Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Vedanta resources announces CEO-Africa Base Metals


Vedanta Resources announced the appointment of Ms Deshnee Naidoo, as the Chief Executive Officer – Africa Base Metals. Ms Naidoo’s appointment signals the Vedanta group’s ongoing commitment to enhancing its African operations, and will seek to identify and drive synergies across these operations in terms of operational excellence, procurement, marketing,people development, and the investment in communities, in line with the group’s vision of business with purpose.

Ms Naidoo will combine the leadership of Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), in Zambia, and Vedanta Zinc International (VZI), in South Africa and Namibia, as well as Copper Mines of Tasmania. In this role she will also assume responsibility of Chief Executive Officer, KCM and will drive synergies across ZI and KCM. Ms Naidoo’s appointment coincides with the departure of Steven Din, KCM’s current CEO, who will leave Vedanta group this July.
Ms Naidoo joined Vedanta Resources in 2014 with over 20 years’ experience in the resources industry, including platinum, thermal coal and manganese. Prior to joining the Vedanta Group, she was Chief Financial Officer of Anglo American Thermal Coal, South Africa. As CEO of VZI
she has led the development of the US$400 million Gamsberg Project, which will come into production in mid-2018, as well as the development of the Pit 112 Project at Skorpion Zinc.

Chairman of Vedanta Resources, Mr. Anil Agarwal commented, ‘’Deshnee has successfully brought on new production at Gamsberg and won the respect and confidence of the teams that she leads.I’m delighted that we have a woman leader from Africa at the helm of our African operations. We have
strong ambitions for our business in Africa and Deshnee is committed to deliver on these.’’

KCM is one of the most attractive resource assets in the world with potential to reach 400 ktpa of integrated copper production in the near term. The Southern African operations have the potential to become one of the largest zinc producing regions in the world, while the investment
in KCM will enable Zambia to become the largest copper-producing country in Africa.Speaking about Steven’s move, Mr. Agarwal said, “We warmly thank Steven for all his valuable contribution to Vedanta and KCM over the last four years, where he successfully steered the business
through one of the major copper price slumps. He enhanced the safety culture and initiated a programme to transform KCM and aligned the workforce to Vedanta’s vision to produce 400,000 tonnes Copper. I wish him every good fortune and thank him for his services to Vedanta, KCM and to the communities in the Copperbelt and Zambia. Steven’s departure from KCM creates the opportunity for Deshnee to step into the CEO – KCM role whilst the larger Africa role enables more collaboration and synergies across the continent and Southern Africa”.


    • It is time young Africans rose to the occasion, our leaders have let us down in each and every sector of our existence.

    • Vedanta have mismanaged KCM from the get go.
      They bring CEOs who are clueless about mining. I remember their first C E O was some accountant who never went underground and was only concerned about the bottom line and parameters he only read about from auditors reports. He was a disaster.
      A CEO of KCM must have hands on experience of mining or mineral processing not some fancy MBA.
      Government must INTERVENE.

    • For once I agree with Jay jay
      Zambia is losing big time. Actual Mining is not some retail shop or investment portfolio which can be traded like stocks on Wall Street etc
      Government should stop the rot by Vedanta. Look at First Quantum mines which are run profitably by mining professionals

  1. We warmly thank Steven for all his valuable contribution to Vedanta and KCM over the last four years, where he successfully steered the business…is this true? KCM running a successful business? Contractors and suppliers payments behind by over Six months? Steven was the figure head CEO, Indians calls the shots at KCM. Indians are eating and getting fat while everyone else in Zambia working for contractors at KCM are starving. SAD!

    • Steven is gone now, you can look for another shoe to bootlick…I bet Ms Naidoo will come with her own from Mumbai.

  2. This is all hogwash KCM is one of the worst mining giants in Zambia. You certainly can not compare it to Lumwana, FQM, and Kalumbila. Chingola is now a ghost town, full of potholes, dust in the town center everywhere. I wonder why this Din should be emulated when all he has brought is untold sufferings to contractors, late payment of whats due to them. This is a load of nonsense. They bring in an Indian after the dust has settled since Sata fired the foolish Indian. They have brought in an expert in tax evasion and extortionist in order to make Indian again rich Gupta style.

  3. Male or female still Indian and not African. Only our own kind and Kin like Jesus shall care for us. Let us be realistic Africans. Since when has India ever really liked our whole continent?

    • An Indian would never trust a black African simply go to shops in Kamwala and see for yourself who is behind the till…even a shop that’s been in operation since 1964, you will find their Grandma is operating the till or they blacks just lift things like those Delhi elephants in India…no value addition whatsoever all money is externalized or kept under the bed or invested in Gold from their own.

    • Well said jay jay. I have always wondered why Zambian labor minister has never done anything about that. Kaunda was the cause of that rot. These are the people ZRA should clamp down on.

    • Honestly though… among fellow zambians, whom can we really entrust with money? From presidents to house maids, only in Zambia do we say, we’ve been robbed by our own… and by foreigners.

      The blame game, with no glimmer of light!

  4. I wish married Zambian women were putting on the bindi (red dot) vermilion on their forehead like Hindu women so that we identify them at lodges & hotels…

    • India has the highest number of whorees on the planet. How do they identify theirs with their bindi vermilion? Stop insulting our Zambian and African women to prop up others.

  5. Who down voted my comment? kikikiki. The Nigerians, Egyptians and even Ethiopians control their economies. Why should we be proud of our own, not always praising people Chiluba and HH sold our mines for pennies. Until then Zambia shall not develop. You think indians like you?

    Contractors are not paid in time. KCM is now a shadow of its former self.
    Honourable Minister of Mines INTERVENE.
    The 2015 Act empowers you and your Directors to arrest the decline at KCM.
    The CEO girl is the last insult

    • Shoprite, Gamestores, Choppers have done it ….why are they different? The reason is simple..these people do not want to invest in people, new tech…simply want to take out!!

  7. Dear Zambian Brothers,
    The fault is with our Immigration Department and Educational Institution.
    On February 2, 2017 Lusaka times News reported Government halts extension of Conditional Work Permits for Expatriates.
    Now the Conditional Work Permits for Expatriates Approval and Extension is the Priority work.
    I have sent emails to many news papers , NIPA , ZICA, UNZA administration department to go an verify why the Immigration Department of Zambia is giving extension and removing Conditions from Conditional Work Permits for Expatriates.
    Home affair Minister responded on tweet of February 2, 2017 that please report the specific cases.
    I have reported 2 but no favorable result. In fact process of Extension of Conditional Work Permits for Expatriates got expedited.
    The Following…

  8. are the Expatriates for whom the Extension of Conditional Work Permits for Expatriates got expedited.

    In a Retail Pharmacy
    Expatriate Employee : Pravin Chopade
    Employment Permit file no : C-091/2014 (EMP034574)
    Designation : Business Development Manager
    Expatriate Passport : L5259099
    EMP Valid upto : 26/07/2018 extension will be given on 17/05/2018 meeting of Immigration
    The Education is Bachelor of Commerce and Diploma in Management.

    We have many Candidates who have passed out from ZICA , UNZA, NIPA and Cavendish university.
    Zambianisation is just a myth.
    How this person is suitable for the Business Development of a Pharmacy. His Bio-data says…

  9. Customers and handling (is he a Pharmacist ?)
    Health-Care processing
    Shipping Invoicing
    online projects over Citrix or VPN
    Internal Auditor position
    insurance claim
    software development,
    software support services
    Cashier Shift Report
    inventory Management.
    attending customer calls
    providing requisite information to customers
    Handling couriers
    administrative Works,
    Keeping File Records
    other inventories
    Data entry
    teach basic computer applications
    handle software debugging team

    CASE : II
    Expatriate Employee : Shahita Chopade
    Employment Permit file no : C-092/14
    Designation : Project Manager
    Expatriate Passport : J5509235
    EMP Valid…

  10. EMP Valid upto : 26/06/2018 Extended up to 26/06/2020 on 15/05/2018

    The Education is Bachelor of Commerce and Diploma in Management.

    Receiving of Orders
    send the Quotation and getting the approval
    Quality Assurance ( is this correct experience for a B.Com graduate)
    conduct the Inspection
    sample to the lab for testing purpose
    update all the data in the system (commercial software)
    issue the Invoice to the client
    courier the Hard copy of Original Certificate and Invoice to the client
    follow up for the payments

    Now If we are Zambian lets go the following office and ask why this has been granted to Expatriate who was holding Conditional permit.
    Where the initial Permit was granted without proper formalities
    No Advertise were put in…

  11. news paper for these positions , no Zambian candidates were interviewed.

    The Director General of Immigration
    Immigration Headquarters
    Kent Building
    Haile Selassie Road
    P.O. Box 50300
    Lusaka, Zambia

    Tel: +260 211 255282 (Public Relations Office)
    +260 211 252622(Customer Service Center)
    Tel. +260 211 221434

    We do not get such chance every now and then then please unite together to fight for Zambiansation.

  12. Luhana. Why should Zambianisation be restricted to work permits ?

    Zambianisation programme :

    Shoprite. Pick n Pay. Spar. All must go. Zambians can run retail stores

    Airtel MTN must go. Use Zamtel

    DSTV must go. We have ZNBC

    CocaCola. Pepsi must go. We have Local drinks

    Seedco and all must go. We have Zamseed

    FACT : What Zambianisation ???HAHAHA. The Zambian himself likes foreign stuff and wont stand up for his own country.

    So why make a fuss over foreign workers when you embrace EVERYTHING else Foreign ?

  13. Kwena tuli fipuba fwe bena Zambia eeeh!! Cacine Zambia butala bwa cipuba! Can we please repossess the Mines and rebuild our Copperbelt towns all over again. ZCCM is still running and we have plenty indigenous mining professionals who are by far more competent than these shopkeepers. When are we going to develop our country kanshi???

  14. We have so many Zambians in these companies but they are never given chance.We are not smart ourselves.We have immigration policies that do not work.

  15. Brian luhana reporting these indians looks like sour grapes to me.
    work hard my brother so you also get recognised.
    i rest my case!
    viva PF more money in your pockets…i warned you but you guys did not believe>>>>

  16. So much wealth but non benefit the majority of the citizens and country is in debt hahaha You can only laugh at the stupidity of African leaders.

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