Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government puts $2m in Fish Genetic Improvement


Lands minister Jean Kapata visits Confluence Market in Luangwa district when she was in the area for the womens empowerment program

Government through the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development Project (ZAEDP) has pumped in two million dollars, equivalent to 22 million Kwacha for the genetic improvement of fish in Zambia.

This is at the National Aquaculture Research Development Centre (NARDC).

Fisheries and Livestock Permanent Secretary David Shamulenge says research in genetic improvement of fish will enhance the quality and quantity of fish and increase fish production and productivity.

Dr. Shamulenge says the National Aquaculture Research Development Centre will be transformed into a regional research center of Excellency for the SADC community and Africa in aquaculture production.

He added that the National Aquaculture Research Development Centre will also introduce the certification of fingerlings and fish products for fish farmers to access quality fingerlings and curb curtails in the fisheries sector that are causing unnecessary shortages.

Dr. Shamulenge was speaking at the National Aquaculture Research Development Centre in Mwekera, Kitwe when the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development Project National Steering committee visited the institution.


    • That picture looks like John did go for women empowerment but pf empowerment, see how she is flashing money with pf chitenje clad mayo. Oweeee social cash transfer..

    • These are stuff for donors to invest in, providing food to humans, not Social Cash. Social Cash is like tying a monkey next to a sack of groundnuts to chess away rats.
      When groundnuts go missing, the rats demand to fire a monkey.

    • Edgar made K22 billion in 12 months -2015 to 2016. It was a miracle. Can this great leader of this great Nation his excellence the humble hard working president teach us how to make this miracle money?

  1. … from what government has showed and taught us, if one had to investigate, one would find that yes $2 million was released.

    What will hit the ground is K2 million not dollars.

    This is how this government has lost its credibility…

    It’s a joke really!!

    Fire traucks? Anyone?

    • Next Shamulenge will be telling us he has invented something miraculous! A WHEEL!

      There is research all over the world already being done on fish genetic improvement that is 50 years ahead of what we have in Zambia.

      What will we have to show for this 22 million Kwacha? The members of the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development Project National Steering committee with new cars?

  2. The government should start explaining the source of funding for these projects.

    They days of chipante pante spending should be over now.

    • the evil chaps at Masonto will happily fund such projects with a blank cheque as they know people will dependent on their poison…don’t be surprised with the high cases of cancer!!

  3. not sure if donors released $2m, it could have been more money for this project, disadvantages of representative democracy -when the clique elected to lead becomes infested with the cancer of corruption nififine tulemona mukwai

  4. How can this government do genetical research activities when simple dna tests are not available within health sector? Your honey samples sent to German for analysis, and yet $2m is reported being invested ..can we demand a project proposal and actual plan with ceilings.
    Nowdays all government projects appear in $millions…

    • They could have built a lab in Zambia instead of the police and MOH sending everything to RSA for testing…but again lack of priorities; probably a way to steal dont be surprised if NRDC charges $2million dollars admin fees.

  5. Edgar Lungu is the best thing that happened to Zambia. He is humble, able, God-fearing and a Great Leader. He has brought so much development to Zambia and on behalf of the Zambian people, we love you. Like China, we ask that parliament changes the constitution and makes you life President. China has done it and is developing why can’t we? The UK has the Queen for life, Russia also has Putin for life and they are just fine.

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