Saturday, July 27, 2024

Police Summon HH over ZAFFICO riots


HH speaking to Journalists outside the Cathedral
UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema

Police have summoned UPND President Hakainde Hichilema to appear before the Copperbelt Police Division in Ndola.

According to a callout issued by the Deputy D. C. I.O, Gloria Mulele, Mr. Hichilema should report to Ndola Police Headquarters on Wednesday next week for investigations.

Some PF supporters have been pressuring the police to arrest Mr. Hichilema for allegedly inciting people on the Copperbelt to riot over the alleged sale of ZAFFICO, a state owned company involved in the timber industry.

Mr Hichilema has denied ever inciting anyone to riot when he appeared Hot Fm breakfast show where presenter Hope Chishala asked him to provides proof that ZAFFICO had been sold.

Chishala wanted to know why Hichilema said ZAFFICO had been sold to Chinese nationals when he featured on a Sun Fm radio show and if the opposition leader had incited the riot that rocked Kitwe earlier in the week.

But Hichilema kept insisting that he did not incite anybody to riot as PF officials were claiming.

“I did not incite anybody to riot, let’s state that very clear. My position is that I incited nobody to riot. What is true is that citizens are aware of what is going on in the country. They are aware of the ZNBC situation,” Hichilema told Hot FM.

Mr Hichilema is reportedly to have later called News Diggers saying he knew the strategy that the PF government was using against him, and that he did not want to fall in their trap by answering questions from a sponsored journalist.

“I am way ahead of them. I know exactly what they are doing. I did not fail to answer the question around the sale of ZAFFICO. You I can tell you because you are truly an independent media. I know that they are using the listing of ZAFFICO on the stock exchange in order to facilitate the systematic take over by the Chinese. If you ask them today, which Zambians are going to buy the shares of ZAFFICO once it’s listed? People don’t have food to eat, they have no money to buy shares in ZAFFICO, so it’s them and their Chinese friends who will buy the shares and eventually remove it from the stock exchange, is that not a sale?” asked Hichilema.

The Zambian government has officially announced that they will sale ZAFFICO by floating its shares on the Lusaka Stock Exchange.


    • Wow wow like idyots, when Kampyongo said the day of arresting HH is not decided, I thought he was just misbehaving.
      Takwaba arresting like that.

    • “I know that they are using the listing of ZAFFICO on the stock exchange in order to facilitate the systematic take over by the Chinese. If you ask them today, which Zambians are going to buy the shares of ZAFFICO once it’s listed?”

      This chap it’s like he didn’t make enough money from stealing ZCCM proceeds of Privatization. He wants to buy Zaffico?

    • Little does he know that Copperbelt is the home of the famous Kamfinsa.

      The State is already aware that (HH) was trying to use some disgruntled former security chiefs to cause anarchy. (HH) is ready to wage war at all costs just to enter Plot 1.

      On Wednesday the maggot is going back to hell where he belongs. Good riddance.

      Y’all folks who think you have a leader, friend, dude, colleague, buddy or an acquaintance in double h, let me tell y’all that y’all have a trickster. A conniving and deceiving individual who will land you in double deep trouble.
      Call the cops when you see double h in your neighborhood.

    • @Nostradamus ars$ hole last time we sprayed tear gas on that mothr fcuker’s Jenny Toes you cadres complained.
      We are not storming his house this weekend, we are just sending him to hell for causing hell on earth. The dumb fcuk who incites citizens to cause anarchy whilst he’s in the bunker bonking with his daughters. This time there will be no Patricia Scotland to save this primate from extinction

    • Akainde’s misshapen head will look a fritter when we are done with him. Mark my words even inbred imbieciles like that African Gay parrot Gay Jay will wish Akainde was never born. I’m eating popcorn this coming Wednesday. All roads lead to Kamfinsa.
      How dare you UPN Dogs disparage our all weather friends from China. Monkey apes trying to breed Xenophobia in a land of peace. Go to hell. Heathen.

    • Kudos

      “…I know that they are using the listing of ZAFFICO on the stock exchange in order to facilitate the systematic take over by the Chinese. If you ask them today, which Zambians are going to buy the shares of ZAFFICO once it’s listed? People don’t have food to eat, they have no money to buy shares in ZAFFICO, so it’s them and their Chinese friends who will buy the shares and eventually remove it from the stock exchange, is that not a sale?”

    • Goggle: President Lungu commissions a K20 million pole … › 2018/02/11

      What happened to workers compensation fund partnering with zaffico? Why the sudden change to list it on the Lusaka stock exchange,could this sudden change be the cause of what is happening on the copperbelt.

    • @Kudos, wabe itolle. Yesterday you were harassing women to pick up utujirijiri empties, today it’s HH.
      Mwebana bambwa

    • When you promise your child fish and your give a snake or you promise him bread then you give him a stone ,what do you expect,are you not inciting him to run riot in your home. These guys were promised that workers compensation fund will partner with zaffico,suddenly they are talking about list zaffico on LUSE.

    • I rarely comment now just way too many insults….what happened to old school bloggers MMD chief bootlicker,nine chale,Saulosi,Mwanawakwithu,Meimatungu, The original Mushota, the original Katondo boys, Gundixy…etc…Lusaka Times used to be fun not the kind of bloggers we have now

    • Spaka
      Selling of “shares in a company on a stock exchange” is different from selling the “same number of shares a specific entity”. CEC, Shoprite, Chilanga Cement, National Breweries, even Zambeef(where HH has some shares) are listed on LUSE.
      The listed companies have more eyes(shareholders) pushing them perform efficiently and effectively to maximise profits.
      HH(being a seasoned accountant) knows these procedures very well. They, in no way, mean a wholesome sale like what HH is insinuating. He is inciting under-performing directors to rebell against the move.

    • When these Vuvuzelas started opening their mouth, it was clear this was coming… one doubted and I am not surprised.
      It’s a shame indeed, its a punishment for not accepting ZCID, and disrupting the so-called reconciliatory discussions.
      Nothing else.

  1. No one should be above the law.HH is setting a bad example,freedom of expression is allowed in a democratic nation but not peddling lies that can cause anarchy.

    • Ala power may be sweet to infringe others but careful how God twists his winds. The last maybe the first and the last maybe the last. Let’s not be over excited in abusing our power.

    • I wonder why Chola Katanga can’t divorce Charity, she is an embarrassment. Why go all the way from Ndola to New Kasama in Lusaka to stock on HH?
      Mongu refused to arrest HH over traffic treason, why Ndola?

  2. HH is being victimised by being the leader of the largest opposition party and by his growing popularity. the rioters were rioting for their rights.

  3. 1. Make sure the Police have credible evidence of HH inciting people. If not, HH should be compansated.

    2. Stop calling opposition political party leaders President. They are not, and President is not their title.

    • During the launch of the pole treatment plant February this year , kopala people were promised that workers compensation board will partner with zaffico,suddenly without explanation they are told it will be list on the Lusaka stock exchange, its such inconsistency that has caused this anxiety on the copper belt.

    • Let Workers Compensation Board of Directors resolve whether to buy shares in ZAFFICO or not. Because tomorrow you will turn around and point at PF for any bad outcomes?

    • Yes, it’s true Adedo! They should buy as much as they can to block their “PERCEIVED” chinese buyers. And hopefully push the share-prices up.

  4. HH is a bad example of leaders. Real politicians are like real poachers.HH is too open. His weakness are seen inward and outward.I thought that HH had artistic abilities of a genius.His psychology still shows that HH is an African BOER. So he’s used by his white supremacy..? Real avacular figures leaves no trace on their moves and they don’t open their mouth carelessly.To show his weakness, upnd cohorts will be ferried to Copperbelt from Monday till Tuesday night.SHAME.

  5. Kubweka I don’t agree with the largest opposition party because the popularity is only in southern and western and most of the MPs are are from there so I don’t agree with that statement

    • I know that they are using the listing of ZAFFICO on the stock exchange in order to facilitate the systematic take over by the Chinese. If you ask them today, which Zambians are going to buy the shares of ZAFFICO once it’s listed? People don’t have food to eat, they have no money to buy shares in ZAFFICO, so it’s them and their Chinese friends who will buy the shares and eventually remove it from the stock exchange, is that not a sale?”


  6. Mugwileni. Very Childish. You don’t have to physically go around telling people to riot to be accused of inciting the public. It can be done by remote control like you went on a public media telling lies.

    • I know that they are using the listing of ZAFFICO on the stock exchange in order to facilitate the systematic take over by the Chinese. If you ask them today, which Zambians are going to buy the shares of ZAFFICO once it’s listed? People don’t have food to eat, they have no money to buy shares in ZAFFICO, so it’s them and their Chinese friends who will buy the shares and eventually remove it from the stock exchange, is that not a sale?”


    • I know that they are using the listing of ZAFFICO on the stock exchange in order to facilitate the systematic take over by the Chinese. If you ask them today, which Zambians are going to buy the shares of ZAFFICO once it’s listed? People don’t have food to eat, they have no money to buy shares in ZAFFICO, so it’s them and their Chinese friends who will buy the shares and eventually remove it from the stock exchange, is that not a sale?”


  7. kudos you’re a pretty dumb person, all along I’ve given you a benefit of a doubt, but it’s now crystal clear that you’re not objective in anything when it comes to pf’s makings they can do no wrong.
    fyi. he’s not going to be arrested. mark my words. there’s no case for him to be arrested, so you can put back the chibuku, there won’t be any celebrations

  8. Leadership is about maturity, accommodating, long suffering and selflessness. Many times praised in your death. That is what we are lacking as a country. the man at home affairs is too confrontational and very unzambian. A citizen of this country can not engage in such hate speeches even if it means political benefit to their side. There is need for president Lungu to reshuffle Mr kampyongo as there has been so many isolated deaths under his tenure as never heard of before. if not careful, this country will be left in darkness. i wonder where the elders of this country are? The man needs strong prayers so everyone promoting hatred. Do you want to fight the southern chiefs again? we need someone mature in that ministry to handle a competitive political environment. Arrest threats are not…

    • Jumping about like a grasshopper. Kampyongo was merely stating the law as it stands. He reiterated the consequences of INCITING THE PUBLIC. Is that really THREATENING? That was a PUBLIC WARN AND CAUTION.

    • Unlike the Mongu Motorgate Treason incident this time ZRP is calling HH for investigations b4 arresting him. This time they want to investigate first b4 arresting HH. They don’t know that floating shares of ZAFFICO on LUSE is actually selling shares of the company. Ownership of a Company is thru the shareholding structure. If China buys 51% of ZAFFICO Shares on Luse then they become the Majority Shareholders of the Company. Thats what it means to list a Company on the Stock Exchange. Once ZAFFICO Shares are floated on LUSE anybody can buy them including the Chinese. So there is no issue here.

  9. they’ll torture some poor kids who were arrested and tell them that the only way they’ll release them is if they say hh told them to go riot, and they’ll say that’s the evidence
    bottom like is they are trying to silence the opposition. and you call yourselves democratic/Christian country.
    engage in political debates not this intimidation game.
    when shi it goes out in flames and many parts of the country are burning that’s when they’ll take their heads out of their a ss es

  10. HH’s political end will be very bad!!!He thinks by lying and antagonazing Govnt daily,then he will be popular when not.Some few tribal creatures above are deceiving themselves as ever before that PF is scared of HH’s popularity.But which popularity when HH’s UPND has lost more than 95% by elections since 2016 including in chilanga and Lusaka mayoral by elections!!!HH SHOULD CONTROL HIS EVIL MOUTH.THE RECORDING IS THERE.HE WILL BE SQUIZZED BY JUDGES TO PROVE THAT ZAFFICO IS SOLD IF NOT,THIS TRIBAL MAN MAYBE JAILED!!!We shall see fo0lished cadres ferried to ndola from monze next week,but let them be aware that ZP will cage them too,some may even die for nothing if not careful!!

  11. This boy Hichilema is destracting the nation from developing the way it should. But it is not suprising coming from where we know and how he was raised. This boy does not enjoy peace, he enjoys confusion. When things are quiet the demons in him agitatte him. So people must just pray and those things will haunt him alone. We do not need blood shed in our peaceful land. Police question him. I hope he will not insult the judges again.

    • Ignorance is bliss. By floating ZAFFICO Shares on LUSE GOZ who currently own the shares 100% are selling them to New Buyers/ Shareholders who can include Chinese Investors. What HH said is simply describing a Stock Exchange Transaction involving Buying and Selling Shares on a Stock Exchange. Nothing strange or sinister here.

    • @ KABWE
      Wholesome sale is different from floating 20%, 30% or indeed 50% of the shareholding to cheaply raise funds for new product-lines in ZAFFICO. The govt learnt lessons from Eurobonds acquired and put in Zambia Railways and Zamtel. The directors merely operate to survive the institutions than endavouring to make them profitable and repay the debts.
      But when listed, the new shareholders in ZAFFICO will put the directors on their toes to generate profits for dividends or risk being reprimanded.
      Agreed! HH is a power house to reckon with. So any statement coming from him should be taken seriously. His statements tend to have some political influence. That’s the general conception down here in Zambia. But when such statements, made on a TV, are proved to be innuendos, just trying to…

    • @ KABWE
      just trying to sway the public’s views, then he becomes a liability. He’s effectively, subtracting from our partners’ confidence. Just like the case we’re faced with right now. HH knows he has influence on public opinions. So he needs to be exceptionally above board when dealing with national matters.
      He could have earned kudos from the masses had here advised on what it entails to enlist a company on LUSE(Like you have done) than BLATANTLY stating that ZNBC & ZAFFICO have been sold when infact not.

  12. This country is full of people who are so easily fooled by liars. Instead of focusing on how to get Zambia out of the mess they put the country they spend all their time witch hunting opposition!! We all know who will buy the Zaffico shares. We all know why Times of Zambia is suddenly putting Chinese articles in — why didn’t they instead publish some articles in Bemba, Lozi, Tonga etc if they want to broaden their readership !!!
    Lies, Lies, Lies!!! I suppose it’s also HH’s fault that the country is in the mess it’s in — Not PF no never!!!!

  13. Really a waste of time and resources. Paranoid party – using HH to divert peoples’ attention from the real struggles and underlying issues. I don’t also get the thinking of some people on this blog who support such persecutions. This is about being objective on how the state apparatus is being used for political expediency.

    • Mmmmmm Harold. …HH was alone mumbling lies as this is his nature. What do you mean diverting attetion? You fcukers are very irriterate why?

    • Its you who is not being objective and patriotic. After HH has said & done, you surely can’t the damage his careless rantings are doing to our economy? He is a liability to our country than a foe.

    • @Nipnak,
      Can you be precise, what is HH doing to your economy? Just yesterday…”External debt continues to rise-Mwanakatwe”, do you attribute this status to HH? Seriously?
      Patriotism doesn’t mean suppression of opinions and views.
      How do you attribute a comment on radio that a person expresses his view to inciting a riot which was already planned even before HH went on the radio?

    • Agreed! HH is a power house to reckon with. So any statement coming from him should be taken seriously. His statements tend to have some political influence. That’s the general conception down here in Zambia. But when such statements, made on a TV, are proved to be innuendos, just trying to sway the public’s views, then he becomes a liability. He’s effectively, subtracting from our partners’ confidence. Just like the case we’re faced with right now. HH knows he has influence on public opinions. So he needs to be exceptionally above board when dealing with national matters.
      He could have earned kudos from the masses had here advised on what it entails to enlist a company on LUSE than BLATANTLY stating that ZNBC & ZAFFICO have been sold when infact not. He spreads falsehoods locally…

    • and internationally through his colleagues like The African Confidential and wants to act innocent afterwards.

      Look at Mr SINKAMBA, from the Green Party. He’s very often truthful, factual and objective in his criticism. Not puffed up with pride. His statements stands the test of time. MOROCCO’S ECONOMY IS LARGELY DRIVEN BY EXPORTS OF CANNABIS.

    • Debt accumulation is definitely not HH’s fault. It squarely falls on PF govt. And we’ve to aggressively put them to task to address it transparently. Everyone is gravely concerned and concerted efforts are needed.
      So there general admonishing of govt, from all quotas, to seriously check our expenditure and carefully scrutinize any new debts for hidden costs,etc. The govt has acknowledged and is prudently making efforts to address it.
      Freedom of speech and association is way forward but it has grave consequences on the economy when abusers are not checked out.

  14. I thought Copperbelt Province was all for PF, how come now all of a sudden the Province is behind HH and has accepted his message to riot?

  15. Just goggle: commissioning of the pole treatment plant on the copperbelt. Then you will know were all this kopala anxiety is coming from, you don’t promise your child a piece of bread and give him a stone, expect worst tantrums from him.

  16. HH is wrong on this one. It’s very hard to defend him because recordings are there and many people heard him.

    The government has a strong case against HH. However, Zambian prosecutors, I strongly doubt if they can successfully prosecute him.

    If the government fails to prosecute HH i would apply for a private prosecution of HH. He is in trouble HH on this one.

  17. We are in trouble, looking at the comments on here. We have very dull leaders, who listen to whatever someone on the street says. How are we going to develop being led by the streets. You arrested HH last time and now no one is borrowing you money. You want to do it again now in this internet age, bringing more attention to the sale of ZAFFICO. Now everyone is going to be laughing at us, who puts there tree company on the stock exchange only broke desperate people who have run out of idea on how to generate income. I would rather listen to HH who is rich and doesn’t have to report to anybody’s office like most bloggers here who labor for a pay check and insult someone million times richer than them.

    • Its not BORROWING tata, but LENDING! Rich with $10 million debt to Anglo-American which they gave him fro campaigning in the past elections? He has promised to pay them when he gets into power. So he has to be be president of Zambia at any cost to repay the debts. SHAME!

    • Where there no Vision my people PERISH.
      Can one point at what we call development when we all see the infrastructure is either South Africa or Chinese conduits to steal our wealthy? Please ba PF work up and dont sink so low. People are suffering and you are busy forcing them to eat nothing on their tables!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. hh leads the largest opposition in Zambia today. This is a government-in-waiting. They have a 35% stake in our parliament. Anything their leader says has a bearing on our situation as a country. When he went on Sun FM and said ZAFFICO had been sold to the Chinese, his supporters on the CB who depend on the timber trade WOULD definitely express their anger and displeasure as they would be affected by such a situation. Now when it turms out not to be true, it means the opposition leader didn’t do his homework and went on to alarm citizens based on false information. Now this is unfortunate. Why didn’t hh seek audience with the IDC board to clarify?? it seems his insatiable lust for plot 1 has landed him in a pickle again!!

  19. this thing calling itself kudus is really empty skull with no brain. can you still talk about HH having sold the mines up to now. the useless skull doesnt know who sold the mine for a song. shame shame. ask a chines will tell you

  20. Police are dull. They think PF means Police Force. They cannot think on their own. What a disaster!!!! Just like PF ministers have a problem of thinking on their own.
    Sata told them that you are all useless Ministers and they are now worse under one Jonathan Chidakwa Jameson.
    What a disaster!!!!

  21. HH has a very big problem and he doesn’t know how to take advantage of situations ,he is busy fighting wrong battles that will disadvantage him and his party. For sure he is under 5. He can’t read in between the lines. He must learn from our late president Mr Sata when he was in opposition. There are a lot of things that he must work on . And stop crying and wanting to head by the court when 100% nothing will come from there. Get over it and move on.

  22. I listened to the recording of HH alleging that ZAFFICO had been sold and read the transcript of his interview with Hope Chishala Kaoma. The facts are that: 1) HH unequivocally and unambiguously said ZAFFICO had been sold to the Chinese; and 2) HH failed to answer questions put to him by Hope Kaoma to prove, with evidence, that ZAFFICO had, indeed, been sold to Chinese. If HH is taken to court over this, let him just provide evidence either that the voice in the recording is not his or that ZAFFICO had, indeed, been sold to the Chinese . And he will be out of the self – created legal quagmire, in a jiffy – a free man!


  23. Hehehe I like this. So its now HH calling the shots on the copperblelt and PF are jittery that they are losing the once socalled stronghold. Faka speed HH. They are also drumming support for you. You are a real man and very consistent with keeping them busy. They fear the worst yet to come. Kuya bebele!!!!!!!!!!
    Disaster PF!!!!

  24. My advice to Lungu is for him to take time and have a look at a bullet riddled bloodied picture of Gaddaffi and Saddam, then reflect and say was that necessary, both those people died like the Miloni brothers whose bodies were riddled with bullets, now that is earthly demeaning judgement but over and above that, another episode of eternal judgement will come from the almighty, do you people even sit to reflect on your destiny, imagine the destiny of Chiluba or simply how he died as a loner, do you feel that was necessary, did he go away with his earthly ill gotten wealth, remember Nsanda, did he go with his ill gotten wealth, it is time you Guys sat down and looked at your inner self, this also goes to those that are behind the scenes but are perpetrating the ills of this Government of…

  25. People Like, the Bad Judges, the Bad Lawyers, The ECZ, Priscilla Isaacs, Rupiah, the Bad men in police uniform, all of you are just soil and to soil you shall return, but as you return what do you have to atone for your sins, because their is a higher judgement coming and it is coming soon, change your ways while you have the chance because their will be no second chance, for vanity you are and to vanity you shall return, and their will be no turning back to say please God allow me to go and correct my mistakes, the time for you to correct them is now, and their is very little time remaining. Today you think you are stars, but I remind you again, you are just soil.

  26. HH has big brain and he talks sense. I have never heard our Leader having a press Conference to address the Nation on real Issues affecting us and have courageous journalists talk to him. He fears even international journalist and this simply means he has nothing to offer but bully all Zambians. We want him talk for Zambians against many problems surrounding us. Zambia was not what it was from Mwanawasa, the Inshimbi redeemed us from Debts and we excelled but where have we gone wrong today now we accrue a lot of debts than before?

  27. Hacks: “… you ask them today, which Zambians are going to buy the shares of ZAFFICO ONCE IT’S listed? People don’t have food to eat, they have no money to buy shares in ZAFFICO, so it’s them and their Chinese friends who WILL buy the shares and eventually remove it from the stock exchange, is that not a sale?”

    So Hacks is confirming that ZAFFICO has NOT been sold (yet)? So why did he claim that is HAS BEEN sold? That then IS telling lies, and it IS inciting people to riot.
    And imwe ba police, why interview him at Ndola police and NOT just outside Kamfimsa hotel so that you save yourself a police escort? Unfortunately no Copperbelt youth will riot for him, he seems to misunderstand his standing Kopala, as usual.

  28. And then he goes to News Diggers and repeats voluntarily that ZAFFICO has been sold. Does this boy have lawyers or even just advisors? Or is just s.tupiodly “arrogant and does not listen to advice” as Stephen Katuka was heard saying of his boss one day?
    Manje so, what are you going to deny at Ndola police?

  29. Upnd, try to demonstrate when Hacks is locked up, then GBM Nkombo etc will be locked up too. But no they will not, these are plain cowards, they will probably pretend to be busy in Johannesburg that day.

  30. Jay Gay, you are so quiet. Please open up and tell us how many months this criminal charge carries? If enough months the charge could erase the name Hacks from the ballot sheet in 2021.

  31. H.H. is smarter than PF and may bloggers here. This is why PF, Kudos, Sharon, Nubian Princess spend sleepless nights over H.H.
    By the way, Tongas are more intelligent and hardworking than Bembas

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