Wednesday, October 23, 2024

PF picks Miles Sampa for Lusaka Mayor


Miles Sampa
Miles Sampa

The ruling PF has adopted former Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa as its candidate for the vacant post of Lusaka Mayor.

Announcing the development, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila said the PF Central Committee adopted Mr Sampa extensive deliberations.

Mr Mwila said the Central Committee also considered that Mr. Sampa had shown repentance for his past deeds and that the party had forgiven him in the spirit of uniting the Party and embracing new members.

He has since called on all party members to embrace Mr. Sampa.

Below is a full statement from Mr Mwila issued by the PF Media Team

Lusaka, Zambia, 23rd June 2018 – The Secretary General of the Party Hon Davies Mwila wishes to announce that the Central Committee of the Patriotic Front met today, 23rd June 2018 and chaired by the Republican President and Party President His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu to consider applications for adoptions in the Lusaka Mayoral race, Council Chairperson by-elections and local government by-elections.

Following extensive deliberations, the following have been adopted in as Council Chairpersons:

1. Chipangali District: Cde Million Tembo
2. Lusangazi District: Cde William Banda
3. Lumezi District: Cde Clement Mwale
4. Chasefu District: Cde Ms. Chimwemwe H. Banda
5. Kasenengwa District: Cde Saul Zulu
6. Chifunabuli District: Cde Kapwepwe Kaunda Innocent
7. Chilanga District: Cde Annie Brown
8. Mayoral Candidate for the Greater City of Lusaka: Hon Miles Bwalya Sampa

Hon Mwila wishes to state that Central Committee also considered that in the case of Hon Sampa, he had shown repentance for his past deeds and therefore forgiven in the spirit of uniting the Party and embracing new members. Hon Mwila has since called on all party members to embrace Hon Sampa.

On behalf of the Central Committee, Hon Mwila has thanked all those who had applied to be considered on the PF ticket as each one of them made the process competitive and democratic. Central Committee has since called on all aspiring candidates to join the campaign teams and work towards the Party’s victory on 26th July 2018.

Lastly, Hon Davies Mwila has called for unity of purpose and discipline among the rank and file of the Party.

Issued by:

Sunday Chanda
PF Media Director
Party Headquarters


    • Not good news for PF. The die hards will not support Miles as he is a late comer to the party. I doubt if he will win.

    • Tough choice indeed… Sampa not a good candidate but again HH picked a very weak i see PF winning this one…UPND should have picked a very strong candidate and a hustler the likes of Mwaliteta…

    • Unfortunately all the 30 PF candidates are just opportunists and broke…i looked at the list and they all look like they just want employment and to chew tax payers money

      First off, congratulations young man Sampa.
      Secondly, I thank God that guy Guy is off your back.
      Thirdly, I home you have now started thinking with your heard and not your heart and emotions.
      Fourth, every party must learn to forgive and embrace even the most erring member. Batila umwana kasembe … PF ain’t divisive for sure. CK mentality mublibe. LET’S WATCH WHAT THE ELECTORATES WILL FEEL.

      Weaklings can’t understand let alone figure out PFs operation mannerism. Decisions decisions. Man, indeed, to err is human, to forgive is divine. I love love forgivers. With MMD behind PFs win (2015 polls) CK remained stunned. IT remains to be seen whether electorates ill speak the same language but I kinda understand the message PF will take to rally podia. If the message resonates, it’s advantage PF. With divisive CK and that guy, Guy Scott outa picture, once again, it’s advantage PF 2021. Everyone wants to be associated with the winning brand.

    • When will Pf start adopting loyal party members as opposed to opportunists? This hurts ordinary members who remained loyal when Sampa and others went for the opportunity they saw in Upnd. Sampa is a weak candidate, who saw an opportunity in Pf. Let’s not vote for such candidates.

  1. The PF are just the wrong party for the mayoral position in Lusaka…once their candidate is voted in he cannot do any different from the party cader approach and keeping with the party position as the like saying. As such they have made the new constitutional amendments to the mayorship irrelevant as he/ she will still fail to be independent in approach. Similarly it may not be different with the UPND since by all means the mayor will still toil the party line an independent would be best with good credentials and principles but alas! in the corrupt PF Zambia This is an unattainable ideal. God Bless Zambia

    • The mayoral position should be made open to any citizen that resides in the particular jurisdiction to contest and be elected on personal credentials rather than that of party affiliation since his or her welfare would be supported by how he/she manages city affairs!

    • Politics of the empty belly has not died! It is alive and well!

      Give Sampa a second chance to join the PF thieves in their looting of Zambia. He was too dull to steal enough the first time around.

    • Really laughable…what yardstick are you using to rate his performance?? What ever happened to the EUROBOND he was in forefront …

  2. If I was voting I wouldn’t Vote for Sampa or the Pastor Chileshe (I dont trust Pastors)…….I would have no choice but to vote for Tayali as its a case of choosing the lesser evil and he can shake up the status quo as he is an outsider. Why not try him

  3. Congratulations to the incoming lusaka mayor Hon.Miles Sampa and Mighty PF!!this is a splendid choice as Mr.Miles Sampa is well known in Lusaka.Hon.Sampa is a hard worker who changed the face of matero in no time when he served as area MP!!!The hard works he put into matero speak volume for him!!Plus many Lusaka youths really love this man.I have no doubt that Mr.Sampa shall improve the face of Lusaka city!!Can a fake pastor Kangwa chileshe of UPND defeat Hon.Sampa?IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!
    Hon.Sampa, you have my vote and votes from all my family members in munali!!

    • How can a party that buys a fire engine which is probably at the price equivalent to the city actual annual expenditure, with caders controlling the collection of all municipal revenue streams change the face of this city? Sampa is in a compromised situation having pleaded his way back he will be more preoccupied with pleasing the caders and the party than delivering what the city actually needs. Be real be a true Zambian don’t be a cader even in matters of posterity

  4. “ONLY A TONGA MUST LEAD UPND” says Sejani. Congratulations Miles Sampa. The man has genuinely repented and deserves a chance like this although he has reformed in a hard way. Moreover is a better Mayoral candidate so far and stand a better chance to win this election because he is able to SONTA APO WABOMBA especially in his former constituency Matero. This is what makes PF a very attractive party. It is very accommodating, forgiving, united and non-tribal. Sampa has very weak opponents who cannot measure up to his political muscles, therefore, it walkover battle for him and the mighty PF. ” IT IS TIME FOR A TONGA TO RULE NOW”says Daniel munkombwe

  5. Yes that’s the way to go forgive and forget
    Sampa is a good choice congratulations ba pf in advance for winning mayoral position in Lusaka.

  6. Not the best choice but he is a ‘politically’ better choice than Pastor Chileshe. A more formidable candidate such as Maureen would have been a worthy challenger to Miles. I guess there are reasons for adopting ba Pastor. Whether or not it will pay out remains to be seen. Otherwise, it will be another case of…’we told you’!. In politics, it is not about the ‘best’ candidate but the ‘popular and/markable candidate’ to simple voters in shanty compounds not just within your party ranks (or party officials).

  7. A shameless opportunist Sampa is..

    …..indeed he beds well with the other shamless opportunistic theives in PF….

    • @14 Spaka like lilo
      I agree with you on this one 100%. Sampa is dead broke and an opportunist looking for employment just like the rest of the 29 PF candidates…like i said before UPND should have picked a very strong candidate like Mwaliteta or Maureen Mwanawasa…but as for Maureen she doesn’t know what she wants..typical of a Zambian she PF or UPND…or double crossing the two Political Parties. One minute she is with HH at his house the next minute she is kneeling before Edgar Lungu. So Mwaliteta was the perfect candidate to take on Sampa

  8. Am waiting for a latest song that will rock Lusaka city and then live the people complaining after VOTING FOR a wrong candidate. I love Zambia. Go PF Go there is no opposition in Zambia. I miss SATA IN THE OPPOSITION.

  9. Its SAMPA vs chileshe,don’t forget that mwaliteteta had resigned from pf to join upnd due to lack of grade twelve results. May be it could be some reason y upnd has left mwaliteta on mayor position.ask mwaliteta if he has grade 12 certified grade 12 results?

  10. Please note that we don’t have water in PHI this morning, so I can’t go to church this morning. This defunct Lusaka water, why is it not just disbanded.

  11. I think lungu has shamed idio.ts like chi kambwili who used to say they would never accept Dora for insulting Sata, a dead man. Here Lungu, a living man, has accepted a man who ran all over zambia insulting him. So lungu is more mature than chi fenta fenta.

  12. Sampa is the right man for the job. However I would have been so happy if entered on the opposition party, maybe things would be different especially the poor City Council operation. The most thing I hate is where cadres collect money on behalf of the council. That should come to an end if the appearance of the city were to change. I wish you well Mr Sampa.

  13. Sampa the murderer. Eissh! Let’s see how hypocrites will this time around vote after decampaigning Charmaine in Chilanga on murder charges for which she was acquitted. Samoa murdered Mbandu remember? He has blood on his hands. We do not want Cains in our greater city of Lsk. Kangwa chileshe is best and clean candidate.

  14. God bless Zambia and deliver all our political leaders be it opposition or Ruling. Work for good Governance and see how the city can develop and get enough space to the poor to find food on their tables . Only God s guidance will redeem Zambia.

  15. “Inshiku shalengenye nyiana no mwana.” Is it not long ago this man thought he was too big to be a Deputy Minister. May be I am behind, when was the position of Mayor became bigger than that of Deputy Minister? Poverty on part of Miles and stupidity on part of PF.

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