Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia’s relations with the West not strained – Lungu


Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland QC, calls upon President Edgar Chagwa Lungu during a High Level Event on girl-child education hosted by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the UN Buildings in New York.
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland QC, calls upon President Edgar Chagwa Lungu during a High Level Event on girl-child education hosted by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the UN Buildings in New York.

President Edgar Lungu has dispelled social media propaganda that Zambia’s relations with the West has been strained and has appealed to Zambians to resist the temptation of peddling falsehoods against their own country.

President Lungu has stated that the national dialogue will remain a Zambian driven process and that he is happy that the Church has decided to work along with the Zambia Center for Interparty Dialogue (ZCID).

President Lungu stated that there is no way Zambia would be a friend of countries like the United Kingdom and the United States of America without being a friend to countries such as Zimbabwe or any other country.

Briefing the media shortly before his departure for Zambia from New York where he attended the 73rd United Nations General Assembly, His Excellency the President said there are foreign Missions accredited to Zambia and that countries that had issues with Zambia were free to consult their embassies.

President Lungu said while in New York, he had an opportunity to meet and interact with a number of leaders from other countries as well as high level government officials such as the United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Tibor P. Nagy Jr and Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland.

President Lungu while in New York held bilateral talks with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium, His Excellency, Mr Charles Michel and the Prime Minister of Mauritius Honourable Pravind Kumar Jugnauth.

President Lungu also held bilateral meeting with a delegation from Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) which was led by its Acting Chief Executive officer Brock Bierman

The Head of State stated that his meetings with other leaders was a sign that other countries were as concerned about Zambia as the country was concerned about them because no country could afford to exist in isolation in this globalized world.

He explained that the perception that Zambia has fallen out of favour from donor countries was nothing but propaganda as the Head of State was able to meet with countries that had wanted to meet him.

The President said it is clear that the world is coming together under the United Nations with cooperation and collaboration on a range of issues such as governance, health, education among others.

“For us, this has been time well spent. We met those countries that wanted to meet us and we chose meetings at the United Nations General Assembly which were relevant to Zambia. The countries we met are our friends and there is no way Zambia would be a friend of one country without being a friend to another because Zambia in agreement on the need to cooperate and collaborate,” His Excellency the President said.

President Lungu said that Zambia is working towards meeting all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) without leaving no one behind and that his call to other world leaders to prioritise health, access to clean and safe drinking water, education and infrastructure is meant to improve the lives of citizens across the globe.

And President Lungu has stated that the national dialogue is not going to be hinged on the Commonwealth or any other foreign country because the political leaders in the country understand their needs more than people from outside the country.

President Lungu has since returned home.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya described the 73rd UNGA as a unique platform for individual Member States and the Heads of State had a chance to focus on a number of social and economic issues affecting citizens of the world.

He said President Lungu who emerged as a top health diplomat used the opportunity of attending the General Assembly to articulate to the world on the need to combat Tuberculosis, cervical cancer as well as prevent and control Non-Communicable diseases among other issues.


  1. We don’t need them. They regard us as their subjects, not Friends. They believe in the destruction of African civilizations dating back from the first day they ever set foot on Africa. Our true freedom and discovery of our values and traditions scare the life out of them because of their guilty conscious. They know what they have done. Have you ever wondered why they sent missionaries to Africa? ever questioned what the mission is? Aid is toxic, it stops you thinking. Europe does not do fair trade with Africa, ever asked why? If you do, you’ll join me in saying “WE DON”T NEED THEM” let’s move on.

    • Mama Scotland is OG lawyer, how many of you remember your primary school teacher sitting you down like this and pumping sense into you.

    • I have never paid money to a woman, to socialize (Social cash). So I don’t know how you guys reclaim money if she refuses to undress. Just give back the donor money, from UK. Why fornicate with the west and now the east China? kwati mahule.
      Be patriotic, use kwacha not Pounds.

    • I have never paid money to a woman, to socialize (Social cash). So I don’t know how you guys reclaim money if she refuses to undress. Just give back the donor money, from UK. Why fornicate with the west and now the east China? kwati mauule.
      Be patriotic, use kwacha not Pounds.

      From KK’s era, we’ve been nonaligned at least on cold war things. How I wish we were as non aligned on issues of economics.
      My shout out goes to economic technocrats in the country, don’t neglect our leader in the time we suspect the Eurobond is giving him stressed sleepless nights. In the thick of it, he might go over the top and take irrational decisions. Zambia still possesses the potential to overturn fortunes. It is also understandable for the West to go ballistic over their money. You ECL got to put your house in order. I believe we have more of the CKs in your midst. Don’t be…

    • …selective. LPM seemed loved for his proactive assault on corruption not reactive. In 2021 you shall need to rebrand your party. Do you remember the Real Deal?

    • President Lungu stated that there is no way Zambia would be a friend of countries like the United Kingdom and the United States of America without being a friend to countries such as Zimbabwe or any other country.

    • Can someone advise him please. He seems completely lost. The Zambians are the ones he should be explaining to as well. The issue here is that external players have exposed the rampant looting in his government. This is not about the west Lungu. Those poor Zambians who did not receive this social transfer money are the ones you should be concerned about. For you, it should be about ensuring your team does not misuse and abuse donor financing or even worse Zambian taxpayer money.

    • Surely Zambia can be a friend of one without being a friend of the other?

      President Lungu stated that there is no way Zambia would be a friend of countries like the United Kingdom and the United States of America without being a friend to countries such as Zimbabwe or any other country.

  2. Lungu living in denial .Your relations are strained across the board -with western donors ,with PLO Lumumba, with the IMF ,with Zambian taxpayers ,with public health,with increasing poverty and relations with us the Zambian diaspora are all strained.You insulted us.

    • Can someone advise him please. He seems completely lost. The Zambians are the ones he should be explaining to as well. The issue here is that external players have exposed the rampant looting in his government. This is not about the west Lungu. Those poor Zambians who did not receive this social transfer money are the ones you should be concerned about. For you, it should be about ensuring your team does not misuse and abuse donor financing or even worse Zambian taxpayer money.

  3. You should be worried when your conscious is against prof. Lumumba son of Africa

    And he goes to the UN General assembly to talk about honouring who has already been honoured. Its time to ECHO views of prof Lumumba.

    Sata and guy Scot made pf and Guy Scot should have given reason for opposing this president. Honestly I for one voted blindly..

    Even the people in compounds voted because the man came from a compound and he could dance the kombon way at rallies.

    Anyway this is a PF business. If they want to keep him at the top upto 2026 let it be . They will feel the heat.

  4. Why are Zambians so ignorant?
    That Lumumba Prof is a big disappointment.
    He gets carried away with simple facts and tells lies…..

    • But it’s not yours to decide what and who people should listen to, that’s a choice they have to decide on there own

    • Most are ignorant because they think once their relative is in statehouse the west will come running in numbers and Zambia will be great again! Even when you find a dead lizard somewhere they will blame the government. Such is the desperation.

    • The Lumumba issue is the most useless story for one to waste time on. If we hard a semi-paradise Kenya, I WAS gonna have second thought. Strive to listen to Dangote than Lumumba. The difference is that one is PRAGMATIC and enterprising while the other is HYPOTHETICAL and hurting/emotional.
      Practice inspires prosperity while emotions inspire resentment. Choose life.


    • Kubweka
      Surely do we need to remind him to address the nation?There are too many issues which we should get answers from him,that is why we pay him.The funny part is he does not want to address the nation[simply put,he doesnt want to talk to us],he sends Amos to address us, that to me is an insult to our collective in telligence],he also does not want to listen to us[we have told him on numerous occassions that he should change his team and we have heared him insult us that no one should tell him who to fire] but he insists on ruling beyond 2021 and in the process with his incompetent team they are killing us financially,and he appears not to care that we are suffering because of him,what a president.

  6. Even if the relations are strained, we will survive. In God we trust. As #1 FutureZed has put it, ask yourselves who needed who in the first place? African explorers travelled to Europe much earlier than the Europeans and returned dissapointed – why? It was simply too cold and there were no resources.

    • Now I understand your way of thinking.
      By any chance you are descendant of those earlier “African explorers” which returned empty-handed and with frozen brain?
      That will explain your inbred !mbecility!!!

    • I am least bothered by your derogatory remarks. What bothers me more is the lack of unity amongst us Africans whenever we are dealing with the West, as your post signifies. There are always those within who make it easier for the intruder to divide and rule over us.

  7. 50 Year’s after independence Zambia can not provide clean water ???? and housing to its people why why why we don’t have the right people running the country since Kaunda all the politicians are just out to fill their own pockets and are failing to spend the money they have stolen rather provide services to the poor Zambians

  8. 50 Year’s after independence Zambia can not provide clean water ???? and housing to its people why why why we don’t have the right people running the country since Kaunda all the politicians are just out to fill their own pockets and are failing to spend the money they have stolen rather provide services to the poor Zambians

  9. Next time vote properly, dont vote for a guy who is worth 10 kwacha, that’s why this is happening, the first thing these poor chaps do is to fill their pockets and the nation second. The chap used to sleep in someone’s garage what does he know about bilateral talks, for him it’s just time to drink whiskey at ur cost.the last time he saw any context was when he conned a widow. Makes u think doesn’t it.we r really I trouble he has just failed

  10. The lack of confidence is written all over the man,he cant even look Scotland in the face,he wants the presidency and all it’s trappings but not the responsibities it comes with….

  11. I’m not sure which “falsehoods” are being referred to here. To say money is “missing” or “diverted” is the falsehood coming from Lungu’s government – the truthful statement would seem that the money was “stolen”. Not “missing” and now has been “we have found somewhere so ni just OK, chongo uko”? It’s pathetic

    Are we not ashamed that we should accept handouts for our vulnerable and in the face of it being withdrawn our faces and cheeks go flappy? At some point we were made to pretend and work hard to be categorized as HIPC – Heavily Indebted Poor Country? Many schools of thought cursed the ideal that brought the country to its knees, begging and enjoying the category. Careful what you wish for. It felt/feels and sounds like the entire country and it’s government was/is actually one big NGO – Non Governmental Organisation lobbying for donor funds. Where is your pride, Zambia?

  13. Look at this ***** who doubles for Zambian president, he can’t even look at Baroness Scotland in her eyes while speaking to the baroness. I surely do not think we could have sank lower than this electing an absolute fool like this moron for president.

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