Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia holds a bilateral meeting with Japan at the Africa-Japan Investment Forum


Part of the Japanese Delegation
Part of the Japanese Delegation

Zambia has held a bilateral meeting with Japan at the Africa-Japan Investment Forum held at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Mines Minister Richard Musukwa led a delegation of Zambian government officials while the Japanese delegation was led by its Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hiroshige Seko.

Speaking during the meeting, Mr. Musukwa mentioned that government was promoting mineral exploration for the development of both small and large scale mining operations in order to increase employment generation and business opportunities for the local people.

He said mining was at the center of Zambia’s industrialization and job creation strategy as reflected in the seventh National Development Plan, therefore, the provision of geological information was central to the growth of the sector.

Mr. Musukwa expressed gratitude to the Japanese government for collaborating with Zambia to help generate geological information through a Japanese firm called JOGMEC, noting that this move will enhance Zambia’s vast mineral potential.

He noted that the collaboration between the two countries will help increase capacity and investment in Zambia’s mining sector as it will facilitate for transfer of technology that will enable the country utilize its mineral resource in creating an industrial base for manufacturing sector and value addition.

And Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hiroshige Seko says his government was happy to partner with the Zambian Government to bring development and enhance trade volumes both in trade and mining sector.

He said Japan was the world’s leading manufacturer of battery solutions for cars, mobile phones and computers and wanted to invest in the production of copper and cobalt.

He said his government was keen to support investment in the exploration, mining and smelting of copper and cobalt facilities

Mines Minister Richard Musukwa at the meeting with the Japanese Officials
Mines Minister Richard Musukwa at the meeting with the Japanese Officials


  1. All because of the leadership and guidance of his excellence President Lungu

    The Greatest President we have ever had people



  2. “Mr. Musukwa mentioned that government was promoting mineral exploration for the development of both small and large scale mining operations in order to increase employment generation and business opportunities for the local people.”
    And this is why you get the short end of the stick you empty tins…surely what employment opportunity would locals enjoy from mineral exploration apart from digging hole…be smart when dealing with investors

  3. Please CUT ties with JAPAN , OTHERWISE CHINA WILL WITHDRAW ALL THE SUPPORT ITS GIVING TO ZAMBIA, chinese will even stop driving Government vehicles and will withdraw Lusaka ndola double tobela road, luska airport, ndola etc

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