Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Western media’s war against Africa



  1. I would submit that the ones waging the worst war against Africa are Africans. Look at how corrupt our leaders are. Look at how lazy and corrupt we are. Look at how greedy we are. Look at how we steal from each other and don’t care about the suffering of the poor. Look at how we prefer foreigners over our own brothers. Look at how our resources are allowed to be plundered foreigners. Look at how African leaders like kagame and Museveni are arming militia who commit genocide in Congo because they want resources. Watch the documentary “The killing fields of the Congo”.
    No My Friends, the biggest enemy we have as Africans is ourselves.

    • This narrative of seeking to point fingers at the western media, is an attempt by our politicians to try and shift attention from their misdeeds. And the few who steal with them will come here and start trumpeting the same rubbish to draw attention away from their misdeeds. Africa, my tears for you helpless powerless victims who are continually sacrificed on the alter to the god of political greed and power will never dry.
      It’s a shame that we have people whose primary concern is to enrich themselves and stay in power. We no longer have selfless leaders or citizens who live and serve on principle. It’s all about greed, all.about power.

    • You have a point but nonetheless, the truth remains that western media coverage on Africa is unbalanced. You hear very little or no positive reports but a lot of negative reports as though that’s all Africa has to offer. It is no wonder that people who have never travelled to Africa before have a wrong picture about the continent until they take a trip there and see the beauty of the people and the place.

    • Who Cares what they say???? All this is from God to keep those people away from Africa so they don’t pollute beautiful Africa with their sick ideas

  2. @journey man – I take your views on board but I would argue that the Western media is and has always agreed a war against us. Remember, these folks colonised us with a view to keep us subdued for eternity. Therefore, it serves their selfish interests to perpetually portray us in the worst light because at best it sets the stage for the “white saviour” to continually prescribe the solution for our ills. Furthermore, the corrupt behaviour you refer to by our politicians is very much learned behaviour from them! Just look at worlds history and the events that have shaped our present day..their goal was to destroy our values and beliefs which they acknowledged were superior to theirs and indoctrinate us with the western dream and lifestyle which we have all come to love and covet.To that…

    • @bigzedboy I agree there is a level of bias and superiority complex in the western media. But if we had a good principled culture do nyou think they would have grounds for that? One of the things we must acknowledge is that all people have pride which makes them want to feel superior to others. That’s what you see in the western media. But a lot of what they report is also true.
      I don’t agree that what our leaders do is learned from the west my brother. Just do a study of African history and you will see. I remember reading a citation from the journal of Henry Morton Stanley the explorer: He arrived at a chewa village hours after the Ngonis had attacked it. It’s gruesome. Or think of how David Livingstone records the cruety of Mwaata Kazembe that he would kill and cut off his…

    • …cut off his subjects ears for silly offenses? What about Tip Tub a
      k.a Mohamed bin salam, the African slave trader who sold thousands of his brothers to Arab and Portuguese slave traders? What about the rest of our traditional rulers who sold us as slaves to our enemies out of greed?
      Guys we must see that we are responsible for our own fate. it’s not the white man. It’s not the Chinese. It’s you. It’s me. It’s us. We are responsible. And until we take responsibility and act, the greedy will always be taking us for a ride, selling us, our children and resources to our enemies while they feast like kings.

    • I can actually say that contrary to what most people want to portray, we are better off and more secure after being colonised. Again just read history. Southern Africa was inhabited by the Khoisan people before we Bantu arrived. When we arrived we massacred them and took their land. In Zambia they are extinct. All have ofbthe is there rock paintings. A few still survive in Kalahari desert and in South Africa.
      After we the baby is settled in the area, it was war after war, with massacres of genocide proportions. Think of Shaka’s Mfecane. Thousands massacred which made it easy for boers to take over the land. It was no different in Zambia. The various tribes where busy fighting and massacreing each other over land. Non stop. This is the culture that we still have today. where it not for…

    • You’ve got it wrong. These guys did not colonise us to keep us subdued. They came to Africa to settle so they had first to annihilate us. That’s what they did in America Australia New Zealand. They were about to kill all of us. The herero were massacred, the Belgians were killing Congolese like flies
      Just read Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe. He explained what saved us. The mosquito. Because it gave them malaria and they couldn’t infiltrate the continent

    • As for journeyman he needs to read history in proper perspective not history written for him by the white man. Who told him we massacred the khoisan? Who told him we were self anihilaters? Who told him we were uncivilised? Answer: a brainwasher wanting to inflict his brain with self loathe, self doubt inferiority complex and listening to him we can all see it works.
      AFter infecting his brain with inferiority complex the Whiteman was greeted with yes bwanas who meekly handed over their land and resources

  3. You have a good point though it depends on what you want to tell the world. Donald Trump and the Western media are not the ones to blame. Africans are to blame for being brain washed by the Western capitalism and greedy. Look at the Nigerian issues in ???????? Boko haram, Somalia instability and pirates, Zambia with corruption, Congo DRC with long history of wars at the expense of the poor, Sudan and South Sudan issues of war, Zimbabwe with Robert Mugabe was in dectatorship, Kenya with history of attacks from some notorious enemies of freedom, to mention but a few.

    On the other hand, the Western do not report on good things in a Number of African Countries. In fact in many African countries, instability is supported by some western countries.

    • Which National media says positive things about opposition parties in Africa? So don’t blame others before you remove the log that is in your eyes.

  4. You have a good point though it depends on what you want to tell the world. Donald Trump and the Western media are not the ones to blame. Africans are to blame for being brain washed by the Western capitalism and greedy. Look at the Nigerian issues in ???????? Boko haram, Somalia instability and pirates, Zambia with corruption, Congo DRC with long history of wars at the expense of the poor, Sudan and South Sudan issues of war, Zimbabwe with Robert Mugabe was in dectatorship, Kenya with history of attacks from some notorious enemies of freedom, to mention but a few.

    On the other hand, the Western do not report on good things in a Number of African Countries. In fact in many African countries, instability is supported by some western countries.

  5. @khoswe – I think we’d be doing our forefathers an injustice to suggest they were merely brainwashed by the west. I think we have to go further and state it was a prolonged prod if subjugation folks by indoctrination if Western ideals and lifestyle. I submit that the western media and DT are indeed to blame along with their forefathers as the are still following the same playbook passed down to them! Boko H, Somalia pirates, DRC war etc are all orchestrated by the west. Its the classic divide and conquer strategy that has seen the masters of this world find both sides of every war and conflict this world has seen! And why would they do this? The bottom line of course!

  6. If you research further into my earlier comments about the “white saviour”, you’ll find that only they benefit from this confusion while we Africans are kept chasing pipe dream ideals such as democracy and justice. We are enslaved not physically but mentally and in my view, this is the master stroke of the west!

  7. @journey man – you make a good point about our history which I remember well. i agree we are the original savages and brutalised each other well before the white man arrived on our shores. And we sold each other as slaves to the delight of the WM who put us to good use for his cause. I certainly concur that the crux of the matter lies in our greedy nature which prevails to this day. And so I ask you my brother, how then can we change our collective mindset and take positive action to improve our outlook??

    • Ultimately the problem is spiritual in nature. It’s what the bible meant when it says “The heart of man is desperately wicked “. So the ultimate solution is also Spiritual. It’s in the gospel of Jesus. I know this may sound like escapism, but it’s only ultimate solution.
      But there are things we can do to curb our evils. I can only suggest and would like to hear what your thoughts are of what we need to do.
      1. We need to vastly improve our education. Too many of our people are ignorant and so make decisions based on wrong thinking and wrong priorities
      2. We need strong institutions
      3. We need to deliberately stop this nonsense of tribal identification as if your tribe determines who you are rather than your actions. Why should my nrc show which tribe I am By showing my district…

    • 4. We need to be patriotic. I have seen with great anguish how so many people value their political party more than their country. they value their tribe more than their country. they value money more than their country. Patriotism must be inculcated from primary school. It must be imbedded in the structure of our education system. Loyalty to Zambia. not to PF or UPND. Zambia. PF will pass, UPND will pass just like UNIP and MMD. But Zambia won’t.

    • I consider spiritualism to be the upper echelons of what I would consider to be the solution..something skin to a lifetime pursuit than you never actually attain. For the purpose of our discussion, I’ll focus on your other points:

      1. I agree our current education is woefully inadequate to equip us with the tools we require to be enlightened people capable of adept decision making and understanding. I would go further to suggest that this education begin with a better understanding of ourselves and who we are.
      2. Do you mean institutions of learning here? With that in mind, such institutions would only be as good as the people that run them and as such we cycle back to the education argument. Also, I’m of the opinion that institutions are often predicated on the social mores at the…

    • 3. In my view, tribalism is another divide and conquer mechanism which perpetuates the fragmentation of our people. Like racism, I believe this one is almost impossible to completely cure. People want to identify themselves in a way that gives them pride are we as humans almost always defer to the lowest common denominator when we feel threatened or disenfranchised.
      4. Modern politics are very much about polarisation and this applies to almost every country. I’m no proponent of democracy, in fact I feel it is intrinsically a flawed concept that is unattainable. In essence, you have a choice of two devil’s for the most part..neither of whom meets your aspirations exactly but you are forced to choose one nonetheless. Patriotism takes a back seat to the aims and ambitions of the party and…

    • 2… the time. There’s a chicken /egg argument brewing here ie do we create the institutions first or educate or people?

  8. This is not meant to be a rhetorical question.. What will make us rise up and be concerned about each others welfare and future while we turn our backs on what I call the “zambian dream”? ie a big house, nice suits, V8 VX + 5 in the driveway, etc

  9. Am sorry I have seen this discussion maybe late! What is news worthy in Africa are the number of negativities prevailing which are more than the positives.

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