Saturday, July 27, 2024

Teaching Service Commission saddened by the leaking of final exam papers


Part of mathematics paper leaked on social media

The Teaching Service Commission learnt with sadness the leaking of the final examination papers and has commended the Minister of General Education David Mabumba for the quick intervention in the postponement of examinations.

Teaching Service Commission spokesperson Jane Mbambara said examination malpractices compromise the quality of education which in turn would hinder the country’s social and economic development.

Ms. Mbambara has since called for thorough investigations so that perpetrators are brought to book as soon as possible.

She further appealed to teachers who may have any information regarding the leaked examination papers to help the investigative wings in order to continue upholding the values and principles of a teacher as enshrined in part 1 of the Code of Ethics for Teachers.

General Education Minister David Mabumba indefinitely suspended all the 2018, Grade Seven, Nine and 12 examinations following the malpractices.

Mr. Mabumba announced that investigations have also been instituted to ascertain the extent of the alleged malpractice.


  1. Look at kind of questions they are asking pupils…. all CORRUPTION.
    – Exchange dollars at Katondo street.
    – Kamanga buying illegal plot.
    When are elections, Zambia needs a thoroughly cleanup.

    • Great observation….
      The PF have introduced kaponya education to our children.
      Our kids will end with kaponya mentality

    • @Nostradamus: well noted; Corruption starts from the Ministry. It’s a shame that our education system has been brought to such useless levels. Zambia was one of the highly rated countries in education. The change of curriculum brought all the corruption with Teachers losing their ethics and values. The ministry of education has failed us. Nkandu Luo and her PS should go.

  2. Dont cry over spilt milk.

    Carry out cyber trail start with upendi cadres like hamasaka Clayton owner zwd.

    He was the first to published. Ati he got it on whatsapp. Which whatsapp

  3. These are some of the effects of obtaining good results through cheating.
    Patients die at the hands of unqualified doctors
    Pupils fail at the hands of unqualified teachers
    Vehicles overturn killing motorists at the hands of unqualified engineers
    The list is endless!
    In exam cheating scam, parents are unfortunately involved by giving their children money to buy leakage. How do you explain agrade 9 pupil affording to buy exam paper at K100 each?

  4. Leakage culture as been with us from as early as 2000 especially in Lusaka. The leakage is now so advanced that certain institution are using invigilators to aid the candidates with support from subject teachers. Subjects teachers are given a smuggled paper at the beginning of the examinations and after the paper has been answered, the subject teachers gives the paper to the invigilator who goes round helping candidates. Before examinations, students are asked to contribute some money for the corrupt invigilators and subject teachers. Even with or without leaked paper, there is an inside corrupt system.

  5. Prepare for 500 questions

    Let pupil s sit in assembly hall

    Select questions questions from the 500 on final day and beam on giant screen using power point. Or iPod camera.

    Use online system to ensure the country write same exam

  6. So you are telling me that 7th Grade pupils are also sitting for grade 9 examinations for them to be punished? Why dont you fire all the teachers and official involved in this , then punishing everybody? Learn from this and start printing PLAN B EXAM PAPERS TOO. To be issued only when HELL BREAKS LOOSE. And only a few extremely trusted (SWORN TO SECRECY) officials and teachers be given plan B papers at each examination centre and school. LET GRADE 7 PUPILS SIT FOR THEIR EXAMINATIONS AS SCHEDULED. HAVE KIND AND REASONABLE SOULS AND HEART PLEASE..

  7. If you calculate properly on question (c), you should get K36,000.
    But that is not the answer in the marking key: The answer is as follows:
    The plot was sold to more than one person. Another person (a Chinese national) paid K40,000 so Mr Kamanga lost his money.
    Therefore the value after one year is zero since the matter is in Court.

    • Honestly. Even small kids should start looking at life in terms of plots

      Thats why the country if full of cadres grabbing land .they learn it from school headmaster

  8. Pin the top culprits…then follow the chain up to the end users themselves. I hope we have the law to guide on this illicit exam conducts.

  9. This is the result of impunity, hubris and a very politicized work space. As soon as an already ill-qualified, ill-equipped workforce realizes punishment will be selective and frivolous this begins to escalate until now it can no longer be ignored. My hope is that there is still some antiseptic space to clear out the rot… Good luck, especially to those who actually created or abetted the creation of this state of affairs. Suddenly your children will be required to write English placement in English speaking countries’ universities if you are not careful. Take care of the future!! Mwe mbushi mwe!

  10. Ba Jane Mbambara, how can you surely commend a failure? David Mabumba did not only fail to plan but he planned to fail as well.

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