Saturday, July 27, 2024

North Western Province will soon be number two contributors to tax revenue-Mutati


Works and Supply Minister Felix Mutati
Works and Supply Minister Felix Mutati

Works and Supply Minister Felix Mutati has projected that North Western Province will surpass one of the top two provinces in taxes contributions (Lusaka and Copperbelt) due to the infrastructure development which is slowly taking shape in the Province.

Responding to North Western Province Permanent Secretary Ephraim Mateyo who updated the Minister on the number of developmental projects which are near completion and those that have been completed after he paid a courtesy call on the Provincial Administration in Solwezi on Saturday, Mutati said the infrastructure which is being put up in the Province will not only improve service delivery in the province but add to the country’s confers.

He explained that the efficiency that will be created by the Chingola-Solwezi Road will translate itself in the acceleration of cash follows for the mining sector in North Western Province thereby contribute to the country’s economy as mines will not only boost production but be able to pay their royalties sooner rather than later.

“We are quiet happy with your leadership in the various development projects that are happening in North Western Province in particular your stubborn leadership in ensuring that road from Solwezi to Chingola is worked on at a faster pace including the role you played in ensuring that North Western Province is connected to the national grid and I think you deserve the title of Grand Commander of Distinguished Services.

“And I think that when we talk about growing the economy, when we talk about turning the wheels of GDP including creating jobs including diversifing the economy it is by investing in solid infrastructure. The efficiency that will be created by the Chingola-Solwezi Road will translate itself in the acceleration of cash flows for our colleagues in the mining sector here in North Western Province and therefore we will be able to collect our royalties a little sooner rather than later and I think it is a motivation also to the mining sector to boost their production.

“So as Government we shall invest in infrastructure, we are trying to walk on that path to realise vision 2030 and I think North Western remains the new hub of economic activity and I dare say that in terms of contribution to taxes apart from the Copperbelt and Lusaka North Western is the biggest contributer to the treasury and I think very soon it will over take one of these two provinces because of the infrastructure being worked on,” said Mutati.

And Mutati commended the provincial administration for ensuring that government motor vehicles were not being abused.

“I also want to take a leaf from you PS that you can’t have a system without controls and the reason we have come here is very simple that we need to re-enforce the control mechanisms that you are already putting in place, the control mechanism that we have been pleased with in this province particularly in terms of minimising the abuse in terms of use of government motor vehicles.

“This Province has registered progress even before we visited them through your leadership this programme had already started and effectively so. You have put in place control mechanisms to ensure that the little resource that we generate as an economy is prudently applied,” he said

Earlier the provincial PS reported that only 10 Kilometres of the Solwezi-Chingola road was remaining which is earmarked for completion at the monthend of July 2018 and that all the districts in the province have now been connected to the national grid among many tangible developments in the Province.

North Western Province Permanent Secretary Ephraim Mateyo
North Western Province Permanent Secretary Ephraim Mateyo
Works and Supply Minister Felix Mutati  with North Western Province Permanent Secretary Ephraim Mateyo
Works and Supply Minister Felix Mutati with North Western Province Permanent Secretary Ephraim Mateyo


  1. Felix can’t let taxes go out of his mind.
    we have never noticed anything done by Margeret up to now.
    But Felix has shaken government drivers.

    • Isn’t Mutati “Minister of Works and Supply”? Why is he trespassing? And why should he not be caged – meaning “restrained,” so he is not seen to step on the toes of other Ministers?

    • MUTATI, a loser who can’t see beyond Taxes & putting future generations into unsustainable Debt.

      Now taxes from N/Western province will be diverted to failed White Elephant projects n Muchinga & Eastern provinces while N/western remains rural. We need a law where a percentage of taxes raised in a province should be spent in that particular province & balance remitted to central Govt.

      Otherwise lazy parts of the country will benefit at the expense of hard workers just becoz the ruling party draws its support from there.

  2. Says someone with a lot more guess work than any quantifiable reason why.

    Him and Lusambo are a little overzealous and I think they are positioning themselves for election as President, nothing wrong with that, but if this is what you country can offer- we are in trouble

    Zambians are backwards very backwards – I wouldn’t date one



  3. “…..and therefore we will be able to collect our royalties a little sooner rather than later and I think it is a motivation also to the mining sector to boost their production….”

    Is that all Zambians can realise and wait for ? Comon PF , start creating industries.
    We seriously need to look at our import manifest and start targeted substitution to start local industrial base.

  4. There we go again, Mama Mushota with her serious illness of FACTIOUS disorder lamenting on some not based on factual basis but just her little sick opinion.

    • My friend you are dealing with a blogger’s account with multi Admin users hence the split personalities…you will simply tire yourself.

  5. “He explained that the efficiency that will be created by the Chingola-Solwezi Road will translate itself in the acceleration of cash follows for the mining sector in North Western Province..”
    Surely how much money has been wasted and stolen on this road by RDA and these thieves had to take FQM to jump in…if this govt would have known its importance this road would have been completed long time ago below budget…

    • @JJ,
      Indeed. If there any road that has been talked about, it’s this road. I am surprised they keep talking about it.
      That is where we need “Actions and No talk” and not when planting trees. Where is “action” here, honestly?…bla…bla..

    • They are not even embarrassed to talk about this road as it had to take one of the biggest taxpayer FQM to use its own money and machinery to assist …you wonder why they even pay tax if you can not deliver services without stealing!!

  6. We are already in trouble with those we currently have. No need even to wait for Felix or Lusambo. Unless one is incapable of critically evaluating the current situation.

    The Chingola-Solwezi Road has been critical since 40 years ago when the Pineapple processing factory in Mwinilunga was opened. Lack of priority among Zambian leaders, we are still talking about that road now. I wonder when the Solwezi-Zambezi road will ever be finished.

  7. Mutati wants to be called “Minister General.” Was he not demoted recently from a more prestigious ministerial position?

    • The problem Mutati has is that he is a honest hard worker among petty thieves… he knows Lazy Lungu is a hopeless leader…they only thing Lazy Lungu is good at is handwriting with a ballpoint pen!!

    • Jay Jay……….You CLEARLY DO NOT FELIX MUTATI. This man is CROOK he was removed from MOF coz he rubbed someone wrongly. He is just as dirt as the other lot!!

  8. @gen kanene for your own information solwezi Zambezi chavuma road was completed way back! Its only solwezi chingola which is 90%.

    • @Grandson, thanks I must have missed that one. But still, that does not change my opinion on that 10% remaining of Chingola – Solwezi.
      Again, it has been a talk since the Kaunda era. We shouldn’t be talking about this road now.

  9. Adamson Mushala contributed to the slowdown of development of this province, KK and his ministers were scared of his activities. The only disappointing news is that of some traditional grouping demanding that only Kaonde, Lunda, Luvale and other locals must get employed this region. North Westerners are everywhere, Jean Kapata is even an MP in Soliland. I think that’s a wrong way of advocating for local empowerment.

  10. Why can’t ZCCM-IH open up Mwinilunga for mining, it has more copper deposits than Solwezi. It’s likely there may even be diamonds, if there are diamonds across the border what can stop them from being found here? After all it’s the same one body

  11. All the taxes paid will eventually go to pay debt that was used to develop elite provinces while NW remain an over milked cow that can hardly suckle its malnurished cafs.

  12. 10 % of the road remaining, to be complered by July 2018. Now that is tremendous progress, thank PS Ephraim Mateyo for that work. And government too, but look at me, PS is governmenr isn’t he?
    And the completed road is beautiful, I drove on it half way two months ago when I ventured from Lusaka. It’s a wow!!

  13. Mushota ama shift yalamwipaya. Chil honey. The old people here are stressful in the old people’s homes. Let Nick work more. Tell him that’s how things work in Zambia. Otherwise ditch him. There are loads of Zambian eligibles , I’ll link you up babe. You can’t continue like this.

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