , Central Province of Zambia


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