Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fighting the influx of Chinese is futile- President Lungu


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu  at the First-ever-Annual Economics Gala Dinner organised by the Economics Association of Zambia under the theme: "Uniting Towards Achieving An Integrated Approach To National Economic Development" at InterContinental  Hotel on Wednesday, December 12,2018-Pictures by THOMAS NSAMA/STATE HOUSE
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu  at the First-ever-Annual Economics Gala Dinner organised by the Economics Association of Zambia under the theme: “Uniting Towards Achieving An Integrated Approach To National Economic Development” at InterContinental  Hotel on Wednesday, December 12,2018-Pictures by THOMAS NSAMA/STATE HOUSE

President Edgar Lungu has observed that fighting the influx of Chinese in Zambia is an exercise in futility because Chinese are like Cockroaches who are found everywhere.

President Lungu charged that it will not help Zambia to cry about Chinese influx.

President Lungu said there is no need for Zambians to be Xenophobic towards the Non Zambians like the Chinese but that Zambians should instead work with them.

President Lungu was speaking on Wednesday evening during the inaugural Economics Association of Zambia gala dinner.

“I don’t mean to insult but what I am saying is that the Chinese are like Cockroaches. They are billions of Chinese and invaluably they will be everywhere including here in Zambia,” President Lungu said.

He also suggested that Zambians should emulate the resilient of their Chinese counterparts.

“When I say they are like Cockroaches I am not demeaning the Chinese. They are very resilient and they can survive in any condition and Zambians need to learn that kind of resilient,” President Lungu said.

He said Zambians should not eliminate the Chinese from the county but just work with them.

“This cry about China won’t help us. I was reading statistics the other day and someone had written that out of 10 thieves, six could be Bembas and that does not really mean Bemba are thieves but because of many Bemba speaking around. Invaluably, China will be everywhere because they are many. You can’t eradicate Chinese from Zambia, they are everywhere. They are like Cockroaches,” President Lungu said.

And President Lungu has signaled out the Zambia Engineering Institution as one of the professional bodies that is not adding value to national development.

President Lungu who described the EIZ as aloof said the institution has stayed away from key national decision processes because it is inactive.

He said the EIZ is failing to provide professional input in key government construction projects.

“The EIZ is aloof and are not interested in providing professional advice. A case in point is the construction of the new Kenneth Kaunda International Airport, I learnt the other day that the new airport is being constructed without refrigeration equipment and yet we are planning on doing this goat export deal to Saudi Arabia,” President Lungu said.

He added, “the money the country when doing the Mongu Kalabo Road could have been saved had our Engineers told us the type of road we needed there before roads could get washed away easily.”

He said there is a lot of lethargy by some professional bodies.

President Lungu also condemned some opposition parties whom he accused of spreading falsehoods about the state of the economy.

He said Government is happy that the new Economics Association of Zambia Board is proving to be a true partner in correcting the negative narrative about the Zambian economy.

President Lungu said all stakeholders should partner with government to realize the Vision 2030 saying there is no need to be pulling in different directions.

“We should avoid unpatriotic tendencies as Zambians. By denouncing the economy, by denouncing the Kwacha, you are not gaining anything. Its a zero sum game by talking ill about Zambia. How do you want to take over from failure?

And EAZ President Lubinda Haabazoka said the Association is confident that Zambia will meet its aspirations of creating a broad based economy as it pursues the Vision 2030 without leaving anyone behind.

Dr Haabazoka further stated that EAZ is determined to fight the spread of fake information about the Zambian economy.

He also announced that the EAZ will in April next year hold the first ever National Economics Summit at which research backed papers will be shared on key economic subjects.


    • Doesn’t state house have presidential assistants who go through the president’s speeches and check facts? The above rambling by the president is so wishy washy and in presidential. That Bemba’s analogy is so kindergarten.
      Lungu saysThey are billions of Chinese and invaluably they will be everywhere including here in Zambia,”
      They are a single billion. That’s not billions. Stop recruiting unqualified assistants from the pool of cadres

    • In other words lungu is saying it’s okay for zambians to live with cockroaches,,, but my late grandmother and father taught me to kill them, If I see one, I step on it, if see many I use insect killer, cockroaches are never partners in development,, I don’t what lungu is saying this time

    • I agree with him regarding Zambian Engineers. These people can’t even assemble a baby’s stroller with instructions included.

    • 3.2.1…Cue the tribal bitter, foaming at the mouth with hatred, green eyed monsters, chimbwi no plan, fielding perpetual losing candidate and blaming it on others. Insanity I tell you!

    • Lungu has got it wrong (again)!

      We are not against the Chinese (or any other group of foreigners).

      We are against the huge debt that we have accrued by your Mr. Lungu, because most of the money borrowed can not be accounted for.

      We are against the favourable treatment foreigners are getting above citizens.

      We are against the practices of the Chinese buying up vasts amounts of land, then reselling it to natives at high prices.

      We are against the practice of the Chinese being allowed to carry guns, which they then use on natives for target practice.

      So, in a nut shell, we are against our government, because they are clueless on how to develop our country.

      And BTW, we are against leaders that want to twist the constitution so that the remain in power forever, avoiding…

    • Who said we should have cockroaches in our homes because their population is big? What kind of negative thinking ba President!
      I don’t have coackroaches in my home. I love cleanliness so I killed all the cockroaches I found there. With you in State House you’ve given up on cockroaches there? When a monkey once peed on Rupiah Banda, he didn’t say this is life. He got rid of all of them.
      Yours is the language of the Corrupt. They always say corruption will always be there so let us just live with it. Now we know which direction Zambia is going

    • Who said we should have cockroaches in our homes because their population is big? What kind of negative thinking ba President!
      I don’t have cockroaches in my home. I love cleanliness so I killed all the cockroaches I found there. With you in State House, you’ve given up on cockroaches there? When a monkey once peed on Rupiah Banda, he didn’t say this is life. He got rid of all of them.
      Yours is the language of the Corrupt. They always say corruption will always be there so let us just live with it. Now we know which direction Zambia is going

      But the roaches term was a bit on the extreme off the track budda we kind of understand the analogy. Roaches of the cock nature are irritably offensive. If you don’t curb them, they will be in your soup. I like comparing the hardworking Chonncholis to ants though you meant in a different light. About your engineers, I have already addressed their ineptism on this podium. They ‘ll be like roaches in terms of laziness and wanting to act like they know whats up. No better word to describe them. Let me say that I love your interaction with economists. It’s healthy. Next, try to meet engineers and…

    • Your defenses on the choncholis are slightly getting overdose. Kindly listen to Zambians wrt choncholis. I would rather you favour the ill-Upndeads to Choncholis. There is obviously some form of limits you need to exercise. Our laziness silverlined around the more lazy engineering folks is to blame. Chaps can’t even make a road. Disband the EIZ or make it viable.

    • This is the guy some clueless id1ots think he knows what he’s doing. Can you imagine what this guy is saying? Are you patriotic educated Zambians listening to what this clueless guy is saying about your country? If we Zambians vote this guy back into office in 2021. then we have ourselves to blame. This is a big shame. Zambia has now become an easy target for all illegal Chinese some who are cheap criminals, because of this corrupt clueless Lungu. And if you vote him back into office, by 2026, half of Zambia’s population will be Chinese. It’ll be bye bye to Zambia as we know it. It’s incredibly scary that such a clueless guy could be leading Zambia in the coming years. And secondly, he doesn’t even have the tact, the diplomacy in the choice of words. I don’t approve of illegal…

    • …Chinese invading our country, but I wouldn’t be calling them “cockroaches.” You don’t use such demeaning words to refer to people…even though I believe that we need to be very strict in how we allow them into the country. Please know that once the Chinese begin to multiply into millions, they’ll take over the country. Don’t be foolish…wake the heck up and stop listening to clueless Lungu if you want to save your country. We need a new patriotic President in 2021. Vote this clueless guy out.

    • …Chinese invading our country, but I wouldn’t be referring to them as “roaches.” We just need to be very strict in how we vet them and allow them into the country. Having a casual attitude towards this invasion will create an unimaginable problem for Zambia in the near future. If Lungu goes back into office in 2021, Zambia will be half Chinese half Zambians by the time he leaves office. And when that happens, it’ll time to say bye bye to Zambia as we’ve known it. Wake the up and stop listening to Lungu’s indifferent attitude towards this problem. Vote this guy out in 2021 if you want to save Zambia.

    • Irony is the president being able to call out a Zambian organization for its lack of productivity, (this in the name of patriotism), while also calling any condemnation of his lack of productivity unpatriotic. What a joke.

    • Ba president! Cockroaches sure?? There are more ants than cockroaches on earth so this could have made a better analogy. Nomba mwabutukila fye ku ma cockroaches! You just want to Insult. Limbi mwalikolwa ka?

  1. After shewing their money they have become cockroaches? He must have taken something no doubt. Simplu put we don’t want these cockroaches in our country like its an extension of China.


  3. Such a poorly written article;
    ” And President Lungu has signaled out the Zambia Engineering Institution”
    They are billions of Chinese and invaluably they will be …”
    That sums up the state of journalism in Zambia

    • Ala ba instigator its all because of examination leaks. Our universities have been relegated to college status. These journalists passed leaked exams. Even members of EIZ are products of leaked exams.

  4. Why not discuss economic issues without going into political rhetoric. PF is full illiterates who can not articulates economic issues. no wonder MMD is running the economy of this country.

    • Ecl is talking about the resilience or determination ( umupampamina) of the Chinese. Put a china man anywhere he will come up a solution unlike zambians who would starve to death and blame it on the president. In Zambia anywhere you dig 3m you find fresh water and seeds grows anywhere unlike here but fuuls still starves. A china man is showing how to make ise of your land and brain all we hear from under5s is lets kill them. Even here in Aussie Chinese are in millions but no one wants to kill them.

    • Lazy bum illiterate TONGA tribal hooligan bully Larry Mweetwa son of a polygamist father who never taught him table manners and toilet training pooping in public HAGAIN needing cynical tattoo-clad MENTAL woman to clean him and change his diapers HAGAIN! The good news is that dull UNDER FIVE is not a presidential material and he will NEVER be a president in Zambia! TRIBALISM will never triumph in Zambia.

    • Please find better examples as a leader of a nation,, not Chinese are like cock…… and ‘out of ten thieves, six are bembas’ kkkkkkk, maybe he is right on the second one kkkkkkk, but both a dull examples


  6. Sadly, your Excellency, you are right. The onus is on us to learn and be better than them. Reminds me when cheap jeans from China invaded Italy. The Italians complained but counteracted with a vicious campaign which focused on quality and proved that Chinese jeans were cheap knock offs.

    • Gay Jay-there are Japanese fellows who can’t speak English and have never travelled out of Japan yet they are 50 times more intelligent and productive than you. Work on your libido dude….

    • Zambian Citizen – Like I said you have never travelled even for you to make those daft comparisons …don’t you know that the Japanese had to visit other countries to study their systems and improve on them…Toyota Inc is one clear example or the Bullet Trains.

    • This chap Zambian Citizen I have been advising him to make proper use of the internet by educating himself but he is so stubborn and thick as roller meal porridge….I mean this is the chap who was justifying Mercedes Ambulances costing $280K when he has not seen a proper similar specification Ambulance costing $70K in Europe.
      This mindset of labelling everyone opposition makes them very lazy, narrow minded and is retrogressive on their part….I feel for their children. This is why I tell that BR Mumba JR to be responsible in his debates as these dull blind cadres look up to him.

  7. Ok the president is right when he talks about engineers.That man caleed Sitali is us—less to be the head of that body.Engineers are sleeping in Zambia.Let that man called Sitali fimo fimo resigns.Engineers who can’t advise the govt.I can’t belong to that use-lesssssss body despite being an engineer.Atase bane

  8. Ba Ka teka cant blame EIZ when all contracts are being given to Chinese firms, AVIC is big today because the Chinese government insists that all Chinese funded projects are done by AVIC.

  9. The Chinese are very resilient and Zambians should learn from them” -Edgar Lungu.

    Says the man whose government hasn’t been resilient in curbing cholera or keeping the economy and debt at healthy levels.

  10. Ba Lungu, ENGINEERING IS A TECHNICAL FIELD, is NOT about talking like economics (EAZ), Law (LAZ). It is about SOLVING PROBLEMS PRACTICALLY!! Have you ever challenged Engineers to work with you on any project?? PLEASE STOP TARNISHING INNOCENT PROFESSIONALS OUT OF YOUR INFERIORITY COMPLEX!! Here is an Example of how you have failed to make use of Engineers:WHEN YOU WERE ELECTED IN 2015, ENGINEERS FROM EAZ ( If I remember well Bernard Chiwala, the CEO of RDA)CAME TO SEE YOU WITH PROPOSALS OF HOW ZAMBIA COULD TRANSFORM USING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS, WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THEIR ADVISE?? Cyprian Chitundu from ZESCO came to see also,to explain how we can use renewable energy and mini hydros to electrify Zambia quickly- he was fired, you didnt protect him!!

    • Prof. HANSONI has become an engineer! Write it on the University Letterhead please and send it to the UN! The most dullest Prof. I have ever come across!

    • @ zambiaisours
      You are a liar, just accept that the Engineering Association of Zambia (EIZ) has not offered its services to this country as expected. In many cases, its all about rhetoric rather than practical, quality solutions. Engineers just take pride in their title but do very little. For example, EIZ is building its HQ behind Arcades, but if you asked me, that building doesnt represent the architecture and beauty that should have been a wow thing! Its just ordinary brick and mortar. How else can one say? Its time engineers woke up and provided leadership in construction, innovation, town and city planning, high way engineering, water front development, all these are lacking today and yet we have these engineers. To accept criticism is the first step to improvement and greatness,…

    • Malinso is right, here in south Africa you can feel the local engineers contribution. They are mostly white but whenever they get a chance they show us.
      The fnb stadium was designed in African style but ZAMBIAN engineer s are always in the back seat of their nations progress

  11. O.K, frankly, at what stage would EIZ been involved with the Airport plans? Were they consulted? Are they consulted? EIZ should pick this one up and run with it! probe, move until you establish how/when your input can be counted.

    • I agree with the sentiment.. Could our able engineers please follow this up to the bone.. let’s get to the root problem..


    • “If this were spoken by HAKAINDE HICHILEMA MENTAL, it could have made sense because he is TONGA and I could have worshipped him,” Prof. HANSONI.

    • The major problem we have in Zambia is alcohol abuse and nobody seems to be addressing this problem. Most of these highly qualified individuals are drunks and that includes: Engineers, Doctors, Lecturers, Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, Drivers, Conductors, etc. And they go to work drunk and some even say they perform best when they are drunk. In fact the President may have been drunk when he made these remarks. God save Zambia!

  13. It is not good to compare people with animals or insects because human beings have a higher standing in nature. We don’t like it if other races call us monkeys either, do we?

    Very unwise, undiplomatic choice of words and unfitting for a leader.

  14. Its true Check on the road Pamodzi which were given to Zambia since 2016 nothing has been done but roads in Kasenshi, Itawa and hillcrest which were give to our Chinese brothers and sisters all perfectly done.

  15. I had a breakdown at Chobombo with a mechanical engineer from UNZA. The only advice I got from him was that and I quote: “That’s why in teti nchite automomatic”. Then I said awe this vehicle is manual, can’t you see that I am changing gears?, then he said “but the sound resembles automatic. Mukaye bakamichinjishe sound”

  16. All the comments from top to the bottom are useless ,in fact irrelevant.
    you mean you cant use idioms or figurative in any speech, its highly time you start thinking outside the box ,sir.
    coming to engineers, I think the president is wrong, engineering is only about just talking no,its about solving problems and putting into practical.

  17. Economic Association of Zambia is providing counsel on all projects; private and public and the same is espected of the Engineering Association. I wonder what they do as the meet.

    Thanks Mr. President for your good leadership.

    You have always been an A person in every; Primary school, Secondary, UNZA, Lawyer, Minister, SG and now President

  18. Am very disappointed with use of word coachroch from a President. When a President he talks not only about himself but the people he represents. Am therefore unassociating my self from our presidents analogy of the chinese and coachroaches. Thats goes too for castigating Engineers. EIZ need to engage with the presidence and fomulate how they work together. But i akso agree that if engineers were consulted we would have paid that much for the famous toll gates. The estimates were done by PF cadres

  19. “Chinese are like roaches” that need to be kept at bay – like in the US and UK they have China town. I personally will not listen to anyone talk about what Zambians can not do until there are structures like Engineering Schools, Universities etc. and exam results that reflect ATI ta twakwata amano. Seriously the lack of support for students, load shedding, teacher strikes or shortages is what students are up against. This country is Zambia, owned by Zambians regardless of China’s worldwide domination plan. Are we now so worthless we must give our livelihoods and country to these ‘vermin’? No sorry, as a Zambian I don’t aspire to be like Chinese in any sense, no disrespect. If our leaders saw their real world domination plan like some of us have, they would be an enemy of the state…

  20. I agree with the president on EIZ, they are busy chewing money and fundraising for whatever using dinner dances. What a shame. How come they do not involve themselves in any engineering endeavours.

  21. If you and your cabal were not so corrupt, you would keep the influx at bay. Botswana has managed to keep them out because the immigration does not issue permits to those without skills. In fact many have migrated from Botswana to Zambia. Take away your cochroaches Mr. Lungu. They are a racist disadvantaging our people!!! Zambia First!!

    • Who said we should have cockroaches in our homes because their population is big? What kind of negative thinking ba President!
      I don’t have coackroaches in my home. I love cleanliness so I killed all the cockroaches I found there. With you in State House you’ve given up on cockroaches there? When a monkey once peed on Rupiah Banda, he didn’t say this is life. He got rid of all of them.
      Yours is but the language of the Corrupt. They always say corruption will always be there so let us just live with it. Now we know which direction Zambia is going

  22. Now the under sieze party UPND and its failed leader Akainde Chilema, are ashamed. There he is our ABLE President making a his speech, same as Press Conference that you have been crying for. He has touched every sphere of the economy under the umbrella of EAZ.

    • Comment by !mbecile for !mbeciles!
      Do you know the meaning of “press conference”?
      Of course not.
      Even crap which comes out of endemically corrupt leader back side is desert for you!

  23. Not inspiring, I mean the language yaba!! Actually the President is ignoring the danger posed by chinese, instead of announcing steps to control their bad habits and accept only the good. Zambians have complained leftright centre including rioting and the message has failed to penetrate our top most leadership? You dont see the many bad things?
    And there is this thing about our President thinking that he is the most intelligent person in Zambia and one of the most intelligent in Africa and the world. All because he happens to President and the rest of us are not, and the people he has surrounded himself with, minister of presidential affairs for example…yaba!!!

  24. Cockroaches are always killed unless you are a lazy dirty human who has given up on life. My home is cockroach free after having had millions of these bugs so what is Lungu telling us? Give up and decide to live with your cockroaches? We know Its the thinking of the corrupt that corruption is with us so let us just live with it

  25. Comparing dinner dance to a press conference kikikikiki. Ubu bwena bupuba bane. Let us try to make sense in what we say.

    • Who said we should have cockroaches in our homes because their population is big? What kind of negative thinking ba President!
      I don’t have coackroaches in my home. I love cleanliness so I killed all the cockroaches I found there. With you in State House you’ve given up on cockroaches there? When a monkey once peed on Rupiah Banda, he didn’t say this is life. He got rid of all of them.
      This is but the language of the Corrupt. They always say corruption will always be there so let us just live with it. Now we know which direction Zambia is going

  26. Who said we should have cockroaches in our homes because their population is big? What kind of negative thinking ba President!
    I don’t have cockroaches in my home. I love cleanliness so I killed all the cockroaches I found there.

  27. Who said we should have cockroaches in our homes because their population is big? What kind of negative thinking ba President!

  28. Who said we should have cockroaches in our homes because their population is big? What kind of negative thinking ba President!
    I don’t have coackroaches in my home. I love cleanliness so I killed all the cockroaches I found there. With you in State House you’ve given up on cockroaches there? When a monkey once peed on Rupiah Banda, he didn’t say this is life. He got rid of all of them.
    Yours is the language of the Corrupt. They always say corruption will always be there so let us just live with it. Now we know which direction Zambia is going

  29. Blocked by LT
    Who said we should have cockroaches in our homes because their population is big? What kind of negative thinking ba President!
    I don’t have coackroaches in my home. I love cleanliness so I killed all the cockroaches I found there. With you in State House you’ve given up on cockroaches there? When a monkey once peed on Rupiah Banda, he didn’t say this is life. He got rid of all of them.
    Yours is the language of the Corrupt. They always say corruption will always be there so let us just live with it. Now we know which direction Zambia is going

  30. It’s not an influx of Roaches but an invasion and infestation, vermin if you like!
    What is the official count? Hope we are not already outnumbered!

  31. Cockroaches….hmmmn Mr. President, watch your mouth. In whatever way you meant cockroach refers to vermin!!!
    How would you feel if the Chinese referred to us as monkeys simply because we climb trees with ease???

  32. “I don’t mean to insult but what I am saying is that the Chinese are like Cockroaches. They are billions of Chinese and invaluably they will be everywhere including here in Zambia,” President Lungu said.

    But Mr. President, you have insulted.. remember the commentaries
    or should i say insults levied at other Rwandans to fellow Rwandans..?
    oh let me remind you since your “presidential” memory is clogged in
    presidential dotage.. “COCKROACHES” .. not only have you insulted
    the Chinese, you have insulted Zambia and Zambians, along with those
    Rwandans, and millions of others hurt or killed due to hate and words spewed
    by leaders with loose lips such as yours…

  33. He was being xenophobic himself and now you have realised that these Chinese you give contracts are giving you substandard structures and when we tell you,call us bitter….. Look now we lost money on kalabo road and now the airport and you want people you sideline to be advising you how???

  34. I told you , after lungu sells every thing, he is now allowing China to offload their people onto Zambia as payments….soon , in 5 to 10 years you will have 17 million Zambians of Chinese decent ….

  35. Your Excellency, it is not a question of resisting the Chinese. It is a question of having clear and levelled rules of engagement in terms of the benefits for Zambians. It is that simple, sir.

  36. Ba Sharon , please debate the subject matter. Your comments are usually out of context. We are irritated with your shallow comments.

  37. It’s true, Zambian engineer are lazy. If you want ifishika come and see the hospital a Zambian contractor built here in Samfya and you will judge who is capable of the contracts. If Zambians or Chinese. Problem mulafilwa ukusumina ifishika. Hospital nga ma Chinese bakulile ngailamoneka bwino. 3 years hospital ilemoneka kwati impwile 10 years, ama Towels yalitapa ukufuma. Nishi nicito nishi mufwaya, ukutuka abantu. Muletashako ifintu nga fyawama not fyonse kuli imwe fibi kati in bamwana shetani. Nimwe butasha Kali kwitobo twali mwishiba tapali ifikawama kuli imwe mwaba kwati bana ba mupali. Nimwe bashilaikampa.

    • It’s not Zambian Engineers but cardres who get tenders. The solution is not allow people who are not Engineers to own Engineering/Construction companies like lawyers do. If one is not a lawyer he or she can not register a legal firm but every Jim and Jack who is not an Engineer is allowed to register an Engineering or Construction companies and allowed to paractice. This trend is what has brought the Engineering profession in Zambia in disrepute. I appeal to PACCRA to revisit the registration requirements for Engineering or construction companies. The other confusion is NCC role which is in conflict with EIZ.

  38. I hope the President made these comments in a local Zed language other wise the chinese media will hammer him hahaha, I need to buy some DOOM

  39. Who said Chinese are only in Zambia? which country has the fastest economy in the world?The entire Africa is now colonised by China cos we don’t want to work like Chinese, sacrifice for the better tomorrow.Rome was not built in a Day,it took them time.Wina azaluza again u like it or not.

  40. While it could be true that EIZ are inactive on developmental projects, iys not true that Zambia can send dead meat to Saudi Arabia. Arabs can not eat meat killed away from there presence, especially christians. Goats can only ve allowed live in their country. Please advisors help the president to avoid making statements that do not hold water. Write him something tangible. Even Airports today, have approval of International bodies. I do not think they pended their signatures to go ahead where there were no cold rooms, check the plan properly your excellence, do not rely too much on those who want to destroy you in writing you weak speeches!
    God bless you!

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