President Edgar Lungu says government will wait for an outcome of Police investigations on the riots which happened at the University of Zambia last week resulting in the death of one student.
The President said government will not speculate on the cause of the riots but will allow the Police to thoroughly investigate the matter as stated by Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya yesterday.
“In Bemba there is a saying, an old woman disappears in the village and the next day a Hyena defecates white hair, what does that tell you? I think Madam Siliya made a comment on behalf of government, we are waiting”, He said.
He was speaking to Journalists shortly before departure for Kampala Uganda where has gone to attend the 9th High Level Meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Region slated for tomorrow 8th October 2018.
President Lungu will be among other Heads of State and government officials from the 13 signatory countries of the Framework agreement, its Guarantors’ institutions, namely the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU), the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
The President was seen off at Kenneth Kaunda international Airport by Vice President Inonge Wina, Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo, Housing and Infrastructure Development, Minister Ronald Chitotela, Community Development and Social services, Minister Olipa Phiri, Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs, Lawrence Sichalwe, Civil Chiefs, Senior Government and Party Officials.
Students on Thursday 4th October rioted over delayed bursaries which resulted in the death of a student.
Chief Government spokesperson Dora Siliya yesterday called for thorough investigations into the disturbances that occurred at the University of Zambia where a fourth year student in the school of education Vespers Shimuzhila suffocated following a riot over bursary.
Ms. Siliya said that it was regrettable that the riots started after some students attended a UPND press briefing in Lusaka were inflammatory statements were allegedly issued.
Meanwhile, government says it will it will evacuate Evelyn Choongo, the inured University of Zambia student to South Africa for specialist treatment.
Evelyn, the second year female student in the school of Education jumped off the third floor of her hostel on Thursday night when police fired teargas in their rooms during riots.
Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya confirmed when he visited Evelyn at the University Teaching Hospital that an agreement has been reached between government and the family to evacuate her to South Africa.

Here we go again. Watchdog has already exposed your evil plans. But this time you wont have it easy because we are frustrated by your im.potent leadership.
This what Nkandu Luo said: “Edgar please tell the nation ati ni Hakainde ewipeye student, nge fyalandile nkashi yobe Dora. They chased me nge mbwa”. “Alabalanda ati ubushi chimbwi afwile ichimbwi chinye mfwii, kubepesha fye chimbwi apa”.
You did good to run away again mwandi Bashi Dalitso, wende bwino mulamu, ine amaka nawapwa, they chased me”.
Lusambo laughed loud.
We must do something about the fella who is thinking about the riots of the 90s. Some mamals are violent enabled ai. This fella is dununaed reverse. Riots? Are you normal? So this is what he has been planning the time he went to his bankers?
Can you keep HH out of this. Lungu and your government accept responsibility for once. Dora shame on you .
So we have to wait for the police chief to defecate the report after investigation???
How can the Police investigate themselves …really laughable..when I tell you we dont have a President you think its an insult…I mean this is a lazy bum who makes statements on airport tarmacs cowers from Press conference!!
How can you expect the likes of Dora to change when the President is encouraging their reckless and divisible comments?
ECL says “.. will not speculate on the cause of the riots but will allow the Police to thoroughly investigate”, but Dora already spilled poison on the opposition, so how can you now say we are not going to speculate? this would have made sense, only if ECL had corrected Dora`s statement.
Otherwise, this is another statement that doesn’t have value and can not be taken seriously.
He has promised mayhem and Armageddon. So y’all peace loving Zambians call the cops when you see double h in your neighborhood. Students shun dark corner meetings with the likes of this individual. How could a normal person in normal times be conteplating riots of the 90s. This kid has no respect for civility. He is a dark cloud over the space he occupies at any instantaneous time. A dangerous projectile. Munda nimuchabu; uyu ena ashupa.
No expression of grief at the sad loss of life. No condolences to the family that has been robbed of a daughter, a sister.
Just a crude, innappropriete saying. Wow. What a callous, insensitive, unwise man. Show compassion your excellence. Ask yourself how you would have felt if this had been Tasila.
Anyway, in the end God will repay each man for what he has done.
Too late Mr Lungu????????Dora has already speculated. I’m sure you could very soon arrest some UPND top officials
How can the brutal police investigate itself? I thought the killer was supposed to be suspended right away. The cause of of the disturbance is already known.
But you could tell within minutes who burnt the city market. Iye!
PF represents evil in its purest form. PF is murder incorporated. They see no wrong in the death of the young student (MHSRIP), or how the murderous Police force handle student demonstrations. It’s business as usual for them. Hell knows how we have this bunch of devils in leadership. They’re a cruel and merciless bunch.
like seriously this is all the president of our country could say. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not how we should sink to in debating and charting the way forward for our country. it doesnt matter which party you belong to, but lowering our reason to debating what you event you attended is not building our country. so students in Zambia cannot think on their own? so if students attend a press conference then by extension police can only use tear gas to quell a riot? now that the president has issued a statement, what do we expect from the investigative wings? This is clutching at straws by the government, it is annoying at least and arrogance utmost.
Mr President the buck stops with you.
This dull man thinks Police will conclude that they caused the fire…
Oh you mean the buckteeth start with me? That way everyone knows
That everyone knows
Bwana Lungu your minister Dorah has already speculated and laid the blame on the Upendi party of Hechi Hechi. seems like your GRZ is in disarray.
Lundenipo bakateka, “ubuchenjeshi bwa nkoko, pungwa rasa Kamanga. Namailo lutali “
Pungwa tasakamana
mr president dont be mislead just be brave take the blame on behalf of your police force who act like the colonial police in the northen rhodesia. dont force a wind of change to blow fast against the party . wrong is wrong you cant run away from it and blame innocent people.
LOL, this joke has made my day. Which is this old woman though used figuratively? Is this not an indication of speculation already?. You already have someone in mind and you are just buying time before you breath fire on an innocent victim. By the way, i know too well the excitement that comes with being at the airport and about to board a plane. I once forgot my phone in the screening basket. Sometimes. when overwhelmed emotionally, objective thinking may be compromised.
There is no need to speculate. The cause of the riot was the unpaid bursaries and the cause of death of the Unza student was the police. Simple and straightforward. Don’t complicate things.
Zambia is a failed state. They will blame HH for everything that goes wrong and yet HH is not in power or have control over the trigger happy PF police. There is no rule of law in this country. It amazes me that we still have illiterates that support PF. Fuel prices have gone up- blame HH, kwacha has depreciated- ati its HH, donor funding stopped due to their theft- ati its HH who has caused it. My god this HH must be so powerful and mighty for him to have so much influence and power to cause all these misfortunes. As they say, a failure will always blame others for his own self inflicted failures. Lungu is a dead man with a dead soul. A young woman loses her life due to his trigger happy thugs the chap cannot just issue words of condolences.
Those of you defending the disgusting actions of the police must ask yourselves how you would feel if this was your child. You may feel.like You are smart with you political agendas, beware because something worse may happen to you and you will not receive sympathy from anyone. beware.
Why are UPND cowards not going to the streets to riot?
We need more UPND bloodshed.
HH said he wait to see the 90s riots.
So let’s get it on…..
As for police,my advice is use maximum force coz these are savages we are dealing with.
You are one the *****s that Zambia has. Is this the way you think? You deserve to like in the forest with animals, not humans. The world has no place for you.
You are one of the *****s that Zambia has. Is this the way you think? With that thinking, you deserve to live deep in the forest with animals, not humans.This world is not your place.
HH is a sadist that’s why he will never win the hearts of the majority Zambians . Truth be told when he dies Zambians will celebrate the way they did when Winter Kabimba was fired
Go live in the forest. Do you even know what you are talking about? Why do you hate someone for no reason at all?
I will speculate it’s because you are incompetent fools !
Listen to this corrupt theif ……he promised 1.5 million jobs pa yet there are none ……
He hires a private jet to go to talk about Mandela at the UN spending $4 million while students have no meal allowance and he wants up find scape goats for his ineptitude and corruption as a leader ..
Lungu you are a waiste of space…..sorry Zambia and my countrymen….
But Dora already said UPND caused the riots. And the police surely won’t come up with a report that will will one of their own for causing the death of the innocent student.
Man these people are getting worse by the day. “Investigations” into everything that yield nothing. How is that investigation into the social security money going, the 2nd one after the first took 12 months to reach your desk.
The riots at UNZA were initiated by Kainde!!!Students from the North and East have confirmed that bantustan students came geared to protest after attending HH’s useless press conference!!!Senior OP and ZP officials have this data already.ZNBC played a clip yesterday where HH was inciting Zambians to rise up against PF Govnt like it happened in the 1990s.HH has been inciting citizens for quiet some time now and WE BLAME GOVNT FOR THAT BECAUSE THIS GOVNT HAVE TOLARATED KAINDE FOR TOO LONG NOW!!!Kainde’s aim is to see Zambia ungovernable as long as it is not him in plot one!!!JAILING KAINDE IS THE ONLY SOLUTION SO THAT OUR PEACE CAN BE RETAINED-PERIOD!!
There you go again with you tower of babel stories, its tribe tribe, tribe nothing else can your pea brain churn out. Ain’t you suppose to start preparing ur self for the Babylon day 18th of October?
Njimbu–Are you a human being, a tribal bigot? You have a maggot’s brain. Your bigotry is really ingrained in your brain.
An ongoing chaotic problem the government has failed to address. Fortunately Lungu is unable resolved this problem because is dum anyway. Fix the education system these riots will STOP. I tend to think that Lungu’s mental capacity is not good enough to run the country. These riots have been ongoing since KK. Screw the government, UNZA board of management especially students. Riots are old school students can eventually lob the government for what they are fighting for. They can do better than throwing stones and vandalising government property.
The police never caused the riots hence the need for investigations.
The reasons stated of meal allows do not hold water as meal allows were not due by 4th. The allows are only paid on 6th and 7th day of a new quarter in the case should only be paid on 6th and 7th October 2018.
Those found quilty should face the rule accordingly.
Munamuswata ka? He has forgotten his lessons ka? Looks like bapaya dialogue ka? Establish and lock up, we are waiting!!
Why is Nkandu Luo’s bra on top of the dress. On this photo she looks like her mother. Where is her lunatic sister Mumbi Phiri? Sidelined and hounded like monkeys by dogs just like every other Bemba like Kambwili, Kabanshi, Kelvin Fube, Kalaba, and many more. Never has Lungu hounded anyone from kwao kumawa.
what we expect is for the police who caused the death of the innocent 4 year UNZA student to be arrested & locked up for life and not the investigations of what caused the riots; we know the cause for the riots; and Zambians should reject the corrupt young man Lusambo ‘s suggestion for a China town in Lusaka or Zambia? I wonder if this young man has ever gone into a China town in some of the Western countries or he is just excited because of the corrupt brown envelope he has received from the Chinese for him to promote this nuisance of a China town in Zambia;
When a thief steels something, he will always keep on running away from his own shadow thinking that there is someone following him behind. Hence, every time pointing fingers at others.
These riots were caused by the tribal leader HH . I don’t know what the police are waiting for.
5tupid parasite has spoken. HH has ordered Police to use excessive force in the accommodation building at night?
Ubushiku bwaluba umukote ne chimbwi chinya imfwi.When you find a hyena defeacating grey hair you will tell that it has eaten the old person who has gone missing in the village.
There is nothing to speculate. It is the DUTY of CoC to investigate and inform. Buck stops with you Mr. President as the CoC. Zambian Police Service cannot investigate themselves
Aha president malabishi yoka yoka
Useless ECL and useless Dora. Both issuing statements that apportion blame on someone else other than themselves. Why doesn’t this man ever hold a proper press conference?
This President is just like Rupiah Banda.He could not even express regret for the loss of a precious life.Tabapusana sana.God please manifest your Power and come and heal our land.Twapapata Shikulu.
davies mwila is a typical example of a BLACK AFRICAN , VERY HANDSOME MEN IN THE PICTURE