Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND will work hard to preserve national heritage when it forms Government-HH


HH at Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.
HH at Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema says his party values national heritage and will work to preserve it when it forms government.

Mr Hichilema was speaking during this year’s Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.

He stated that the UPND remains committed to turning the traditional ceremony into a tourist attraction.

“This is an area where funds were raised to enable our country’s First President Kenneth Kaunda, Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and other freedom fighters to travel to the United Kingdom to broker our country’s independence,” Mr Hichilema said.

He recounted that private meetings were held in this area and cattle sold from across Southern Zambia to raise money for air tickets and allowances which enabled founding fathers to travel abroad in pursuit of independence.

“After the sale of cattle, £300 was raised here which saw Dr Kaunda and others travel to UK for independence negotiations. These historic areas are key in upholding the origin of our country’s independence and we shall work round the clock to ensure that Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi occupies its rightful prominent place in Zambia’s history,” he remarked.

Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.
Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.
Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.
Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.
Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.
HH at Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.
Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.
Samu Lya Moomba Lwiindi traditional ceremony in Chieftaincy Choongo in Monze.


    • Well said Mr.President, we need a tourist circuit for all our traditional ceremonies, to bring in revenue and job creation all around the country. To achieve, this need a business minded president

    • “UPND President Hakainde Hichilema says his party values national heritage and will work to preserve it when it forms government.”
      Davis Chama was right:
      “Tongas will one day lead this country. But this will be 100 years from now . The Central statistics office shows that for the Tongas to have enough numbers to provide a president , each man will have to marry three wives and have 8 Children in each one of them. This population will have to grow to a voting age of 18. If they reduce the voting age to 16, then Tongas will have a president in 2066.”

    • HH must make an effort and FREQUENTLY visit chiefs from other parts of Zambia, such as Luapula, Northern, Munchinga and Eastern Province.

      He will never win elections in Zambia by just appeasing Tonga Chiefs. This chap really baffles Zambian by his lack of political strategies. He is like a headless chicken that just got slaughtered.

  1. Well said Mr.President, we need a tourist circuit for all our traditional ceremonies, to bring in revenue and job creation all around the country. To achieve, this need a business minded president

  2. No news here, please. I see people salivating for ka braii but no beef to roast yet there are cows for prestige, yak!!!! Ichilema, you have no news bwana and you just a waste of people’s time.

  3. Stop dream. For how long shall you keep fantasizing

    Already he is facing under current s from within

    To most of us that reject him we find him to be a divisive egocentric maniac dreamer who see s himself as great leader like kim jong un

    • HH as usual enhancing the Tonganess of UPND… was GBM invited I do not see him anywhere here not even a Zambian flag. It must have been a strictly Tonga affair

  4. And is that a flag given to boys.

    Hh listen. Nobody forced sp to sell animals to achieve Zambia independence

    Even now nobody forced you to sell animals to fund upend. Losing animal s to funding politics should not be used as justification.

  5. While I wish the best for our people especially the old women above I feel sorry for the person with a low IQ.

  6. The coworker and Paramount chief (like Paramount Chief of the Namwalans) also dresses in red? Danger, fire, arson.

  7. “ONLY A TONGA MUST LEAD UPND” says Sejani. HH keep on dreaming, that is why you are not normal because any sane politician would have realized that Zambia’s presidency is not meant for you, you are a reject, if you were food only TONGAS could be eating you. HH A THREAT TO ZAMBIA’S PEACE & SECURITY.

  8. “Only a Tonga can be President of UPND,” one leader of UPND had said it clearly. Do you think the contribution from the UPND die hards on this forum strays away from the UPND manifesto of “UPND for Tongas?” You be the judge. @Saimbwende, you are right! UPND is a tribal Horganization masquerading as a party.

  9. Yes, at that time zambia had no wealth to steal like today where pipo who were sleeping in garages being overnight millionaeres. So it fell to the only hard working, rich pipo of southern northern rhodesia, tongas. But even kaunda, like his relative cadres today, has never made mention of this invaluable contribution. As for koswe mupot boys, oh dear. They down play this contribution now that they have stolen so much from “mwibala” they are the new rich men.

  10. HH the privatization, inside trading thief and money laundering thief @HaMukuma, is what you are talking Habout, right?

  11. Sometimes h.h talks in what he thinks are riddles which only his clan can read. But the underfive boy is so simpke to read. His message is simply an attempt to justify the same message from Hackson Hasejani from 2006, that it’s time for atonga president.

    Jj, where are you, here is your chance to cover yourself up, and here you are with lips sealed. Just can’t hide what and whom you stand for, can you?

  12. Indeed directionless upnd, how can h.h be promoting cultural heritage when he is attending a tribal ceremony? Surprisingly no upnd officials accompany him to events these days, like press briefings, ceremonies etc. Are they the ones who he suspects want to take his position? Don’t worry too much h.h, no one wants to take your position, for it leads nowhere. And no one wants to kill you, for it leads nowhere either.

    But I leave the rest to jj, this is well beneath my calibre!

  13. @#27, You are are right. I know of someone who was told he is in Livingstone he must speak Tonga! That was in the national office! Yes, Tonga will become the National language – Offical language!

    • In Southern Province, Tonga is mainly spoken in rural areas. Nyanja is the language spoken in Mazabuka and Monze towns, in Choma, there is Lozi, a bit of Nyanja and pockets of Tonga here and there. Livingstone is mainly Lozi and other languages are rarely heard. This was my experience during my recent visit to Zambia.

  14. Hh shud concentrate on marketing himself in 6.5provinces where he did not do well in 2016,depending on 95percent vote from southern province will not help,it will be the same in 2021,goodlucky.

  15. Our traditional ceremonies have always been strong and are getting strong. They don’t need a power hungry and a tribalist to help them continue.

  16. No, No No, someone got the history wrong. This is where ancestors used to sit to drink beer after a long day of work. There is a hint in the name of the tree (Mooba), which is beer. Isamu lya Mooba simply means Chimutengo cha Mooba, a beer tree. Do you think Dr Kaunda could have sat under a tree to raise money for travel?

  17. UPND will work hard to preserve national heritage IF it forms Government NOT WHEN
    in the meantime we are doing a good job as PF preserving national heritage

  18. As usual, most bloggers here have missed the point. ‘Ba tola ichushi basha umulilo’. What HH has said is exactly what Lungu can say at any tradition ceremony. What wrong message has HH delivered? Please dont hate him simply because he is Tonga. I am Namwanga, and I always stand for the truth.

  19. So a place where politicians used to meet for political meetings and animals sold becomes a traditional ceremony, how?.there are a lot of places where politicians used to meet across the country but we have not turned into traditional ceremony.

  20. Intangible Cultural Heritage (Witchcraft)?
    Ever since prison HH has not been the same.
    No harm to go for Psychoanalysis at Chainama.
    Just a checkup in case Edgar planted some ICH herbs or air in HH’s cell.

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