Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Government will endeavor to be accountable to its citizens -President Lungu


ZNBC Director General Richard Mwanza and Board chairperson Mulenga Kapwepwe welcomes President Edgar Lungu during the tour the ZNBC outside broadcasting vans in the Show Grounds
ZNBC Director General Richard Mwanza and Board chairperson Mulenga Kapwepwe welcomes President Edgar Lungu during the tour the ZNBC outside broadcasting vans in the Show Grounds

Republican President Edgar Lungu says his administration will endeavor to be accountable to its citizens, the public and private sector.

Mr. Lungu says by ensuring that his administration is anchored on transparency and accountability, the nation as a whole deserves to know what it is doing in terms of procurement and expenditures on equipment and machinery.

The Head of State said this in Lusaka when he inspected the U$D12 million Outside Broadcasting Vans for Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, ZNBC.

The new state-of-art OB vans were purchased in line with the digital migration process to which Zambia has already switched and migrated analogue to digital transmission so as to come up with quality broadcasting programmes on television and radio.

This was shortly before he officially opened the 92 second agriculture and commercial show being held at the Lusaka Show Grounds.

“Government will endeavor to be transparent and accountable to its people where spending of public resources is concerned,” President
Lungu said.

And Mr. Lungu says a well-informed nation is cardinal to accelerating national development adding that for this reason the Zambian people must be exposed to all diverse media channels, print and electronic.

“We want our people to be watching TV, listen to the radio as well as read newspapers so that they are kept abreast of where public resources are going,” he said.

And President Lungu has commended ZNBC Management form its effort in providing the Zambian people with improved and quality content programming.

President Edgar Lungu inspecting the ZNBC outside broadcasting vans the during the tour in the Show Grounds
President Edgar Lungu inspecting the ZNBC outside broadcasting vans the during the tour in the Show Grounds
President Edgar Lungu enter ZNBC outside broadcasting vans the during the tour at the Show Grounds
President Edgar Lungu enter ZNBC outside broadcasting vans the during the tour at the Show Grounds


    • What development? Please let’s be serious with life. Look at the state of the roads which were only worked on yesterday they are in a terrible state. Look at our provincial capitals and so called cities with their pot riddled roads right in the center of town, in townships, and rural areas feeder roads which are in the most horrible state imaginable. Lusaka a city whose skyline has not changed since the 80s with some buildings that have remained incomplete for 30years. No drainage systems, no dustbins yet the latest luxury SUVs are the norm of the day being driven by top govt officers.

    • Zimbabwe a country that has suffered great economic hardship for 2 decades has a better and more organised looking capital city with less potriddled roads. Look at Nairobi in Kenya and Addis Abbeba in Ethiopia those guys are really developing at a fast past with proper commercial and residential buildings being constructed not to forget roads which are built to last and not built for 6 months. Yet we are a nation that has made billions from our copper sales, we issued govt bonds hay earned is billions. What have we done with those funds? It’s not entirely corruption to blame but poor planing- buying of Luxury SUVs, too many top govt officers on high salaries and receiving abnormal allowances this is where the funds have run to. We will never develop unless we recognize these problems.

    • Could it possibly be that Lungu has mental illness?

      What has he accounted for so far ?

      Why does this man say the first thing that comes to his mind?

      Zambia has been listed as the country with the worst sovereign debt.

      Lungu is too far gone into the dark side. It is way too late to rectify his course.

    • @Sedoutembo, did you read on Lusaka Times? The World Bank says it is most likely that most of the Eurobond has been used to finance Government’s consumption.
      And the World Bank has observed that the third Eurobond of US$1 billion did not have a detailed plan of how it would be spent unlike the first two.
      In a report titled How to Borrow without Sorrow, the World Bank noted that where resources from the Eurobond had not been linked to specific investment, it is most likely that they have been used to finance Government’s consumption…..or do you choose to be deliberately ignorant?

    • And remember The day before yesterday he was advising the Zimb President to quickly resolve Post-Election Issues. Today Ati”…Edgar Lungu says his administration will endeavor to be accountable to its citizens, the public and private sector.”
      EITHER, ECL is realizing now that HE OWES the Zambian people a proper leadership than his chipante pante business that he runs. Up until now he has done nothing to resolve the post elections issues, he has done nothing to bring transparency, he has done nothing to fight corruption.
      OR he is again taking Zambians for granted. I hope not now. If Miles can cheat Lusaka residents and get away with that what will stop ECL?

    • You mean borrowing money to sale majority shares of ZNBC …you see him inspecting ZNBC outside broadcasting vans bought by Chinese as part of the package …you foooools think he is working hard …really laughable no wonder you are begging for money to pay debts.

    • People want to know the views their president holds on big issues facing the nation and the world and this is where the media come in. But ECL doesn’t seem to know or perhaps he knows but does not care because it is so basic. Just about all presidents who are up to the task address press conferences and regularly give interviews because this is part of transparency and accountability but not ECL. What accountability is he talking about? ZNBC has had a tradition of carrying a long interview on the eve of Zambia’s independence annivesary. Lungu just talks to the press on the airport tarmac.

    • Chanchima – How would you know when this lazy thiing has never hosted a press conference since he entered office …he has attended more presidential inaugurations that hosted a press briefing.

    • Endeavour (meaning)
      try hard to do or achieve something
      Why should the government “try” … The Government MUST at all times be accountable to its people. Next time people ask Lungu why they are not being accountable he will say … I said we will try… This statement is the Fire Tenders Guilt Lungu knows all too well he terribly failed to even trying to account for that astronomical expenditure

  1. Good Mr LUCHI and Associates Ltd. Now that you are ready to be accountable to us your employers, please give an account of what you have done about the plunder revealed in the FIC trends report, the obscene corruption in the procurement of Fire Tenders and Ambulances. That would be a good starting point to demonstrate accountability! Lastly, we want you to explain to us why we have been downgraded to Junk status credit rating. How much is our real debt stock? Is your Administration concealing loans? Actions speak louder than words!

  2. “GRZ will endeavor to be accountable to citizens ” -Edgar Lungu.

    The cholera, the overpriced firetrucks,the spiraling debt ,Moody’s downgrades and IMF warnings say otherwise.

    • Mukula trees.

      Market and prime land fires.

      Mansions in Swaziland and Uganda.

      Overpriced road contracts.

      Chinese invasion, and abuse.

      Maize scandals.

      Dodgy mining contracts.

      Land acquisition by foreigners.

      Excessive foreign trips.

      Unexplained sudden wealth.

      Close ties with rogue countries.

      Jailing of critics.

      Being drunk on the job.

    • @n.e.z don’t wish death on others leather death chooses you instead , offer constructive criticism not wishing death on others. Your own god HH has ordered you blood thirsty animals to extend a hand of reconciliation. It appears you don’t follow your bosses directives. Most likely you are the ones who were busy burning markets all over the country.

    • Why would any sane person take the trouble to burn an already burned and finished country under pf? Uletontokanya. Ubututu

  3. ” Lazy says by ensuring that his administration is anchored on transparency and accountability, the nation as a whole deserves to know what it is doing in terms of procurement and expenditures on equipment and machinery.”
    Really laughable…which world does this dingbat live in it as this is lies

  4. In other news my mrs and myself are currently in southern France on vacation. Very beautiful place and hot as you can imagine with the heat wave. We have also come to visit our son who recently enrolled at a private school here in France. My mrs who is Swiss always felt it would be easier for our mixed race son to attend school here and not under pf government panta panta leadership. Its a pity many kids in zambia can’t have such a lifr because of pf poor policy

    • Jay the truth hurts and people deal with it in different ways. If you dont like what is been said why take the trouble of reading and commenting. You have just proved my statement right. Why would i want my son schooling in a country full of angry people like you.

    • Nothing hurts than a lost black man….so don’t bring your insecurities and inferiority complexes on here. You are the same dingbats who think you have made it life because you have a trophy busungu wife on your arm.

    • Jay Jay I think you have taken this the wrong way. As usual you are now showing your emotions over something this simple. Take your finger out your backside for once. Who has mentioned anything about musungu being better than you or I? I am commenting on the reasons why I have lost confidence in the zambian education system in light of the poor policies of the PF. where does the colour of my madam come into the picture? Do we choose who we fall for? It seems the only insecure person is yourself? What has made you assume that some one who is swiss has to be white? you seem backward. just as you will find white africans , there are also black europeans. dont embarrass yourself young man. my madam is white.. so what?

    • If your issue is about Zambian education system then why point to irelevant issues…its no wonder why I call you chaps in your silly party busy foooooools.

  5. That sentence is HUGE, and coming from him must mean a lot.
    Either an indication of a change after self-realization or it’s the same game, talk without action.

  6. It is the usual empty prattle of tell the people what they want to know. How about starting with the fire engines and all the political scandles and huge plunder not forgetting to tell us who is funding PF campaigns as money flows like the Zambezi during campaigns.

  7. Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Corruption scandals: Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Alternative Facts Fake News S**thole Countries Social Mobility Chinese Zambia Police Reservists Corruption scandals: Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    ‘Endeavour’; ‘accountability’; ‘transparency’.

    Really? Did he just learn these words last night or he’s playing to the gallery again and taking the Zambian people for f00ls. So far what he has done is completely opposite to accountability and transparency.

    How about you start by explaining few scandals listed in my alias handle above?

    Yeah accountability and transparency except when it comes to your corruption and plundering of national resources; except when your job is threatened by playing fair political games. Or has he stolen enough? Please STFU and just enjoy your loot!

    • ‘Endeavour’; ‘accountability’; ‘transparency’.

      Nice words coming from person who was found GUILTY for embezzlement?
      As BR Mumba (Snr. !mbecile) say, “lets roll”, or shall we say “lets wallow in the bottomless pit latrine of insulting demagoguery”?

  8. Mr. President that’s nice of you to say, we would appreciate and take you more seriously if whatever you say is followed by action.

  9. What a joke he’s telling the people he’s accountable let him explain himself as he’s got a free ticket after he looses and that’s why he’s so scared he’s the next Mugabe in the making.

  10. #1.7 Lazy jj, we try directionless h.h perhaps?
    But the manner in which he ascended to succeed Kambela Mazoka ‘mwana mubotu’ leaves much to be desired, so tribal that voters will take another 63 years to forget it and consider the tribal boy.

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