Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND youths warns the PF cadres to stay away from Ndola Police station tomorrow


UPND youths on the Copperbelt have warned the Patriotic Front in the province to stay away from Ndola Police station tomorrow when their President, Hakainde Hichilema, will be appearing for questioning for allegedly inciting people to riot over the alleged sale of ZAFFICO.

UPND Copperbelt province Youth Chairman Kelly Jibinga says his party is aware that the Patriotic Front has printed UPND regalia to dress their cadres and cause chaos tomorrow and blame them for their own actions.

Mr. Jibinga said this will not be allowed and they will screen these known elements of violence if the Police will not do so.

“At the same time, we would like to appeal to the Police to place the interest of the country first when interrogating our President because his fight for a better Zambia is meant to improve their conditions of service as opposed to a select few top corrupt PF leaders and some senior officers in the service”, He added.

He said the PF must know that this time around it will not only be UPND members to say no to their illegality but the country as a whole as it is solidly behind Mr. Hichilema.

But PF National Youth Chairperson Nathan Chanda said the the PF are fully aware of the UPNDs schemes to cause violence on Tuesday and blame it on the ruling PF Youths.

“We are aware that the UPND have gotten PF T-shirts to give their youths so that they can cause violence in Ndola when their leader Mr. Hichilema comes for investigations on Tuesday”, He said.

Mr. Chanda has since directed that all PF youths from the Districts, Constituencies,wards up to sections should not wear any PF regalia on Tuesday.

“We know the youths on the Copperbelt love President Edgar Lungu and are proud of wearing the regalia of PF, we want to direct the youths to follow this directive to shame the violence planners. The plans by the UPND is purely to cause confusion and violence, and transfer the blame on PF”, He added.


  1. Apparently, courts must be protected under the Zambian Law. These are not playing fields for spectators to attend.

    There must be restricted and defined numbers of people who can attend to offer support to people appearing in courts.

    • Donot kill yourselves tomorrow ba UPND so that you must get sympathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let HH answers to the aligations…… Did he not say ZAFICO is sold to Chines? YES or NO thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      OR else

      Vula Nsapato and belt…………………

  2. Imwe tuma upendi. Honestly can you fight those criminals you saw matching for Lungu

    Let the police do their job. Cb is not monze.

    Why do these characters overates themselves in everything.

  3. Mufuna kofwela ba UPND. Those kanfinsa guys will certainly not treat you with kids gloves. Don’t just tempt them. I beg you don’t lose you life on some stupid politician. They are all the same.

    • I totally agree both sets of cadres must just stay away, why would you want to die for a politician, they are the worst people on earth, even a lawyer is trust worthy than these guys, in this case including a debarred convicted one.

    • PF messing up things through ZP…this issue would have been sorted out long about when Hakiande was in Kitwe but you have empty tins like the midget Stephen at Home Affairs messing with the Police…I mean even if he was inciting do you think that can stand up in any court apart from Lungu’s Concourt fooooolish judges.

    • Lazy bum illiterate tribal hooligan bully yapping HAGAIN and draining his diaper needing a little attention from cynical MUTINTA HICHILEMA to changing his smelly mouth and something else. IT IS UNELECTABLE little boy.

  4. I will advise the police not allow anyone at the police, HH should not be accompanied by his cadres, let them stay away. let the police do there duties professionally and let them not be intimidated by those cadres. PF cadres cannot come for HH who is he?

    • Lol….check the comment from your fellow jerabo…..he is saying he will send his people….so ask again ….who is HH? He is a pain in samones..**********

  5. Interesting quotes:
    “Mr. Jibinga said … they will screen these known (PF) elements of violence if the Police will not do so.”
    “the Police to place the interest of the country first when interrogating our President because his fight for a better Zambia is meant to improve their conditions of service as opposed to a select few top corrupt PF leaders”
    “this time around it will not only be UPND members to say no to their illegality but the country as a whole as it is solidly behind Mr. Hichilema.”

    Can you imagine Zambia with such characters in government!!

  6. I have a feeling that there will be a big crash in Ndola tomorrow between UPND and PF. The UPND thugs are fully prepaired so are the PF thugs. I wonder if the Police service is equal to the task.There will be blood shed tommorow.The police should reinforce and call for support fro the Zambia Army to put the thugs where they belong.

    Zambia is bigger than anyone of us!!!
    HH should account for his actions, and let his excellency Changwa Lungu rule peacefully

  7. For the sake of peace and not fear of the other, let all peace loving Zambians from all parties just stay away and get the rest from the police spokes person or HH himself. If time is money then who is going to pay you for your time at the Police or indeed is lazing around the Station the better way to kill time?

  8. “Mr. Chanda has since directed that all PF youths from the Districts, Constituencies,wards up to sections should not wear any PF regalia on Tuesday.“ So .PF cadres will also be attending? But why, what’s their interest? Have they changed camp to HH now?

  9. Just look at the name of UPND’s copperbelt youth chairman:Kelly JIBINGA!!!Have you heard such a name (JIBINGA) anywhere in Zambia?Indeed UPND is a tribal party!!!imagine having a JIBINGA in power in Zambia,my foot!!!

  10. #Sharon I can’t agree more with you, UPND’s schizophrenic behaviour makes it the triple tragedy that has ever happened to our great nation.

  11. If I was a medical student I would conduct my research paper on the disease HaHaHa, I can see some citizens are suffering from this disease

  12. These two camps are all stubborn. Am sure the first item on the main news tomorrow evening will be the number of casualties when they crash.

  13. No reason for any party cadres to be present – more so PF ones. What would be their interest? If I were HH I would refuse to appear for the questioning. There is no such obligation. They would then have to arrest him, find a charge and take him to court. No sane judiciary (only perhaps the PF controlled one) would connect whatever HH said, to what adults of sane mind decided to do on their own. What kind of foolishness is this where a regime’s own failings lead to dissatisfied actions by the citizenry, but the same regime continuously attributes this to incitement by the opposition?

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