Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu declares a day of National Mourning for Mokopane Accident Victims


Special Assistant to the President (Press and Public Relations) Mr Amos Chanda addresses journalists at a Press Briefing on the impeachment motion by UPND, at State House on Friday, 23rd March, 2018. Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State House
Special Assistant to the President (Press and Public Relations) Mr Amos Chanda addresses journalists at a Press Briefing on the impeachment motion by UPND, at State House on Friday, 23rd March, 2018. Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza/State House

Special Assistant to the President, for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda announced to the media last evening that President Edgar Lungu has declared a day of National Mourning for the victims of the Limpopo, South Africa road accident.

Mr Chanda said the victims, the majority from the Copperbelt, will be put to rest on a day to be announced formally by the Secretary to Cabinet who has been instructed by the President to communicate to the families of the victims.

Mr Chanda further said the President is disturbed by the tragic loss of so many lives in one incidence and wished the families of the victims nothing but God’s comfort and expressed hope that the families of the bereaved will be comforted by the entire Christian fraternity.

The accident happen in Mokopane in Limpopo Province in South Africa on the evening of 17th September, 2018. The bus is said to have lost control which lead to the bus over turning.

Mr Chanda spoke to media shortly before departure to New York, where the Head of State is joining other world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly. The President is expected back in the country on Friday.


    • Was wondering why National mourning until I read that the victims are from the copperbelt. For PF everything is about politicking.

    • That accident happened long time ago, why react now on way out of country? He did the same to Victoria Kalima (mhsrp). Someone questioned him why he never attend family funerals. What kind of superstition does he have on death?

    • When the “Scavengers” died on the Black mountain there was no such thing also the true number of the people that died has never been published what we were told is fake. Lungu is just declaring this because Ramaphosa sent him a message of condolences and now he has to play to the gallery. God grant peace to the relatives and friends of the departed

    • My condolences to the lost lives but I think Gremlin Amos Chanda and his Boss Edgar would make more sense to include the theft of the social cash transfer by the PF to the agenda of the national mourning.

    • Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without condemning of one’s view’s and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one’s valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say. Have a goodday.

    • These are lazy thieves with no shame …accident happened on 17th and you are declaring national mourning when you yourself are in NY drinking on Private jet.
      Wasted Lungu Years indeed!!!

    • In May 2017, 17 people died in a Road traffic accident which happened on the Great East Road between Luangwa market and Luangwa Bridge involving a bus belonging to Kapena. Yet no Day of National Mourning was declared for them. Why?

    • Why wait for 2021. The mistakes are happening right now. There might not be Zambia in 2021. You have a right to fire and hire any time. You are the employer.

    • With all due respect to the departed and bereaved families playing to the gallery for political reasons is not what the country needs. For need to make a decent living these people met their tragic end and failure by government to create opportunities in the country it’s leading the public to be on the move in search of whatever is offing around the region!

  1. May they all rest in peace its a great loss for family and country .For once let’s respect the departed victims and leave Lungu & politics out of this.

    • Respect the dead? You crazy Africans you fail to respect the living and steal from them with impunity and after they die you are busy saying respect the dead? Of what significance is respecting the dead? You want us to show more love and respect to the dead than the living … Fosek!

    • That’s because Africans love to mourn…look at our dead Presidents buried in expensive tombs with windows and marble floors at great expensive…what’s wrong with just a simple tombstone.

  2. MTSRIP……

    Not belitting the sorrow for their loss but this is not the first tradegy we have had ,

    We think in the midst of council workers not getting paid for last month , we think this is just cover for lungu to go to NY , spending millions of tax payers dollars….While people have not been paid.

    Any real leader should have seen to it that council workers are paid first before going on to spend millions of dollars on a useless trip… …

  3. My condolences,I am not sure about the difference between those who died on the black mountain and the bus victims.I am not certain if a
    group of people who die in a foreign nation will be treated differently from another group of people who die at home.Maybe, there is something do with how someone was perceived in the society.

  4. LUNGU! You’ve sold the country and your trying to divert attention from it. No offense to those who lost the lives in such a tragic accident. We should be have national morning for Zambia it’s self, because she is now back into the chains of colonisation.

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