Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Edgar Lungu castigates those attacking him for taking development to places he lost in the elections


President Edgar Lungu holding Solwezi Triplets at the airport, Two Girls and one boy named after him and first lady Madam Esther and Vice President Madam Inonge – Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/State house 31-05-2018

President Edgar Lungu has castigated those that are in the tendency of saying that taking development to areas which did not give the Patriotic Front many votes was a waste of time because as far as he was concerned, he has had an inescapable duty to take development to each corner of the land as a head of state.

Speaking when he arrived to at Solwezi Airport in North Western Province yesterday afternoon, President Lungu stated that he acknowledged that he was Party President for the PF and therefore owed it to his members to make them happy but at the same time stated that he had a broader responsibility to the People of Zambia to ensure they all partook in the national cake, by extending his development agenda to the entire nation.

The President stated that his role was to ensure that he struck a realistic balance between being the President for the PF Party and President of the Republic of Zambia.

President Lungu was appalled by the level of cheap politics that some of the opposition Political players were engaging in, stating that it was laughable that the opposition were going to PF strongholds and telling the People that voted for him that he was neglecting them and taking development to areas were he got the least votes.

“UPND has a base in Southern Province and I’ve been taking development there, and they are laughing at me . UPND is very strong in North Western Province and I bring development here and they are laughing at me . They are going to Luapula, Muchinga, Easten and telling the People that if you had not voted for Lungu, he would have brought development here. In North Western Province, he is taking development. So, don’t vote for Lungu in Luapula, Muchinga, Easten and Northern Province. Now, what sense is that?”

“What will Zambia become if I start to take development only to the places where I was voted for? My role is to distribute development equitably and evenly across the board. And it’s upto you to vote for me or not in 2021. If you don’t want, fine, I will still win anyway. Yes, I won without your votes from here. And I can still win again. So when I come here, just accept me and let’s work together period. You are dealing with a Civilized Person . If you had voted for an idiot in Statehouse, I would have said I won’t even take development to North Western Province. Yes I want to repeat this. Because People are laughing at me in the Party saying ulunkonena lwa musangoifi lwa Shani kanshi? Finshi bakupela ku North Western Province ifyo ubwelela kofye lyonse.?” Said the President. [ What did North Western Province give you and why doyou keep going back? ]

And President Lungu stated that the real mark of leadership was in a person’s ability to learn from others. The President stated that one could not be a leader unless he was ready to be led and guided, adding that patience paid and that it was his patience that had seen him were he was today as President.

The President stated that there where many who had been vying for the position of President even before he became a Minister but that chances were they would never even be President because of their attitude.

And the Provincial Minister for North Western Province, Nathaniel Mubukwanu stated that North Western Province was delighted to yet again receive the Head of State on this visit. Hon Mubukwanu stated that President Lungu had visited North Western Province more than any other Province since his election as REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.

“That CLEARLY demonstrates the Passion that you have for this Province Your Excellency. The President doesn’t believe in Monitoring Projects through reports . He preferred to come and see for himself,” he added.

And Hon. Mubukwanu stated that the Presidents visits were paying dividends to the province and announced that the Chingola / Solwezi road only had 3.5 kilometres before completion.

“As a matter of fact, the contractor’s have assured us that come July, that road will be handed over to Government. And that your EXCELLENCY is due to the leadership you have provided, ” he said.

President Lungu is in North Western Province to inspect development projects as well as grace the Meet the President dinner before he returns back to Lusaka on Saturday, June 2, 2018.

President Lungu on Arrival in Solwezi
President Lungu on Arrival in Solwezi
President Lungu on Arrival in Solwezi
President Lungu on Arrival in Solwezi
President Lungu on Arrival in Solwezi
President Lungu on Arrival in Solwezi


  1. He shouldn’t respond to allegations.

    He is alpha and the omega in Zambia.

    His is the job every nonentity in here wish someone they knew had.

    On behalf of all Zambians and everyone here we wish the president well and wish him the best of lucky for the upcoming elections in 2021.

    If all of us Zambians had it our way, it’s not far fetched we would prefer Lungu to lead us forever like Kaunda at one time.

    I have a PhD



    • Lungu is an “F’ing corrupt twat who has only taken his F-ing corrupt body to Solwezi and he won’t be ruling nobody for ‘F’ing ever. So shut the F-ing up! I am sick of a guy of questionable character and a drunk suddenly seeming as if he was Zinidine Zidane.

    • @1.1 There are times when you really need to look hard at yourself and assess your own self whether you are better in any way than those you keep despising and insulting. Your own character reveals a lot in the manner you look and respond to others. Good luck to you.

    • What development? Maybe he meant he’s also taking debt to areas which did not give vote for PF.

      Alungu, just sit down and continue STEALING, that’s what you’re skilled at. I also blame the Lafarge widow you stole K36000 from. If she had reported you to police, you would have been in jail now & we, our kids, grand-kids & future generations would have been saved from $-BILLIONS of unsustainable reckless debt for useless white-elephant projects.

    • @1.2 If you think you’re pastor Bushiri or Pastor Mboro this is not a godamn church and church gatherings are either tomorrow or Sunday. I might even be there so let’s stop this friction so that we have less confessions to make tomorrow or Sunday

    • Please Mushota, stop exposing yourself about your mental deficiency… PhD=Physical hallucination Disease

    • This is all his good for making silly irrelevant statements on airport tarmacs and cheating illiterate villagers…is it your money to decide? You have lamentably failed to clear yourself of anything…

    • The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise can be counted on to count well. They know what they need and in cases where they miss the point, they have a canning ability to self-correct.

      I have said it before and I will say it again; as the last standing UNIPist, the entire country is in safe hands with ECL at the helm. He has a steady hand with an IQ his detractors just dream of.

      I am ECL’s Number 1 fan; I have never even met the guy and I give credit where it’s due and anytime he has messed up, I have been the first to point out … Heaven help us all.

      This breed of Africans called Zambians are simply the best ~ B R Mumba, Sr

    • As a President the fact that People can even have the guts to bring such trash in discussion with You Mr ECL says alot about you. Zambians are all tax payers and deserve a fair receipt of government resources the fact that this even constitutes part of your narrative is a Shame! You want to appear that you are the alpha and Omega over our resources and thus u can use them as tools to punish and reward is appalling. PLEASE never bring it back in addressing people just tell People what u have done and what you plan to do for them going forward. It is our MONEY. And some misguided people say you are humble ???

  2. “Solwezi defector are sorry for not voting for ECL”.A constitutional right is a right no matter your intelligence, or competence. Ignorant, or not, you have the right to vote guaranteed by the Zambian Constitution. Restricting that right positively undermines everyone’s right to vote. Let the ignorant vote, but be sure you vote to counteract those votes. The right of suffrage should not be taken for granted at any time.
    But let’s assume for the sake of argument that a voting test could be administered without tribal bias or bias against other characteristics, such as region or religion. There’s still the risk of ideological bias. I just have to look at the previous voting pattern to see the danger of giving one group of people the power to determine who can and cannot vote: right now,…

    • CONT’D…
      I just have to look at the previous voting pattern to see the danger of giving one group of people the power to determine who can and cannot vote: right now, a chunk of my Tonga fanatics are accusing Bemba thieves of being ignorant/ fascist.

  3. he should take development to every place but first it mus be to a jew(those who are of his house). let him develop copper-belt, muchinga, northern, Lusaka, central and eastern first.

  4. Thats the problem with our leaders,as educated as he is he can only politic.Why even expose his divisive rhetoric all he is showing is that he has the power to sideline other province based on vindictiveness.He is also implying that he has already won the 2021 elections and does not need the NW votes or rather they need him more than he needs them….thats the the arrogant humble man we have for a kateka

    • I wonder why Lazy Lungu became president as he thinks his role is to travel and issue statements on airport tarmacs….or even dress up as a bin man and remove rubbish.

  5. The truth is that many corners of Zambia have never seen any ‘massive’ development always being talked about by politicians.

  6. How does he know that he going to stand and later alone win even without the votes from NW? He has let a cat out of the bag, he knows about the concourt verdict already that he will go for a third term? People must surely read his mind through his utterances.We do not hate you sir as a person, what we don’t like is corruption, embezzlement, thuggery etc if indeed you are educated as you claim, why then have you surrounded your self with the likes of Sikazwe, kaizer, kamypongo, amos, Dora, these zealots have nothing to offer but will destroy you in the end.

  7. This Kateka is not at peace with himself and he is petty to say the least!
    You are called President of Zambia which includes opposition strongholds! You made an oath by the bible to defend the constitution and as provided for under the Bill of Rights, you are mandated to take development to all regardless who voted for you! It’s not something we need to be emotional about!
    Instead of diverting our attention from your Corruption, please say something about the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) report of 2017 Corruption, Money Laundering and Tax Evasion by your government! You also owe us answers about your dealings with Eswatini and AVIC! Stop irritating Zambians further with your petty talk!

  8. But president sir whats wrong with u not giving the roads to pipo of nchelenge,chiengi & kaputa? But u are busy boasting their that u are taking development to all corners..

    • Yes very true, the PF have done nothing in Luapula as far as road development is concerned. Do not think that the people of Luapula are dull, remember that they easily change. You have given Dundumwenzi a road and yet you have done no road development in Luapula. There are a number of roads to be done in Luapula such as
      1. Tuta- Milenge
      2. Samfya- Lubwe
      3. Nchelenge- Chiyenji
      4. Mansa – Milambo
      5. Chipili – Kawambwa
      6. Mansa – Matanda etc.
      Just think of it , from 1964 independencece these roads have remained unattended to. And I just wonder why these MPs from Luapula dont talk in parliament. These are things they should be talking about in parliament.
      So PF, be weary, the opposition may sway away the Luapula Voters because it is so clear that you have neglected the Province. It…

    • I’ve just come from Luapula and didn’t see anything different from other provinces. The mokambo road has got only 12km to complete plus the mumembe bridge which has been done but only remaining for the road to be joined to it.

  9. Go and see Solwezi air strip. One will cry its state of affairs. Build a proper airport while the copper mines are booming. North Western politicians are sleeping. I was there recently and almost cried when I saw the state of infrastructure at the air strip. Build it like Livingstone airport while money is there.

    • They won’t improve Solwezi airport because IMF is not able to lend them some funds. It is even shocking to read that placard sending an apologetic message kuli bamwine for not voting for him in 2016 when the airport on which they are standing is pathetic to say the least yet that’s the region that runs the economy of the country

  10. I hate Lungu and HH imposing themselves on Zambians thinking they can change people’s lives. Lungu as President has a chance but hea just stealing HH is just a capitalist twat. Zambians can run their own lives better without these perceived leaders who cannot serve the citizens.

  11. Lungu is so petty and a very corrupt and morally bankrupt individual……to be brining up such decisive issues.

    The man is far from being a statement but is a common chawama tarven fraudster…

    • Is this the same guy who is alleged to have stolen the identity of another person? You’re right he has no moral compass to be speaking for the great citizenry of our great Land. This is a joke similar to Valentine Chitalu preaching about how to succeed as a CEO when you are just a petty thief.

  12. A socalled senior lamba citizen was on radio Icengelo yesterday claiming that the lambaland has been neglected because it’s opposition held. I wanted 1) To remind him that Kafulafuta and Masaiti are PF 2)To remind him that even if the area was opposition held, they still receive CDF just like any other area so what does the opposition do with this money 3) To remind him that even in colonial days the area received very minimal development so what would be the problem. 3) To advise him not to say Mwanawasa built the Chembe bridge because that’s being tribal and besides at that time Luapula had given Mwanawasa overwhelming votes.

  13. The two guys are a scandal. Lungu thinks he’s Donald Trump and HH thinks he’s Kim Jon UN and there on and off dialogue Will be the biggest thing ever seen by humanity. Lungu, Trump, HH and Kim go away! The world just needs a fresh hero/heroine.

    • Grow up you sound like an empty head. Oops you are.

      Go and find a better job for heavens sake.

      Just go away anywhere just uck off for heavens sake.

      I wouldn’t go out with a guy who thinks the way you think if your typing is anything to by.

      You make that jay jay moron sound intelligent. Grow up and stay out this.

      This is not a kids play



    • Grow up you sound like an empty head. Oops you are.

      Go and find a better job for heavens sake.

      Just go away anywhere just uck off for heavens sake.

      I wouldn’t go out with a guy who thinks the way you think if your typing is anything to by.

      You make that jay jay moron sound intelligent. Grow up and stay out this.

      This is not a kids play



    • You have a PhD is missing.Oops! I am not thinking of ‘going out’. I am already “out’. Thanks for thinking of me that way. Try Jay jay, morons are nice. Junior and Nostradamus are all options. By the way what’s up with Nick? For me a ‘side dish’ would be Nubian Princess.

  14. That is a landmark gesture your Honour! A big trait of good leadership. At least people will appreciate you as President and as an individual. People can even change position.

  15. I cant believe hh’s cadres are still talking about ‘Countdown’. How many times are u going to count down? Why dont u try zimbabwe maybe coz zambia is a blessed land which can only be ruled by pipo with 5 senses

  16. Development should not and should never be tied to votes. Those of you who think that development will come to you because you voted for a particular candidate should know that you are stupid. Why m’i saying this? I’m saying this because when it comes to paying taxes, every one contributes to the national cake. If you say that those who voted for the opposition should not receive development then, exempt them from paying taxes or allow them to pay taxes to the party they voted for. I tell you if this happens, no one will cry foul. But as long as the monies in the national treasure comes from every citizen this remains mandatory. I do not think there is any wisdom worth praise here. This is not anybody’s choice. This is why the constitution is very clear on this.

  17. There is no logic by anyone thinking that only voters of a particular candidate should receive development. To start with all the citizens pay taxes whether in the opposition or not. The taxes the citizens pay, part of it goes to the salary of this president. Meaning that even the opposition taxes paid goes towards the salary of the president and even to the areas where they voted for him. In short it is not a favour, everyone deserves it. I know that some of earning from copper in Northwestern have been used to build universities and other developmental projects in the ruling party’s strongholds. In short the national treasure to which everyone contributes doe not belong to a particular political party to deserve development alone. Are you that dull to understand this.

  18. What a load of bu.ll he speaks. He undertakes these relentless tours to campaign, end of. He ‘takes development’ all over the country? How? – and those ‘reverse psychology’ assertions about the opposition, really? He is the initiator/creator and monitor of all ‘development’? What do all the provincial ffimo fimo and technocrats that he appoints, do?

  19. KK – what is land mark about this ? Paying people from the funds they contribute? The people of NW are tax payers but when it comes to elections they vote for anyone of their choice and still be entitled to development because it their money they pay to the national treasure and it is not a favour. When these people are campaigning, they tell us what they will do with the money we contribute to the national treasure and they do not spend a ngwee from their monies. Even if they borrow, they borrow on our behalf and we are the people who pay back those loans. When they work, we pay them so what should thank them for? This is the challenge Africa is facing today. To dance for a president because he has done a road the work for which he was employed. My employers do not dance for me. They pay…

  20. Thank you your excellence, to us with heart for Zambia we don’t feel happy quarreling in politics for we are interested in development of out Great Nation Zambia!

  21. But ba upnd cadres and their retarded brains. If The President were a bad leader, then h.h has to be many times bad. So ama halfwits ba jjjj naba Spaka lilo nabanenu, in your opinion is h.h a potential alternative leader for Zambia or even a potential alternative to ECL? As you answer also tell us about his mission to achieve a tonga presidency in Zambia.
    Can h.h fight corruption when he brought renowned corrupt Zesco poles “tenderpreneur” and Defence “maize deals” GBM next to him as running mate?

  22. Am a north Western resident and am so Happy with the development the president has brought… He has changed the face of solwezi. Yes it’s tax money but the president has power to take it to other places he wishes. For him to choose North western we say thank u…since this has been our cry and you have heard us, we shall also remember you in our voting… Thank you

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