Saturday, July 27, 2024

MPs who dies in office should be accorded a dignified funeral-Mwiimbu


UPND Monze member of parliament Jack Mwiimbu
UPND Monze member of parliament Jack Mwiimbu

Leader of the opposition in Parliament, Jack Mwiimbu has stressed the need to accord Members of Parliament who die while in service dignified funerals.

Mr. Mwiimbu is concerned that despite MPs being national leaders, their remains and funerals are treated like those of ordinary citizens once they die.

Contributing to debate on a motion to convey the House’s message of condolence to the family of the late Sesheke MP Frank Kufakwandi, Mr. Mwiimbu says Parliamentarians deserve a dignified send off when they die.

Mr. Mwiimbu, who is also Monze central MP, states that government should give MPs the due recognition of deserving leaders that are serving the nation with dignity and honor.

He has also urged government to consider improving health facilities in the Country to avoid spending public funds on evacuating national leaders who fall ill.

Mr. Mwiimbu has further called on Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Matibini to break the Parliamentary tradition of delegating to others to attend funerals of Members of Parliament who die while in service by attending such funerals in person like a father would do for his child who dies.

And President Edgar Lungu has assigned North Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu and Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili to represent government at the funeral of the late Sesheke MP.

Mr. Mubukwanu has told the House in his debate on the motion of conveying the House’s message of condolences to the Kufakwandi family, that government regrets the MP’s death.

The motion to convey the House’s message of condolence to the family of the late Sesheke lawmaker was moved by acting leader of Government Business Stephen Chungu.


      State funerals are a drain to national coffers. Constituency offices can make their funerals special themselves. Let them remain Constituency Funerals. Please. “dignified send off when they die” when they die, you say. Is this about money? Next time we will hear that we should have state funerals for councillors. No we don’t.

    • Tubantustan, when one of theirs passes on it should be government’s responsibility. PF has lost Ministers & MPs, we didn’t hear him say this. Nitopusa tubanthu utu kanshi. They think the bantustan one is fimo fimo.

    • With all due respect to the departed sir, why don’t you ask HH to accord your MP a dignified funeral?
      In any case these MP’s are useless. They don’t do anything for their constituents and when they die you want more money to be spent on these good for nothings? Please!

    • I don’t think so either… they disrespect us whilst in office and do not rouble rouse corruption. Their efforts are not palpable…

      The ministers come and leave without ever affecting people’s lives.

      No…. HELL NO… just die and see you in the other side!!!

      Ba chula imwe!!!

    • Every Zambian who dies should be accorded a decent burial not just MPs. You MPs receive so much money from your sitting allowances, your gratuity and so on. An MP is able to accumulate over USD 1 million over a 5 year period. This is why I condemn these UPNDunderheads their MPs are just crooks and they are a true representation of what to expect should they God forbid ever rule, just look at their constituencies…nothing to show, nothing at all just busy womanizing and spreading HIV.

  1. Animal farm Jack. Just because u are a MP or a minister is not a reason good enough to accord u a national funeral.

    Careful people of Zambia with UPND leadership. They feel they are on top and so high than those who voted for them. Jack doesn’t think. Hopeless Jack

  2. First question. Is it the constitution? Second question. Who are the ordinary person. Third question. If the MPs are not ordinary people why like ordinary people do they die? Having said all these instead of walking out of Parliament, stay and give such proposal. Thanks Jack.

  3. Shouldn’t the people the MP serves appreciate their leader in a diginified manner if they feel he represented them well in PARLIAMENT. Shouldn’t the speaker being the head of the house afford diginity at funerals this junk, jack is calling for?
    Next time, as parliamentarians, make monthly contributions from your pay towards the fund that will be able to hire the band at the funerals. How could an absentee and a walk out MP be dignified for shunning his duties?

  4. Go and open up your funeral cover account. You already a useless burden to the nation, every time walking out of parliament where we sent you to represent us, but monthly drawing a salary, and now you want to drain us even in your coffin. Its squabbles day and night doing nothing of national value . Now you us to bring the whole Nation to a halt upon your demise. Selfish you!

  5. Words of hatred: Many people in political circles seem to be full of hatred: comments coming from above speak volumes: I am appealing to those who are hated to pray hard for their enemies. Don’t just pray for them even love them so that they are ashamed. God’s judgment is on the door steps.

    • @Peace Maker, there is no hatred here. These tax payers so called ORDINARY PEOPLE are just concerned about how their money is being proposed to be in used by greedy rich NOT ORDINARY UPND MPs. The last time I checked UPND were preaching reckless spending. I wonder what has changed today. Is it because it is their own that needs money spent on? When the President travels they say the President should delegate, when he delegates they say he should be the one attending. I think it is not possible to be normal and be a member of UPND at the same time.

  6. What is so special about MPs? Is it another way for you to make government bear all funeral expenses? Have life insurance, besides you are paid a lot of money.Infact, MPs should have pay cut

  7. Ba Jack I’m sure you didn’t just want to come out clear enaf to say Opposition MPs like Ruling party MPs shud be accorded dignified funerals. I wish u had cited one example.
    That aside if you were a really concerned MP with people’s poverty lives in your constituency or indeed Zambia at large, you wudn’t hav said that. Because I’m sure you know what is involved to accord s/one dignified mourning. I mean spending in terms of expenses.
    You Jack, hav u ever gone to your constituency to attend a funeral or just rendering support to the pipo who voted for you. I’m referring to what you have said about the Speaker attending funerals.

  8. What is so special about these MPs to worst government money about. Why cant they make their own funerals flamboyant after all they have stolen enough to make their funerals dramatic and still enjoy life after death. Their stealing its as if they will never die. Just steal enough to enjoy after death.
    You are just a disaster you socalled MPs. Just die silently who cares – I dont!!!!!

  9. “Mr. Mwiimbu is concerned that despite MPs being national leaders, their remains and funerals are treated like those of ordinary citizens once they die.”

    This is an insult to us so called ordinary citizens. Fellow Zambian citizens, do you accept to be insulted like that?

  10. Junk looks elderly but what comes from the head awe kwena.

    People did not send you to the house to continue being useless.

    And why do you feel better than others?

    Worried at the rate you are dwindling?

    Just prepare yourselves like we do funeral policies badala.

  11. “Mr. Mwiimbu is concerned that despite MPs being national leaders, their remains and funerals are treated like those of ordinary citizens once they die.”

    Jack Mwiimbu is demonstrating typical thinking like his god.
    If we accept this, lets go all the way for our MPs: Exclusively reserved for MPs:
    -shopping malls and markets
    – toilets
    – roads within town and intertown
    – flights e.g. proflight, mahogany, even south africa airways, emirates, etc
    – hospitals for Zambian MPs in south africa
    – farms where maize can be grown to produce exclusive mealie meal
    – brands of whiskey and beer
    – residential compounds
    – why? even air to breath!

    All this after boycotting parliament and practising trib.alism in their opposition “parties”.
    That is upnd for you, and…

  12. ….just a tip of the iceberg of their reasoning. And this opposition wants to rule us!! With Jack Mwiimbu to be in charge of drafting a new constitution to effect the above “exclusive rights”, the demarcation between ordinary citizens and MP citizens.

  13. Jack Mwiimbu when do you find time to serve people of your constituency because half the time you are busy running around to sort issues for your selfish leader of your party UPND .come Tuesday you will be the one representing him in Ndola for that Police call out for telling lies to the Zambian people he wants to govern.

  14. You heard him right. This begs the question as to the caliber of the opposition leaders. Was the diceased not evacuated to South Africa by the Govt. Before he died. Why should you a servant of the people say that MPs should not be treated like ordinary citizens. And these so called ordinary citizens are supposed to be your employers. This is kind of mindset that these politicians have on their employers (the electorate). These yesteryear politicians must be voted out of office they have outlived their usefulness.

  15. The money these guys get is enough for them to plan for dignified burial. Why putting unnecessary burden on govt coffers?

  16. He is making us feel is not ok to be ordinary citizen kikikiki

    Voting for these chaps is like running from wolves straight into a park of hungry hynas

    Am a non partisan political

  17. Jack Mwiimbu’s reasoning capacity has been compromised by a brain and tri.bal leadership, typical of 90% of the upnd and now the disease has engulfed the brains of even recruits and outsiders like Mucheleka, Nalumango and even GBM and all those formerly bemba monkeys according to Hacks.

  18. I’m just thinking. …it’s time I stood for parliament because I want a dignified burial. I will do everything until I reach parliament.

  19. Maybe old Jack is referring to those ruffians who pole bore the casket. They were all dressed in dirty red regalia with one of them wearing a miners hard hat painted red. Maybe he’s just falling short of condemning them.

  20. So Jack you think being an MP makes you special????this is why Adolf is in a ditch he listens to the likes of you. Citizens you now à further insight on where the likes of this man will lead you if you vote them in office!

  21. This kind of reasoning is why I do not waste time voting for these morons. Zambians please just work hard on you own. These politicians are not taking you anywhere.

  22. Jackson calls his employers ordinary people but come 2021 he will be kneeling for the same ordinary people to give him a job…
    What’s the problem with these parliamentarians and it’s not only this Jack but all of them change once elected.

  23. It’s very disappointing to read such article from Jack, when did UPND ever attend a state ceremony? Now you want a state funeral for your colleague, what a shame. I don’t think you have ever assist in any funeral in your constituency! I can advise you to continue politicising even good project the government is doing through out the country.

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