Friday, January 17, 2025

Three Church Mother bodies condemn Zambia Police for taking their brutality to defenseless Church gatherings


Representatives of the Three Church Mother bodies
File:Representatives of the Three Church Mother bodies

The three Church mother bodies have expressed extreme disappointment and concern at the recent action by the police to prevent citizens from exercising their constitutional right to meet and discuss national issues affecting the society in which they live.

In a statement released to the media yesterday, the three mother bodies said condemned in the strongest terms the conduct of the police whom they accused of having developed a habit of ambushing unarmed and defenseless citizens as well as making arbitrary arrests and detentions.

The church mother bodies further said that it was worrisome to note that the propensity of police brutality has now crossed boundaries and can be done in religious buildings which for a very long time have been regarded as sacred places.

Below is the full statement


1. Preamble

We, the leaders of the three Church Mother bodies namely the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ), the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) and the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB), greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Our Prophetic Voice

We have always maintained that our prophetic voice on national issues is solely motivated by our wish to see a unified, prosperous and just society where citizens live in peace with the Lord, with one another and with creation. Our prophetic voice is also motivated by our wish to build a nation in which citizens are guaranteed the exercise of their God-given rights of expression, association and religion and can thus meet and freely discuss issues of national importance without hinderous.

3. The Uncalled for Conduct by the Police and the Need to Respect the Sanctity of the Church Space

We wish to register our extreme disappointment and concern at the recent action by the police to prevent citizens from exercising their constitutional right to meet and discuss national issues affecting the society in which they live.

This is in the wake of the incidence which apparently occurred on Friday, 19th October 2018 in Ndola where the Centre for Trade and Policy Development (CTPD) held a training workshop at the Ndola Baptist Church in view of reviewing and identifying the impact of the 2019 national budget, Zambia’s national debt and the reported illicit financial flows.

We have been informed that while the workshop was being conducted inside a Church building, police came in full riot gear and demanded for an end to the workshop before they proceeded to arrest three (3) CTPD staff and five (5) pastors, locked them up in police cells and we are told that they later charged them with unlawful assembly with intent to commit crime.

The arrested citizens were only released on police bond after they presented working sureties.

We, the Church Mother Bodies would like to condemn in strongest terms possible the conduct of the police who seem to have unfortunately developed a habit of ambushing unarmed and defenseless citizens as well as making arbitrary arrests and detentions. It is worrisome to note that the propensity of police brutality has now crossed boundaries and can be done in religious buildings which for a very long time have been regarded as sacred places.

The Church is a place of refuge for the vulnerable and weak in society. We call upon the police to desist from such behaviour that violates not only the sacred spaces but people’s rights as well. Instead, we expect them to demonstrate high levels of respect and reverence when they standing on sacred grounds. The action by our police in this saga was not only detrimental to freedom of assembly and speech but also a sacrilege and detestable in the eyes of God. It is indeed shameful to have these arrests conducted a day after Prayer, Fasting and Reconciliation.

We, further, call upon the Zambia Police Command in the country to be professional and operate above board to the satisfaction of all citizens regardless of their political affiliation, tribe, race or religion. The Police service must also operate above board by ensuring that there is freedom of assembly, speech and religion as enshrined in the laws of the land. We also call upon relevant authorities to review and amend the Public Order Act which has remained archaic from the days of colonialism.

The biased application of the POA to stifle the lawful activities of the Civil Society Organisations and of the Church is unfortunate and is already contributing towards the shrinking of the democratic space in the country.

We demand that government expedites the process of reviewing the POA and its manner of application so as to maintain peace and order in the nation while respecting the constitutional rights and order. To our political leaders, especially those in power, we urge you to exercise power with restraint and work towards inculcating the tenets and cardinal values of democracy and good governance.

4. Conclusion

We, the three Church Mother Bodies, will not relent in advocating for social justice and speaking for the voiceless in our beloved country. We will continue to defend the freedom of expression and assembly. We will also continue to fight for a just society where independence means more than just political freedom.

We will continue to fight for the independence that is extended to the church, civil society and the common woman and man on the street. Lastly, the Church will continue to preach tolerance, love, peace, and national unity.

May God Bless Zambia.


  1. Worthless statement with the tone of UPND.

    The police were correct and has the blessings of all Zambians



    • Oh please, not this PHD Bonehead, again posting her rubbish. PHD my foot!!! can’t reason with any sense of responsibility!!!

    • It is sad that PF have parted ways with churches.
      The day of National Prayers passed as if it was ash Wednesday, so sorrowful.
      Look at so-called political dialogue, Churches have given up.
      Even RB has decided to abandon PF, he has gone to help Ba KK.
      Ba Edgar’s new friends are Edwin Sakala and Chilufya Tayali.

    • Another id1otic statement from Mushota. Promoting a police State. Wait till it happens to one of your relatives…i.e. if you still have relatives living in Zambia. Anyway, the church should’ve never allowed hypocritical corrupt Lungu to make a mockery of their sacred gatherings by appearing in their midst, with his unholy corrupt hands raised in a posture of worship. Lungu panders to the church for political reasons, but he’s not serious about spiritual issues. If he was serious about spiritual issues, he would not allow corruption to run so rampantly in the nation. He would not also be using the police to persecute his perceived political rivals. So next time you see him coming into your churches, tell him that he is not welcome, and ask him to leave.

    • Has HH visited his former MP in Prison who sacrificed sorry who killed an innocent guard/worker? Have they found the person who sacrificed, sorry who killed HH’s bodyguard yet too?

      Police have a noble duty of enforcing peace in the land. Police will follow up culprits in the comfort of their bankers, churches and schools. The reason is simple. While you operate in an oversight mode, police use intelligence to whack and squash political elements in all endeavour of life. POA is good to regulate dark corner meetings. A dark corner meeting can also happen in church.

    • The government they are criticizing is led by a man they break bread with in their churches. So why is it not working? We are told with God all things are possible. Yes, ALL things are possible including evil.

  2. Dictatorship know no religion, these dander heads r the first to call for national prayers yet their brutality is taken out on innocent people even pastors are not spared, PF chipante pants govt no regard for constitution or rule of law, yet they are the worst thieves to ever be in govt in Zambia, shame on you

  3. The clergy must also refrain from taking politics to Church as though they had no other issues, e.g. dealing with some notorious pastors within their congregation. They cannot give restrictions or boundaries to the state in the administration of it’s duties.

    The Bible is clear: “Everyone must obey state authorities, because no authority exists without God’s permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God. Whoever opposes the existing authority opposes what God has ordered.” Romans 13

    • @Nine Chale
      Thats the problem with blind Christians for Lungu…..
      This is a gross and dangerous misinterpretation of the bible verse “Everyone must obey state authorities, because no authority exists without God’s permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God. Whoever opposes the existing authority opposes what God has ordered.” Romans 13

      You are saying the following murderous regimes were put there by God.
      1.Idi Amin in Uganda
      2.Mobutu in Zaire
      3.Bokasa in the Central African Republic
      4.Abacha in Nigeria
      5.Aldolf Hitler and the Nazi
      6.Joseph Stalin in Russia
      7.Pol Pot in Cambodia
      8.Nicolae Ceau?escu in Romania
      I pray that the good lord protects us from your kind.You are a danger to human kind.

    • The human experience is that God makes mistakes all the time.
      The first earthly ruler according to the bible was Satan; apparently permitted by God. Mistake numero uno!

      Humans balikapilamo since then.

    • Even the church must and should observe the POA.
      Idd it has been with us from colonial era, then it has worked.
      We can’t allow people to be having dark corner political meetings.
      The last time the POA slept, a kid died at UNZA.

  4. See this is why I don’t go to church meetings. It is not safe anymore. Every meeting is suspect in the eyes of this government. They know what they are scared of. Me, I don’t know but I don’t support fighting God’s servants.

    • Political meetings at church are as bad as anywhere else. Meet for Jesus. Not for Kalaba or anything else.

  5. Nothing is sacred anymore. Who would have thought Police with teargas would invade an academic institution repeatedly? Yea – this has been going on even before we had the fatality. Or who would imagine Police would now feature at gravesites, churches, private homes, etc. It is almost as if all hell is breaking loose, especially for those who are observers. Add to that a very unhelpful press that does not even bother to do its homework. Awe shuwa!!!! Ni wela u oné!!!!!

  6. The mix between Church and Polity is by definition problematic. The Police will act swiftly to prevent any politicization of the Church. The Workshop must be conducted in Public spaces, especially academic institutions. In certain cases, the Lodge, the Motel, the Hotel or the International Conference Center can be used. Please avoid politicization of Church activities. Political activism generally goes with bruises.

    • Does the premises constitute the church or does the congregation of believers/church members constitute the church? Asking for a friend.

    • In this context, the Church building per se is equal to the Church. In a different context, the Church refers to the adept followers of Jesus Christ taken as a social group.

  7. Jesus said ” let the will of God be done on earth as it is done in HEAVEN. The WORSHIP and the governance of Christ. Jesus was persecuted including the old church and he said “those who want to follow me should endure the pain of rejection and persecution. You can’t see the devil with your naked eyes.” Get behind me Satan” Jesus told peter. So the devil was in peter same applies with the police and the Sadducees the politician. Accept the pain you the Church mother body. This world is not our home but we are passing through. Let us talk Christ and him crucified. One day we will be judged despite the earthly TITLE. Ask the dead.

  8. This is a fake publication. Three mother church bodies always end their publication with NAME OF THEIR REPRESENTATIVES and C.C..
    Wait tomorrow, the version will change. It’s SAD that people have become so shrewdly that they can EVEN provide false information using the name of the churches. Am sure some of you knew what really matters most on the arrest of the NGOs and those hiding in the name of clergymen. Church mother bodies can’t take shape with their dirty gathering of their in Ndola.
    Please spare the RESPECT OF THE CHURCH.

  9. The Police do not act alone, they are ordered by their political superiors. So, all condemnation should first and foremost be directed at their superiors. They should not be spared.

  10. Yes,
    having developed a habit of ambushing unarmed and defenseless citizens.
    They killed a defenceless Unza student.
    Our police or Edgar’s police?

  11. Yes,
    having developed a habit of ambushing unarmed and defenceless citizens.
    They killed a defenceless Unza student.
    Our police or Edgar’s police?

  12. @Nine Chale
    Thats the problem with blind Christians for Lungu…..
    This is a gross and dangerous misinterpretation of the bible verse “Everyone must obey state authorities, because no authority exists without God’s permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God. Whoever opposes the existing authority opposes what God has ordered.” Romans 13

    You are saying the following murderous regimes were put there by God.
    1.Idi Amin in Uganda
    2.Mobutu in Zaire
    3.Bokasa in the Central African Republic
    4.Abacha in Nigeria
    5.Aldolf Hitler and the Nazi
    6.Joseph Stalin in Russia
    7.Pol Pot in Cambodia
    8.Nicolae Ceau?escu in Romania
    I pray that the good lord protects us from your kind.You are a danger to human kind.

  13. Watch it. Those who support the current regime are like one who fed a voracious crocodile with hs enemies’ flesh hoping to be eaten last. Hitler started off requiring jews to wear arm bands then carry I’d cards and then seeking to exterminate them. Those who stood by in support of his diabolical schemes were in the end never spared the ensuing incineration. I repeat watch it.

  14. These people are peddling nonsense, the one time Jesus lost his temper was when the temple was used for something other than worship of God and prayer. The Bible is clear, those that involve themselves with Affairs of Man and not God serve Satan. In this age people mask sinful acts in the name of Christianity and Gods Church. What has God to do with the affairs of Men? A budget discussion? They should be locked up for defiling his house.

  15. Matthew 16:23-27 (NKJV)

    23 But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

  16. Isaiah 56:7 New King James Version (NKJV)

    7 Even them I will bring to My holy mountain,
    And make them joyful in My house of prayer.
    Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices
    Will be accepted on My altar;
    For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”

  17. Matthew 21:12-13 New King James Version (NKJV)

    Jesus Cleanses the Temple

    12 Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ”

    Church Mother Bodies my foot! The Bible is clear! You shall know them by their fruit.

  18. Romans 13 New King James Version

    Submit to Government

    13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will [a]bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For…

  19. ……….. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

    Churches must be praying for politicians. Not peddling lies harboring criminals, political dissidents and hidden agendas.

  21. Has the case been disposed off by the courts? Why conclude if the pastors were not guilty when the court is yet to determine the case. In the same way please write a long letter when the case is concluded otherwise.

  22. Imwe ba Mushota Lesa tasentekwa.I think PF is fooling God. Ba president ukusenteka Jehovah Lesa litipu ilikalamba.Fear God and give him respect. That is not negotiable.

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