Thursday, January 16, 2025

DFID confirms receipt of US$2.7 million from Zambian government


DFID Director General LINDY CAMERON shakes hands with Minister of Finance MARGARET MWANAKATWE after a bilateral meeting in Bali-Indonesia

The United Kingdom Department for International Development [DFID] has confirmed receipt of US$ 2.7 Million which was refunded by the Zambian Government following concerns raised by the United Kingdom on utilization of social cash transfer programme resources.

Last month the UK based Africa Confidential reported that the Zambian government was diverting donor funds meant for social sector spending to make debt repayments.The UK’s DFID then suspended its funding to Zambia and demanded restitution.The British Government also confirmed that it has frozen all funding to the Zambian Government following allegations of widespread corruption in the PF Government.UK High Commissioner to Zambia Fergus Cochrane-Dyet confirmed that London had cut all bilateral funding to Zambia until all audit queries are addressed.

However the Zambian Government said the money had not been misused and remained unutilised in a ZANACO bank account.The Government then wrote to the British government over its intentions to pay back the 2.7 million pounds which was meant for beneficiaries under the social cash transfer.

DFID Director General Lindy Cameron said in Bali, Indonesia, this afternoon, that she is grateful to Zambia for honouring their request. She said this during a bilateral meeting with Zambia’s Minister of Finance, Margaret Mwanakatwe.

Ms. Cameron added that once the results of the social cash transfer programme forensic audit are finalised and appropriate action taken, the DFID will engage Zambian authorities to chart the path for resumption of positive development cooperation.

The Senior United Kingdom Government Official also took the opportunity to invite Mrs. Mwanakatwe to the Africa Investment Forum which will be held in London in 2019. She said DFID will be on hand to assist Zambia in preparing for the 2019 UK/Africa Investment Forum.

Ms. Cameron further said that the recent visit of the British Prime Minister Theresa May to Africa gave the British leader a clearer perspective on the need to develop new partnerships with Africa and using London as a hub for private sector partnership development. She added that the agenda for new partnerships with African based private sector institutions is a priority for the British Government in their aspiration to generate long-term development cooperation.

Zambia’s macro-economic situation was also discussed, during the UK/Zambia bilateral meeting attended by Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Christopher Mvunga.

Speaking at the same meeting, Mrs. Mwanakatwe said the Zambian Government had taken decisive steps to demonstrate its commitment to the implementation of the new Public Financial Management Act, 2018, by taking the necessary administrative action against officials who were expected to ensure that there was prudence in the utilization of social cash transfer resources.

The Minister emphasised that the Public Financial Management Act is the whip with which public service workers who will be found wanting in the management and utilization of public resources will be sanctioned and punished severely.

Mrs. Mwanakatwe also assured the United Kingdom Official that despite the turbulence’s related to the general public debt, the Government is implementing reforms and measures that are aimed at ensuring that there is stabilisation and growth in the economy.

She affirmed that the country had not only implemented a debt management strategy and but also implemented a system for dismantling domestic arrears.

The Minister also confirmed that social protection funds totaling K2.1 billion have been provided for in the 2019 National Budget. She further stated that the Government will continue to treat concerns which were raised by stakeholders on the utilization of public resources, with the deserved seriousness.

The Minister took the opportunity to announce that she will be traveling to Europe and America for a non-deal-road-show for Zambia’s bond holders and prospective investors.

This morning Mrs. Mwanakatwe and her delegation attended the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings Plenary addressed by Indonesian President, Joko Widod, IMF Managing Director, Christine Lagarde and World Bank President,Jim Yong Kim.


  1. We can make Copperbelt Metal Exchange in Kitwe and have the Broken Hill Man back to Kabwe. That will be a fair deal. Let’s develop this thing because whoever didin’t want it develop will NEVER develop it for us.

  2. While I like the fact that we paid back the £2.7 million to DFID, it means some very poor people in Zambia are missing out on that much needed money. The PF is broke so it is not as if they have that money to give to the poor.

    • Even us we have lost. We need forex so that we can buy airtickets fairly.

      Very few people understand we are in mess. They thinks its ONLY poor people.

      It means more trouble for people like chilala.

  3. Fools – PF just transferred money and chopped from other programs.

    Maybe even chopped from Educational Loans – Student Allowances.

  4. Now these are what we can call positive and productive engagements. We can it was worth the travelling. We dont want aimless movements from senior govt officials who run away from handling serious issues in the Land of Zambia. the president must also stop the continuous movements and let the ministers do what they are paid for.

    They just sitting in parliament doing nothing yet get heft some of monies for worthless debates.

    And where is the Lusaka Mayor? Has he gone on vacation or what?

  5. Reminds me of the story of talents in the bible. Others used and made profits. One guy buried and later gave it back to the master

    • We all know the foolish one who buried the talent in a murky zanaco account. While the old, handicapped were denied a chance to get some money probably for capital for a little business for them to survive. Hope they play and feast good on the 18th of October.

    • Under5s can you please mature fast. These donor funds come with conditions attached. Maybe they wanted zambia to legalize same sexxx marriage. Govt cant just take the money and use it because its in the country. Actually dfid is a loser here. Western donations have evil conditions attached and zambia just grasp that opportunity to say no to their evil intersts by giving back the money.

  6. These rodents must realise we need that FOREX

    They are not affected at all

    Free accommodation

    Free fuel

    Free Vehicle SUVs

    No wonder after MMD lost $ coudnt manage to pay salary to garden boy and she was sued

    She had to plead for a job in PF .the party she scorned .

  7. A lose minister of finance

    On top of that they go and murder a girl child. SHAME

    Tear gas in not designed to kill but to control mob .

    How do you fire tear gas in a room

    These rodents must be punished

    Kantu luwe

    $ slit


    These have to be punished severely

  8. It time we move on from depending on hand outs from donors. We are tired of perpetually being the beggers sitting on the side of the road waiting for some good Samaritan to drop a coin in our little begging bowl. Aren’t we ashamed as Africans? It’s time to move on, or else we invite someone yo come asnd recolonize us if we can’t run our affairs. We need to grow up and run our own stuff. please mwebantu

  9. The plane Lungu just bought is over 20 times that amount. Norwegian taxpayers want a refund too. Zambia is trending on their social media over this. This government is foolish not to see the butterfly effect and how it affects Zambians all over the globe.

  10. There is nothing good about the refund, It’s a scandal which will reverberate for years to come. Donors have learnt a lesson and in future they will be reluctant to help especially with this government. The consequences have just began. For DFID it is not personal but a matter of principles, typical of donor funded international organisation who believe in accountability, for which i commend them for. The ordinary citizens of the countries who donated the money expect a full and comprehensive report.

  11. @ex-momma, what is there to like when the money was ‘supposedly’ sitting in the bank instead of reaching the poor or vulnerable? What impunity can she spit, when you are accepting the handouts in the first place. This is a very shameful time for Zambia and we need to accept our wrongs first before we can make corrections. Your attitude is baffling! Also DFID are being very diplomatic here, investigations are still ongoing. “…Ms. Cameron added that once the results of the social cash transfer programme forensic audit are finalised and appropriate action taken, the DFID will engage Zambian authorities to chart the path for resumption of positive development cooperation…” Inpunity, my foot, unless its your attempt of sarcasm!

    • Not too long ago there were reports about how the UK gets millions out of Africa much more than they actually put in. Why should a wealthy country be proud to receive US$2.7million from a poor country. Their so called generosity is still rooted in colonialism. I don’t like PF ,I do not condone misappropriation of money but I will not condone colonialist attitudes dressed like a good samaritan. If Africans developean attitude that they can sort themselves out like Pf has done in this case then maybe the future is bright for us and we will stop being slaves in the near future #spitonthe check

  12. Even the picture tells a story…jesus and the two robbers. You can only see the face of the second robber!

  13. You need to show that twat ambassador….oh sorry the twitter ambassador the door. I hope you will stay clear from the real colonisers.

  14. Leave them OSA KUTI BAZITISAMBA UTHU these colonialists.let them remain with their money, after all they milked us a lot during the colonial days.

  15. You give a beggar some money. Then you accuse the beggar of misusing the money. The beggar then decides to give you back the money to show you that the money was not misused but was kept at home. Would you feel happy, embarrassed, or surprised?

    • You give a begger money to buy shoes, next you see the begger with no shoes but drinking expensive wines, when you ask the begger to account for the money ment for shoes , first he claims ignorance, then when you threaten to unmask his trickery , he suddenly says , here is the money…..

      I will be saying

      ” I told you they are theives “

  16. @Facts, The money was not misused. The money that has been returned is a portion that was frozen by DFID after they realised that 4.2 million had been misappropriated. The Govt have put a spin and are saying they have returned the money when in fact they are giving back what’s has remained of the funds. That is why Ms Cameron is saying until the forensic audit is completed of the missing money, they will then take appropriate steps. We should be grateful for Africa Confidential. Please we need to stop with this colonialism crap. It’s a tired and pathetic excuse.

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