Wednesday, October 23, 2024

China happy with President Lungu’s defence of its interests in Zambia


Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang
Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang

China’s foreign Ministry has spoken out on increasing tensions in Zambia over the Chinese role in the country.

During a regular press briefing, the Chinese government commended President Edgar Lungu for denouncing the anti Chinese sentiments in Zambia.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said some opposition leaders have misled the people of the Copperbelt to riot.

Some people in Kitwe of the Copperbelt province were misled by the false allegation about the takeover of the Zambia’s state-owned timber company by the Chinese side,” said Mr. Geng.

“Some Chinese shops were looted but no one was injured,” Mr. Geng continued during his briefing.

“After that happened, the Chinese side immediately lodged representations with Zambia, and the Zambian side said it would take measures to safeguard the safety of the Chinese in Zambia.”

The Chinese praised Lungu’s call for Zambians to ignore false accusations about China-Zambia cooperation.

“The Chinese enterprises’ investments in Zambia have generated enormous job opportunities and boosted the socioeconomic development locally, to which we all bear witness,” Mr. Geng said.

“Early this month, some people in Kitwe of the Copperbelt province were misled by the false allegation about the takeover of the Zambia’s state-owned timber company by the Chinese side and took to street to protest, causing a minor disturbance. Some Chinese shops were looted but no one was injured. After that happened, the Chinese side immediately lodged representations with Zambia, and the Zambian side said it would take measures to safeguard the safety of the Chinese in Zambia.”

He added, “Recently, Zambian President Lungu openly refuted the false accusations against China-Zambia cooperation and clarified the facts of the riot, calling on the Zambians to boycott those false China-related reports and provide enabling environment for foreign investors, including Chinese ones, to operate in Zambia. Previously, Zambian Vice President Inonge Wina also pointed out that the protests in the Copperbelt province recently were caused by false allegations and that Zambians should not be misled. The Chinese side appreciates the above-mentioned remarks by Zambian leaders.”

He said the traditional friendship between China and Zambia has withstood the test of time and the changes in the international landscape.

“In recent years, the practical cooperation between the two countries has achieved remarkable outcomes and brought benefits to the two peoples. The Chinese enterprises’ investments in Zambia have generated enormous job opportunities and boosted the socio-economic development locally, to which we all bear witness,” Mr. Geng said.

“Any responsible person will make objective evaluation of all these efforts, and any words and deeds intended to spoil China-Zambia friendship will never win the hearts of the people in the two countries. China stands ready to continue to work with Zambia to stay committed to win-win cooperation and common development and cement and deepen the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries.”


    • You see how they’re praising Lungu for safeguarding their interests in Zambia, and condemning the opposition leader for allegedly “misleading” the people of Zambia? Lungu is technically working for them, and not the people of Zambia. What this means is that choosing between doing what’s in the interest of the Zambian people, or that of the Chinese, Lungu will always choose the Chinese side. They’ve made sure he understands that. He’ll never go against their interests. It also means, going forward, the Chinese will make sure whoever goes into office promises to look out for, first and foremost, the interests of the Chinese. This is real scary because not only will the economy be controlled by foreigners, the politics too will be controlled by foreigners. That’s technically how you…

    • … lose your sovereignty. Eventually you’ll see more and more of these Chinese statements being made and put out there for everybody to obey and follow.

    • It was a wonderful experience to live the life every year, spending all day doing the milking of the Government revenue. Very sad for Zambia the beautiful land.

    • Finally it looks like we have 2 individuals now selling Zambia to Chinese…HH has joined Lungu auctioning Zambia…….China all of a sudden happy after the midnight meeting between Lungu and HH…..extremely heavy brown envelope from the mighty Chinese…HH couldn’t resist

    • China’s Foreign Ministry is mingling in the internal Zambian politics, which they should not be doing.
      This briefing should have stopped at praising Lungu for having defended Chinese presence and talked against xenophobia. Period.
      The fact that they have gone beyond and talked about opposition inciting riots, is not correct, and it’s interfering in Zambian politics.
      The police reprimanded HH for insulting…there was no mention of inciting riots. I think those who studied in China have many stories to tell how they are also treated.

    • The puppet is doing a splendid job in enslaving his people…Lazy Lungu is like those slaves who used to work in the house whilst his friends worked in the field. Those house slaves loved their masters more than they loved themselves like a Pet dog.

    • Lazy bum illiterate tribal hooligan bully son of a tribal polygamist father who never taught him toilet training pooping in public HAGAIN needing MUTINTA HICHILEMA and HAKAINDE HICHILEMA to do a diaper change HAGAIN. The good news is that cynical MUTINTA HICHILEMA and her girlfriend CHARMAINE will NEVER go to state house in our lifetime. They are leaders of TRIBALISM in Zambia.

    • UPND is the most dangerous organisation to emerge in Zambia’s multipartism because of their tribal and racial evil of the party. They think this is South Africa where their leader has the audacity to order that government to overthrow the Zambian government! He is fortunate KK was no the president. That was a treasonable offence CHILDISH and he could have learned a lesson by now.

  1. Ask them about Xinjiang. About how they treat their own… forcing them to forsake their faiths because they are not “Chinese” enough.

    • China is a good partner in development and HH is an enemy of Zambia. He must never be allowed to any corridor of power in Zambia. He is a leader of a party of TRIBALISM and its cousin of RACISM.

    • Is this moron now the gate keeper for the Chinks, going nowhere slowly with this dull Moron who can’t do anything for his people, his people are now the Chinks what a prick

  2. First African Quisling and Endemically Corrupt Leader of Christian Nation on behalf Atheist totalitarian dictatorial regime?

  3. Sometimes i really get sick with the way things happen here. Nothing wrong with Chinese investment but the behavior of some of these Chinese is dangerous for this country. They register to do one thing, go check if thats what they are doing, they instead do the whole lot of other things. I do not blame his Excellency but his advisers. The president can’t be everywhere and that is why he works with others who are supposed to report truthfully to him. Can we begin sieving these Chinese, those who are here for genuine business should supported but those with questionable businesses – the answer is obviously known.

  4. One Chambia! two nations! ….and that leader? Stop moaning and learn to get to grips with controlling Zambia’s interests in this relationship. The Chinese need us and we need them so instead of being critical all the time, let us concentrate on our interests and capitalize on them.

  5. There is no African leader that disown China. Can so resist chinese

    If hh wins you will see Chinese on namwala monze road tarmac by avic same day. And a tamarc to his village by Chinese

    As long as YOU don’t agree with me Africa is doomed

    Am a non partisan political consultant

  6. Lungu and his big brother Alla B don’t give a damn about Zambia, they are Malawians hence, don’t care what will become of Zambia in few years time.

    You correctly articulated what is going now.

    I challenge those bloggers here who have been dreaming about those conspiracy theories of certain Anglo-American groups trying to take over governments in Zambia, SA, etc.
    Tell us, what is real, your fake conspiracy theories or the Chinese “behind the scene” control?

  8. Africa can not stop China investment in this because their repay term are not as stiff as the western world all our leaders need to do is to monitor China investment to abide to the laws of the country they, mostly labour laws, if left without being monitored the Chinese don’t pay and they don’t offer job security.

    They are good investors but watch and be strict on law, they should abide to law and they buy out the big fish in government to silence them so just watch that.

  9. Ba Sharon. I have noticed most of your comment have only one like vote. Any how its the only thing you can do,vote for the comment you have written since you are the only one who can like it. Continue Bro.

  10. Ba Sharon, I think there are even very few people that read your comments. I am one those who just skips your comments. I am sure you would understand, Its not that I do not like you, but the contents of your contributions, they are helping out, but of hatred. Keep on writing and we will keep on skipping them.

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