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President Lungu arrives in Northern province for a three day working visit


The Head of State is in Northern Province to officiate at the World War 1 Centenary commemoration and Northern Expo being held in Kasama and Mbala.  Friday, 23 November, 2018- Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza/ State House ©2018
The Head of State is in Northern Province to officiate at the World War 1 Centenary commemoration and Northern Expo being held in Kasama and Mbala.
Friday, 23 November, 2018- Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza/ State House ©2018

President Edgar Lungu has arrived in Northern Province for a three day working visit.

The Presidential Challenger Plane landed at Zambia Airforce Samora Machel Airforce Base in Mbala district at 15:50.

Provincial Minister Brian Mundubile , Service Chiefs and Senior Patriotic Front Officials welcomed the Head of State at the Airforce base.

The Republican President later on left for Kasama district shortly upon his arrival in Mbala district.

Whilst in the Province the Head of State will officially open the Investment Expo and the end of the first World War centenary.

The Northern Province Investment Expo and Centenary Celebration and being held alongside under the theme “unlocking the investment potential of Northern Province 100 years after the end of the First World War”.

Meanwhile, the number of local and foreign tourists visiting the Moto Moto Museum in Mbala district has increased ahead of the Centenary Celebration of World War one.

Moto Moto Museum Assistant Keeper Ethnography John Mukuka said during an interview the tourists are flocking to the Museum to learn more about the end of the World War that ended with the last gun-shot in Mbala district.

The Head of State is in Northern Province to officiate at the World War 1 Centenary commemoration and Northern Expo being held in Kasama and Mbala.  Friday, 23 November, 2018- Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza/ State House ©2018
The Head of State is in Northern Province to officiate at the World War 1 Centenary commemoration and Northern Expo being held in Kasama and Mbala.
Friday, 23 November, 2018- Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza/ State House ©2018


    • Lungu is now all smiles because he knows HH is now his best ‘secret’ Friend….HH and Lungu are now busy planning how they will steal and hand over power to each other with the help of China of course….HH wont ditch UPND completely but he remain in UPND just pretending….Mutati is also involved….Lungu wants MMD under Mutati to challenge an alliance that will be formed by HH and Lungu….After Lungu HH might become President and Mutati will be given a very big position in HH’s PF/UPND government

    • I feel sorry for blind follower Kambwili….but Kambwili somehow knows what’s cooking…..Kambwili is not attacking Lungu aggressively like before……Mutati was dispatched and brought in his Family member to take over as MP…..HH sneaking into state house at 02AM….Concourt ruling in favor of Edgar Lungu…..the writing is on the wall…..HH is destined to become President but they simply told him to wait in line….meanwhile all his financial needs will be taken care of by the Chinese government whilst he awaits his turn to rule Zambia……Never trust a Politician

  1. Tis is cheap reasoning!We must be patient.Rome was it built in a day!The so called developed nation’s took many years to be where they are!Zambians are very good at theorizing, instead of hands on!!

    • Zambian backwards and dark mindset need to be transformed. This kind of theorism has landed many zambias in the dark, ignorance and poverty. Because they think Government should go to shoorite buy food and put it on their tables. They think it’s government’s job to create jobs. No, governments are their to create an environment for Job Creation and investment.

  2. On the road as usual – officiating at events that district commissioners should be the main guests. Other leaders, democratic or autocrats, address the nation periodically on fundamental issues facing the nation (I don’t mean at xmas and new year). They hold press conferences where they are quizzed by bold journalists on critical matters. They are interviewed on radio and ordinary citizens phone in with their questions.
    Meanwhile, ECL thinks working is officiating and ‘commissioning’ ututemba and being a populist through taking people from their daily chores to come and see/greet the ‘great leader’.

    • Harold Muna, at his age and in a so-called developed country, does not know that the president of Zambia is President of 10 provinces. He wants the president to behave like Lusaka District Commissioner.

      A good president visits all corners of his country so that he knows what is going on first hand. Edgar is doing just that and we know that the doomsayers will start complaining if he stops visiting. They will go to the top of anthills and scream: He Is Sick!!!!

      We know the source of your bitterness but here is free advice: MOVE ON.

  3. Zambian backwards and dark mindset need to be transformed. This kind of theorism has landed many zambias in the dark, ignorance and poverty. Because they think Government should go to shoprite buy food and put it on their tables. They think it’s government’s job to create jobs. No, governments are their to create an environment for Job Creation and investment.

  4. @ Kwahae … You don’t even address the gist of my observations. For you, merely officiating at everyday events that lower officials can grace, is working. People are crying out for direction and clarity. So many issues and questions hanging, which your leader avoids day and night and for much of the time only thinks of 2021.

    It’s unfortunate that you make no point at all by referring to my age and where I am. You can’t respond to what I put across – usually a sign that you cannot think beyond populist politics or analyze issues. By the way, visiting all the provinces does not mean you necessarily grasp what is going on nor that you care.

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