Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Decision to allow CBU Medical school to continue operating opposed as case is referred to Attorney General


The Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia has opposed the decision by the Higher Education Authority to allow the Copperbelt University to continue running the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Dental Surgery Learning Programmes until further notice.

The Higher Education Authority has directed the Copperbelt University to continue running the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Dental Surgery Learning Programmes until further notice.

This comes barely three days after the Health Professions Council of Zambia banned the University from administering the three medical programmes at the institution following failure to meet the laid down standards.

But Pharmaceutical Society of Zambia President Jerome Kanyika says the training of quality health practitioners must be a priority for everyone.

Mr. Kanyika said in a statement that the one-year grace period given to the institution by the Authority is too long a period to allow training that does not reach the minimum standards to go on.

He said the Society supports the stance taken by Health Professions Council of Zambia to insist on institutions maintaining high standards without which guaranteeing safety from health care hazard will remain a pipe dream.

Mr. Kanyika has also advised the Higher Education Authority to engage the Health Professions Council of Zambia so as to harmonize on areas of similar mandate.

And the misunderstanding that has erupted between the Higher Education Authority and the Health Professions Council PF Zambia has now been referred to the Attorney General’s Chamber to interpret the law.

HPCZ Registrar and CEO Aaron Mujajati revealed in an interview that his organization has written to the Attorney General for guidance on the matter.

Dr Mujajati said he believes that HPCZ acted within the law when it suspended CBU from offering the three medical programmes for failing to comply with laid down procedures.

He said the HPCZ Act mandates the authority to carry out inspections and take remedial measures to safeguard the integrity of the medical profession.

“We have since written to the Attorney General for interpretation of the law because we know that the HPCZ Act particularly Part 4 of that Act read from Section 34, 35 and 36 gives us those powers clearly but we just need to have this debate closed by having the Attorney General interpret the two pieces of legislation for us,” Dr Mujajati said.

Yesterday, Higher Education Authority Director Professor Stephen Simukanga overruled the decision by Dr Mujajati to suspend CBU Medical School and directed that it continues offering the said programmes as it works on the issues that were raised by its experts who has visited the institution.


      The world is watching and if we fail to fix the issues raised by the Health Professions Council of Zambia then we are deliberately dooming future of our institutions as well as that of our children.
      Will you then CRY that an expatriate is earning more than a locally trained Zambian???
      I am disappointed with Professor Stephen Simukanga because he is a full fledged intellect and he should have been guiding the corrective measures and CBU.

    • The Health Professions Council of Zambia (HPCZ) is a statutory regulatory body established under the Health Professions Act No. 24 of 2009 of the Laws of Zambia. The functions of HPCZ as enshrined in the Act are as follows;
      Registration of health practitioners and regulation of their professional conduct (except for nurses who are registered and regulated under another Act);
      Licensing and regulation of all health facilities;
      Accreditation of healthcare services provided by health facilities; and the
      Recognition and approval of training programmes for health practitioners.
      Conducting and managing professional licensure examinations

    • very wrong. thats why we are far from developing as a country. if you are given a knife, an axe, a chain saw to cut a big tree do you have to ask the one who gave u the tools which one to use for u to cut it? im afraid thats the zambian way of thinking . its common even in municipal councils. they fail to enforce laws because they hv to consult . thats why markets and bus stations are in wrong hands. HPCZ IS DOING A GOOD JOB

    • Ba gm what are you on about? I haven’t said HPCZ is not doing a good job, in fact they are doing a tremendous job in cutting down on mediocrity and now here come HEA trying to undermine them and promote mediocrity.

  1. Mujajati is just plain $tupid! He should have consulted HEA and the Attoney General before doing the nonsense he did! What was the hurry? This young man thinks he can be both the prosecutor and Judge at the same time! Is he trying gain international recognition?
    HPCZ is not a teaching institution! Please get that right! We are tired of hearing HPCZ this and HPCZ that! Megalomania is the belief that you are more powerful and important than you really are. Megalomania is a mental illness. It is associated with self-importance, conceit, egotism and delusions of grandeur! You could be dealing with mental illness here! HPCZ does not make sense these days!

    • very wrong. thats why we are far from developing as a country. if you are given a knife, an axe, a chain saw to cut a big tree do you have to ask the one who gave u the tools which one to use for u to cut it? im afraid thats the zambian way of thinking . its common even in municipal councils. they fail to enforce laws because they hv to consult . thats why markets and bus stations are in wrong hands. HPCZ IS DOING A GOOD JOB

    • Maybe you should take time to read both the HPCZ Act and the HEA act. Reading is fundamental don’t go round running your mouth like a whore.

    • Mr Peaceful Zambian, Laws are made by men! Good Laws are made by Good and Righteous Men! Bad Laws are made by bad and evil men! It follows therefore that you need to have the wisdom to overrule bad Laws! We have this HPCZ and HEA confusion because of floppy Laws that have not defined in simple terms as to who does what! Pompwe Republic is right! HPCZ is trying to take over the role of UTH where teaching and examination is concerned hence the confusion!

  2. Haven’t you heard that the Copperbelt University (CBU) is now called the Copperbelt Univerrsitu College (CUC). Its shameful that former CBU has lost its salt. Its indeed depressing to belong to CBU as a student and as an employee. Professor Ngoma and your team you are a disgrace.

  3. I like this drama. A divided country on tribal lines and academic lines. It just shows how rotten the system is starting from one Jonathan. He has made the country greatly useless and full of hunger and anger. Some leaders are really from the devil hiding behind the so-called Ministry of RE. What a shame to belong to this country.

  4. He said the HPCZ Act mandates the authority to carry out inspections and take remedial measures to safeguard the integrity of the medical profession.

    Is closing down the programmes the best remedial measure MUjajati can think of?

    • Tatwe I would like to warn to stop talking of Tongas.I can search for and hunt you down an antelope.On serious note This Tonga that Tonga should stop.

  5. Plain truth – Mujajati is over zealous. He is a good guy who wants to work but does not know his boundaries. Somebody guide him please

    • I think so too – he is overzealous. Isn’t this the guy who with his friend Canisius Banda put up fake medical results for the President on social media some time back?

  6. “knowledge puffs up while love builds up.” 1 Corinthians 8:1
    HPCZ has become like a hinge without Lubricant – noisy! It will soon break and disintegrate! Pharmacists will opt to regulate themselves, Physiotherapists will also opt to regulate themselves, Biomedical scientists will do the same, and all the allied professionals will soon opt to be non-aligned with the once respected HPCZ! What a shame!
    Agony is when a doctor thinks he is also a Lawyer by default – it can’t never!
    Agony is not knowing you don’t know!
    Let the doctors remain with their HPCZ! Us we are opting out!

  7. Mujajati is right here.
    Standards are important. This means the Fake Prof Sichikanga and CBU will be producing the graduates that are not recognised and cannot work in Zambian Hospitals; Nigeria style!
    Sack that old arsal Sichikanga – after all he failed to run UNZA.

  8. The worst politicking can be among the so-called educated. Mujajati & Co. May have a point about below par medical standards at CBU but whether or not it is their sole mandate to discontinue a programme at CBU is a different question. We all know how this will end.

  9. Medicine is an art and not a science and you can only learn medicine by shadowing experienced practitioners of the art. You cannot learn medicine in a classroom reading books.

    • A very seasoned medical doctor once told me exactly that …. are you one? This notwithstanding, it’s important to have a strong base too. My take is that wisdom is very key even when one is doing the right thing!!!!

  10. The drama unfolding on this matter is reminiscent of egotism engulfed in self importance. Its amazing that the two institutions have failed to come up with a common ground. The so called technocrats are at loggerheads as to who should do what and not the other. The biggest challenge we have with our education system is that; it only prepares you for a formal job, were you only think of giving orders and not solving immediate challenges in the course on one’s duty. If its trues that CBU has failed to adhere to laid down protocols, they should not cover their incompetence with retribution. On the other hand HPCZ should desist from being overzealous by closing these institutions as it is a detriment to the efforts being made to have an educated population. Discussions should take place…

  11. @The Kimbanguist. I beg to differ. Medicine is as much an art as it is a science. If science refers to knowledge or a system of knowledge, then surely practicing the ‘art’ (skill) of medicine demands familiarity with the ‘science’ of medicine.

  12. HPCZ must disband. How can 100+ doctors write exam and only 10% is your exam higher than what unza offers

    Disband , we dont need such non progressive bodies because not even mujajati can pass the so called professional licensure examination.

    Am a non partisan political consultant

  13. Let us face the facts.Any profession has the minimum prescribed conditions to be met before being acceptable as authentic. So goes with the medical profession which is very critical to our well being.
    HPCZ has outlined the short comings which CBU has not refuted. CBU was suppose to meet the minimum conditions even before adverting for the courses.What HPCZ has contented with is very important because it borders on the quality of the doctors.Iam seeing greed on the part of CBU. They are just interested in the money and not quality of the products.This is very scary to say the least because it means mediocrity has now even entered the higher learning institution. Garbage in garbage out.

  14. Consulting Attorney General’s Chambers before adopting drastic measures, such as closing promise medical school on the Copperbelt would have helped. How can Government start a bullfight against itself? One year can not be too long for correcting or improving institutional distortions. The idea that zero trainee doctor is safer than half trainee doctor is ridiculous. High professional standards need to be upheld in the country. The issue is that standards do not grow on trees. They have to be cultivated. Even if the standards were too high, then the same standards would come down due to lack of community support. Support promise medical school around the Copperbelt. Trust each other. Open up for dialogue and identify parameters that are consistent. It is like the Great Leap Forward for…

    • High professional standards need to be upheld in the country. The issue is that standards do not grow on trees. They have to be cultivated. Even if the standards were too high, then the same standards would come down due to lack of community support. Support promise medical school around the Copperbelt. Trust each other. Open up for dialogue and identify parameters that are consistent. It is like the Great Leap Forward for China. Skeptical observers were bullying the Chinese government for sudden increase in recruitment of engineers. Now just look where China is today. Shining!

  15. The problem here in not the fact that they (HPCZ) are not mandated by the law to take such actions but the said action against CBU school of medicine was exessive and unreasonable. I have no doult that the A.G will tell them the same. While they acted within the law and power given to HPCZ BY the Act 26 , iam of the view tha the panishment was exessive and unreasonable and that the body had other means to panishment CBU and better still sanction the affected lecturers to for CBU to engage properly registered lecturers. The AG may also alow the CBU to contenue with their health programs with a on Ditton that they immidiately comply with the finding of the HPCZ not the One year grace period given by the HEA

  16. What you do matters less than how you do it!
    No one is arguing that we should condone low standards. We need good standards but HPCZ will not achieve much through bullying colleagues and institutions! You may have good ideas but you must be reasonable about how you go about it. Get what is called buy-in from all stakeholders! Improving standards is not a one man or one institution show. We understand most doctors have no managerial training but Management is a highly complex job and what we see is doctors who are humble make very good managers and leaders because there is no end to learning! When you stop learning, you die!

  17. My view on this issue is that the whole blame should have been heaped on the officer charged with the duty to control the Schools. How did he/she allow for the programs to start on a wrong note? This is the human to question and not the students or indeed the schools.

  18. People that hire insufficiently trained Lawyers Lose when defended in a court of Law. Poorly trained health practitioners especially Doctors and Pharmacists will cost lives in future. It’s not about quantity it’s about Quality. Let it remain closed until standards are met. We can’t compromise in this area.

  19. Standards are standards if private universities are closed for failing to meet standards why should CBU be exempted. What HEA has done has damaged CBU more, if am parent wanting to send my child to do medicine I will send my child to universities meeting HPCZ standards like Cavendish, unilas apex etc I won’t send my child to CBU because I know they have low standards.

  20. So it’s HPCZ versus HEA. Let’s see whose side the government will take through the office of the AG. Obviously the losing side will be accused of having incited by HH.

  21. Standards, Standards, Standards! Charity begins at home! It is hypocritical of HPCZ to scream poor standards in Private institutions when Government ones are worse. Where is equality before the law between Public and Private facilities? Out of interest, I went round to see HPCZ reports on institutions they have distressed with closure. One thing that is clear is this was a fundraising drive. How do you charge penalties to an institution before they are given an opportunity to exculpate themselves? If BOZ did this to Banks, we would have no banks in Zambia! What happened to the idea of putting an institution under supervision until the shortcomings are rectified? The so called inspection reports are full of serious fabrications which these affected institutions should do well to sue HPCZ…

  22. After all the revelations (which are just a tip of the ice-berg in terms of poor further and higher education in Zambia), I can’t believe some bloggers would rather the same continue without regard to the safety and health of patients. Total disdain to the end product – concentrating on supporting the perpetuation of courses for their own sake and name. Has mediocrity become the entrenched norm?

  23. On this one I can not support the PF government. You guys you must be very careful with some decisions you are making. The HPCZ has been closing these courses in plate universities and the PF Government has supported the closures. How come now that the closure has been effected on the PF government University the same GRZ has said no the HPCZ has no authority. Please PF, we supported you to in forming the Government but you are pushing us away from this party PF coz of the useless and irrational decisions you are making.

    Be a government of laws you always tout. Remember we are watching 2021 is near. This is free advice for you from Truth Hates. I end here.

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