Friday, September 13, 2024

K1 million injected into Zampalm out grower project


The long awaited Zampalm out grower scheme project in Kanchibiya district of Muchinga Province has finally taken off.

Government through the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has injected in an initial K1 million to support the Zampalm out grower scheme project in the region.

Over 2,000 small scale farmers in Senior Chief Kopa and Chief Kabinga will benefit from the Zampalm out grower scheme project during the 2018/2019 farming season.

Muchinga Province Permanent Secretary Jobbicks Kalumba yesterday visited selected small scale farmers in Senior Chief Kopa’s area who have benefited from the Zampalm out grower scheme project.

Dr. Kalumba told ZANIS after a conducted tour of the palm tree fields that he is happy that the project has finally taken off.

Dr. Kalumba said the project is meant to uplift the living standards of the local people, adding that it will also boost the production of crude palm oil at Kopa Palm Oil Processing Mill, as well as contribute to the economic growth of the province and ultimately Zambia as a whole.

The Provincial Permanent Secretary added that the country is positioning itself to be a major supplier of palm crude oil in the region, saying this support to the Zampalm oil out grower scheme project, is a step in the right direction.

And Senior Chief Kopa of the Bisa speaking people has commended government for implementing the Zampalm out grower scheme project.

The traditional leader said the project will expand the fortunes in his chiefdom due to its already existing rich natural resources.

He said that last year he visited Uganda where a similar project is being implemented and saw the impact that the project has had on the lives of that country’s local people.

Senior Chief Kopa has since urged his subjects to make use of the 3 year project and see to it that the aim of the project, which is to expand the plantation of more palm trees across the region, is realised.

Zampalm was incorporated in 2009 following Zambeef’s acquisition of Zamanita Limited in order to develop an oil palm plantation and crushing mill in Zambia as a continuation of its strategy of vertical integration.

About 70 percent of Zambia’s edible oil consumption of approximately 120,000 Metric Tonnes per annum is imported as finished edible oil from East Africa and South Africa.


  1. Then why do we have cooking oil in the shop written ‘Proudly Zambian’ if
    ‘70% of finished edible oils’ are imported. The Zambia Bureau of Standards and Ministry of Commerce, trade and Industry are in their slumber while Zambians are being manipulated by foriegners with their Tuntemba Industries.

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