Saturday, July 27, 2024

Minister of Finance Margaret Mwanakatwe concerned about misuse of social media


Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe
Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe
Minister of Finance Margaret Mwanakatwe is concerned with the misuse of social media by posting negative statements, which are not helping the economy.

Mrs. Mwanakatwe says Zambians must instead use social media for business, school and preaching love which is key for social and economic development.

Speaking during a Church service to Mark the 49th Anniversary of Mary Queen of Peace Parish in Lusaka’s Mtendere township today, Mrs. Mwanakatwe said the church plays a cardinal role to government’s operations.

The Minister has also asked the Church to pray for her as she presents the 2019 National Budget on Friday.

And Mary Queen of Peace Parish Priest Bryson Phiri has called for unity among Zambians despite their difference in political opinions.

Father Phiri said unity within a country can influence the direction on which its economy can go.

He said Zambia needs maintain its peace so as to continue being a shining example to the outside world.

Mrs Mwanakatwe has since pledged to buy 10 of the 20 remaining benches for the church.


  1. Iwe Minister, why do have to concerned about social media when your priorities are about finance. Please, social media is the only left for people to express their deep feelings!! It’s seems you are been bothered for doing wrong. Shut up and do your work !!!

    • Madam, just do your job and fix the mess and you will see that the social media will be on your side. The reason you are feeling the weight of the social media, is because of your government not being transparent, because of some members of your government not telling the truth, because the leader of this country doesn’t address the people to answer their questions hence providing room for speculation, the leader of this country is sending different messages to the Zambian people – today, he says he is fighting corruption, and tomorrow there is a case of corruption, and he doesn’t address it….the list goes on.
      If only your GRZ addressed these little things, no one will be talking negatively. In other words, you are reaping what you sow.

    • And we are concerner with the misuse of our country’s resources by greedy politicians.
      Why do you look at the speck of dust in our eyes and you want to ignore the log in your own eyes? Stop stealing and you won’t get the negative publicity. Period!

  2. Rubbish, you are the ones not issueing proper statements to install confidence in the economy. Lies lies lies all the time. Dora says no donor funds have been withheld, a moment later, the UK confirms that donor funds have been withheld. Hows is that helping the economy. Leave social media alone!

  3. Constructive criticism is always a good thing but when our beloved country comes under attack by conspirators from outside through social media, we have to unite to protect Zambia regardless of political affiliation. We shouldn’t underestimate the disruption social media can cause. Just look at what happened to the US elections and their commander in tweets. The London riots was another executed by social media. Use it wisely and we can offer checks and balances to government after all GRZ belongs to the people of Zambia anyway.

  4. You will not know a fool when they are quiet until they open their mouths. Does this lady seriously think that social media can destroy the economy if you are making right decisions? You are making wrong decisions and thinking that the masses are ignorant. If it’s false information then silence the people by posting the figures of growth and let them be independently verified then you would have silenced the people. And by they way let us use the social media since you are colllectong tax from it, or was your idea of social media tax a tool to silence the people? Now the truth is coming out, keep talking.

  5. You are only petrified of Social media, coz you cannot bury bad news, your misappropriation, citizen abuse, & Corruption, as you only control Jona’s DEAD -N.B.C, Dudu Whiskey!!

  6. We told lungu and pf during the presidential elections to win fair and square if you will win, don’t use violence. Violence against the opposition will cost you the unity of the country , but winning at all costs is what they needed , even if it meant dividing the nation.

    Now deal with it.

  7. Lungu put you there and removed mutati because you are loose.

    Am not a upendi kada. I woke up 2am and voted for you and lungu.

    You thought closing membez post was the answer. We have Africa n confidential

    Madam talk about kwacha free fall. Not online gossip

  8. The use of Social media in Zambia is very unhelpful. Devoid of facts and logic most of the time. Actually ignores facts most of the time. Abuses most of the time. Why refer to the Minister that way or why ignore all her statements about debt management and financial management?

    If you don’t like the Govt, subverting it is wrong. Do factual whistleblowing on the sights of the investigating agencies. Propose clear alternatives and campaign against it at the ballot.

  9. Uyu musungwana uyowoya vichi? I have never seen a Tumbuka woman that can download jemasoni at ultra speed like Maggie. Edgar runs a Cabinet of morally bankrupt characters. What’s there to look up to in the likes of Maggie, Dora, Jean, Kampyongo, Freedom Chomba Sikazwe?

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