Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu urges PF members to remain united


President Edgar Lungu greets Supporters at South down airport in Kalulushi
President Edgar Lungu greets Supporters at South down airport in Kalulushi

President Edgar Lungu has arrived in the Copperbelt for a two-day working visit.

Upon arrival, President Lungu called for unity of purpose among Patriotic Front (PF) party members and government officials in the province.

The Head of State, who was accompanied by the Presidential Affairs Minister Freedom Sikazwe and Infrastructure Development Minister Ronald Chitotela landed at exactly 15:25 hours at South Downs airport in Kalulushi district.

President Lungu, who is also scheduled to open the PF provincial elections tomorrow, advised the candidates to remain united during and after elections.

He emphasised that in every election, there are losers and winners hence the need to accept the results.

President Lungu was welcomed by Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Bright Nundwe, Nkana Member of Parliament Alexander Chiteme, Chililabombwe Member of Parliament Richard Musukwa and other government and party officials.

The President is in Kitwe where he is expected to conduct several meetings on different programmes.


  1. “Hon Kampamba Mulenga welcomes you to Kalulushi?”

    Is there still Hon Kampamba Mulenga or Hon Mrs Kampamba ……..?
    And she was not in the welcoming party, is she already on maternity leave?

    • There must be something more substantial things than to report where he is and exactly the time he landed. Lazy journalism.



  2. The President on the Copperbelt should not be another reason to subject women to the ignorant derogatory comments aimed at female politicians. It’s pathetic that unlike male politicians, females are subject to objectification from the certain sub species whose intelligence only extends as far as who a woman is married to, who she has dated, her sexual appeal and that’s it. I respect people who clearly state, married or not, they are shamefully so infatuated with these females politicians they can’t focus on anything outside what goes on in the privacy of their bedrooms. I guess mentioning their achievements like putting Zambian honey on the global stage as a serious contender etc would be beyond their mental capacity let alone understanding priorities or scheduling conflict between the…

  3. ….. understanding priorities or scheduling conflict between the Hon Minister and the Presidents respective timetables. I assure you that wherever the Honorable Minister is, she is probably doing more for Zambia than three quarters of those standing at the airport put together. For once some MPs should own the negativity caused by their corruption and greed instead of trying to deflect the hatred on to the President as a person. Kopala really like ECL as a person because he’s a nice guy but what these culprits are doing under the ruling Government umbrella can ignite the fire. I pray he puts a stop to it before things get undignified.

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