Saturday, July 27, 2024

Commonwealth Secretary General commends Zambia for enacting the National Health Insurance law


Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland with Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya
Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland with Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya

Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland has commended Zambia for enacting the National Health Insurance law.

Ms. Scotland says the National Health Insurance Scheme is a key ingredient in helping Zambia achieve Universal Health Coverage.

The NHI will pool resources that are key in implementing various quality health interventions. She congratulated Zambia for being in the frontline in the Commonwealth countries’ quest to achieve Universal Health Coverage.

Ms Scotland said this in Geneva – Switzerland ahead of the 71st World Health Assembly which opens tomorrow.

Ms. Scotland is however concerned that so many young people are dying prematurely from Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) due to unhealthy lifestyles.

She has called on Commonwealth countries to aggressively fight NCDs which has proved to be a threat to social and economic development of member states.

Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya said Zambia is on firm track towards achieving Universal Health Coverage.

Dr. Chilufya said the acknowledgement by the Commonwealth of Zambia’s push for Universal Health Coverage through enactment of the National Health Insurance law is highly commendable.

This is according to a statement issued by Stanslous Ngosa Head Communications and External Relations at the Ministry of Health.


    • But Chilufya is more concerned about marijuana…honestly how can this be priority when hundreds of people in Zambia are dying from preventable and treatable conditions daily? Dobo!!

  1. National health insurance is recognised the world over as a fundamental and progressive instrument for improving health. PF got this historic decision right.

  2. Let’s continue to improve on anything that the NHI might have shortcomings on so that we can actually provide affordable, quality healthcare for all. In the same vein, let’s make it in such a way that the informal sector is roped in and enabled to participate so that the collections base is widened and the formal sector is relieved somewhat. I have absolutely no problem with the initiative if it addresses any shortcomings going forward.

  3. Ba Madam Secretary General, for your information the nature of the Insurance Companies that we have here in Zambia are the most exploitative in the world!You can be on a policy for 20 years and not even with no claim and yet they will not even reward you for the years of being a loyal customer. Take third Party Car Insurance, in Zambia this is daylight robbery- so many vehicle owners have been paying for years without making claims yet they receive no rewards- the Govt should open the local insurance market to foreign players who are able to provide better insurance policies than these thieving chaps!

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