Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema says he remains optimistic that the launched national dialogue will yield positive results.
Mr Hichilema said he is optimistic that the launch will yield positive results that will not only please Zambians but the region, world and God at large.
The UPND leader joined fellow political leaders, traditional leaders and some of the ambassadors accredited to Zambia in witnessing the launch of the National dialogue and reconciliation at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka Friday morning.
“To those that turned up to what we believe is God’s call we say; Let’s continue placing humanity and our people’s desires first before self glory. For the desires of peace and stability for development are what our creator, God loves,” Mr Hichilema wrote on his Facebook page.
He added, “We have committed ourselves as leaders to placing the interest of our country first before anything else and this we have committed to the national dialogue and before the church. We are Christians and this is why when entreated by our church mother bodies to join in the national dialogue we, without any hesitation, turned up and we shall continue doing so.”
“This is because a country whose citizens don’t talk to each other cannot make progress. In fact God our creator does not rejoice seeing his children maiming each other.”
Mr Hichilema said the UPND shall wait upon the church to further guide the political parties.
“This dialogue is not about Hakainde or indeed any other citizen but it’s about restoring normalcy in our country, freedoms and rights, good governance, peace and stability for development to thrive. Clearly, as citizens we agree that we need to move our country forward. This is evidenced by the turn out to today’s national dialogue launch called by the Church,” he stated.
“Over time and in our journey of seeking public office, we have learnt the art of listening to everyone including those who do not agree on how we should run public office and this we shall continue doing even when in government. This is because we will not only want to make our democracy thrive but also our Christian faith.”
He said, “To those that may not agree to the church led dialogue, we say; there is still time for soul searching and placing the interest of the over 17 million Zambians first.”
You’re all wasting our time it won’t succeed. Wait till 2021. Election time is the real dialogue with the voters.
Your cadres have stopped burning our markets ever since you tricked Patricia Scotland into getting you off death row. We’ve always enjoyed peace in Zambia till you reared your ugly Satamic head on the political scene. Just get geared to lose 7th time 2021. HArmageddon
I like HH, most of the time.
I like Nalumango, day and night.
Enjoy weekend in Zambia and Madagascar.
Jah bless!
My hope is that HH is not doing this to please his flock of Diplomats accredited to Zambia. Plus his foreign sponsors who have put him under pressure.
Today he mentions God. He boycotted National Prayers Day, 3 years ago. And called it (An Insult To God). Only to realise that it backfired on him big time.
Then he came rushing on the last minute with GBM to get front seats at the Cathedral Holly Cross.
Agony is creating your own chaos and coming to dialogue with yourself!
But ur drunkard man did attend and he will go to Madagascar?
Seriously the PF cadres deserve Lungu,let him lead them to jail.They cant see that the man has failed snd he cant even be sold as a product mwikatane sana you will need each other after 2021
10united needs dialogue in order to settle on a sellable candidate
He sounds mature this time around. Vision or strategy? Only time will tell.
My grandfather once told me !!
“A dog never barks at a parked car
A dog always barks at a moving car going somewhere. ”
HH must be going somewhere if he was parked you wouldn’t spend time talking about him.
Don’t compare dogs with people! How are Dogs, still cars, moving cars analogous to people talking about HH?
You have said it all
Thank goodness the majority of Zambians are not dull. This man has never ever been an MP. He devalued our most prized mineral assets. No, Zambia needs development not chats and talking.
How can you reconcile when the people are not reconciled within themselves.ZCID and the church mother bodies are far apart. If they failed to reconcile between themselves how can they reconcile themselves.
PF has demonstrated how she hate the church and it is a hypocritical party which does not look to God for help. Only a fake church which are the church for fimofimo shall be on the side of PF. The church looks up to God for wisdom and has no hidden agenda and it shall never be swayed and tossed from one side to the other as we see the ZCID. All haters of peace and tribalists have shown themselves out to many Zambians and they will come to force you that day to beg for a vote from the church – shame, shame to them.
ZCID is a group of paid up cadres. The church doesn’t need allowances from the government. But ZCID needs government to stand. This is why you see them going ahead without Lungu and his PF government. This is because they are better placed to spear head dialogue because they are independent and do not need Lungus money like ZCID would do. Let Lungu also launch
with his ZCID.
What a name! CID is associated with the police. Who wants to join a police party?
How is it national dialogue when the focus is on political parties? Call it a talking shop for political parties.
#3 Nine Chale, yes time will tell if Trib.al Hacks is mature or not. Time has already shown that the boy always shoots himself in the foot the very next day after appearing to be wise. Wait, time will tell….kikikikiki
wast of time….
NATIONAL DIALOGUE IS COMING IN 2021;results will be as follows:
In Lusaka pro PF 55% UPND 40% others 5%.
In c/belt Pro PF is likely to get 60%,UPND 25% and others 10%.
In S/ pro UPND is likely to get 85+% , PF 6% others 9%.
In E/ pro PF is likely to get 70% +, UPND 25% others 5%.
In Central pro UPND is likely to drop by 47 % or down , PF is likely to gain by 2% ,roughly 47 -48%, others a share of 3%.
In North/ pro PF is likely to get 70%. , UPND 25% others 5%.
In N/W pro UPND is likely to drop by another 2-3% , roughly 47% , PF 45-6%,the rest a good share of 3-4%.
In western pro UPND is likely to drop by 3-4% likely to be 55%,PF trailing by 40-45%,others 5%.
In Luapula pro PF is likely to win by 70 %+. , UPND 10% and others 15%( CK,Kalaba).
In Muchinga pro , PF is likely to…
Composed by a modern slave aka upendi-uk chapter
This means that PF will definitely carry the day by 0.3 – 0.5%.if UPND will have another candidate though likes Harry KALABA on president ticket, possibilities would have been there of winning general elections.HH is known even with his MOTIVE of why he wants presidency.This is a BIG hindrance for him to win.
Keep dreaming chi kalaah
Hh is not a charming and attractive leader.He is like Corbyn so difficult to win.
SATA and chiluba were very good at
Addressing the voters with jokes.
JJ william
And you wonder why we cant develop,you vote for clowns and when the circus begins you complain….
That Paul Misusu. Is he a priest? He speaks like a bitter UPND carder. I don’t see capacity to reconcile people in that man. No wander there is so much confusion. Watch that man.
How do you reconcile without the main players? people who hold instruments of power the PF because at the moment they are the with power.
Just wait until he loses the 2021 elections. ..he will blame the dialogue. ..such as the 3 mother churches were pro PF. His aim is for this dialogue to pave way for him to State House.
Useless pf
Akiande, you poisoned the polity and now you run to church to dialogue, with who and for what? Just behave yourself and tell your cadres to sit their bottoms down and the atmosphere will be peaceful with no need for the so called dialogue.
Next time there will be national prayers, be the first to sit and please close your evil eyes during prayers for God’s sake.
It is not national dialogue. It is UPND and PF dialogue. These are the parties that create violence and mayhem in Zambia. Minus these parties in the equation, dialogue is futile. Other parties in this dialogue are not adding any value. Initially, this dialogue thing was between HH and Edgar. But every Jim and Jack has jumped in the bandwagon. I am apprehensive of this dialogue because of the absence of PF. It will not be termed as ”dialogue” it will be called ”monologue” If PF and UPND are absent, it will be one-sided. Small parties with no support are just like vultures waiting for the lions to kill so that they eat the carcass. Otherwise, nothing tangible will come out of this so-called dialogue. It is a sheer waste of space and time.
He has refused to attend previous national prayers. But this is was about him going to state house thats why he attended
. Fully backed by modern slaves based in uk sweeping street s and looking after the aged . Ati upendi -uk chapter
Sour grapes, you will find Consultants, lecturers and other professionals among Zambians settled or working in the UK, name me one Zambian street sweeper and I will give you 3 Zambians in the professions. Your social cash transfer, your education, your HIV and medical supply and your sewerage system relies on donors and you have the arrogance to talk about modern slaves, be real and be honest to yourself, if I was a cynic I would attribute your mindset to envy, I wont sink that low, probably you are just an ignorant, arrogant cadre walking the streets of Lusaka revelling in your tribal cocoon.
It’s political you are wrong not all of us in Diaspora are HH followers,not everyone of us sweep streets or look after the aged but I will educate you a bit,the reason most africa nationals are jobless is because of have mindset like yours .Doing dirty jobs or jobs of the nature you have mentioned doesn’t mean you are low class.anything one does to make ends meet should be encouraged and that way africa will develop.But if we have people like you we shall continue to be slaves in our own countries
@angoni. Apologies. Just pulling your leg
HOW ll llthe dialogue succeed with warring parties comming to table. I ask sir because all those at the launch were your alliance partners and to the best of my knowledge there is no conflict in the alliance for the dialogue to succeed. The chuck have failed to perform it’s role of bringing all the parties to conflict because they want to dictate of bulldoze the dialogue. How can people who are chairing the reconciliation say the dialogue will go ahead with or without the other party? Those men of God representing the church in the dialogue have failed the church and the nation by allowing their personal opinion to derail the dialogue. If those individuals want to lead dialogue and neutral as they claim then let them first show leadership by dialogic with ZCID to resort their…
Have heard a president speak lucid, profound facts and exhibit statesmanship attitude in Zambia in 15 years.
Eating mangoes on the roadside is something else.
Chikoya is not using good language and in the end you will cause confusion in this dialogue thing.Bwana the President has to be officially invited not panwa. And they have told 48 hrs before. This is where you need ZCID