Saturday, July 27, 2024

World Bank advises government on Rural Electrification


World Bank Country Manager Ina Ruthenberg flanked by World Bank Senior Energy Specialist Christopher Saunders (r) and Swedish Embassy First Secretary Madgdalena Svensson stress a point when World Bank appear before Parliamentary Committee on Energy
World Bank Country Manager Ina Ruthenberg flanked by World Bank Senior Energy Specialist Christopher Saunders (r) and Swedish Embassy First Secretary Madgdalena Svensson stress a point when World Bank appear before Parliamentary Committee on Energy

The World Bank has advised government to establish a transparent and sustainable financial model which will allow cross financing of rural electrification off grid solutions with the private sector.

World Bank Country Manager Ina Ruthenburg says rural electrification can be fulfilled through the contribution from grid connected consumers and Government financing alongside the donor contribution.

Ms. Ruthenburg also says for the rural access agenda to take effect, the Rural Electrification Authority’s operational model should be reconsidered to become less engaged in actual implementation of projects and focus on being a facilitator.

She was speaking when she appeared before the parliamentary committee on Energy, Water Development and Tourism.

And Committee Chairperson Ephraim Belemu commended the world bank for their contribution towards the energy sector.


  1. Rural electrification will be a big leap to the growth of the economy and Zambia needs to move with the speed that is needed to implement this economic milestone. We do not usually see the benefits since we have no ability to see further than tomorrow. If rural electrification is implemented in most rural areas of Zambia the economy is going to receive a big boost. The potential that is untapped in rural areas will be harnessed and translated into economic development of the largely neglected rural areas. There is no developed country on earth that had not benefited from this kind of development. Just take an example of South Africa, most if not all rural farming areas have electricity. This allows for power to be used for various development activities including the much sung about…

  2. …This allows for power to be used for various development activities including the much sung about Agri-processing, irrigation, etc. So let us not spend too much time talking about this and that we know what we should do. And let us be weary of advise from people that seem to support our development efforts. Remember the “Dead Aid”.

  3. Ina Ruthenberg has spoken sense she should have gone further and Talked about Distributed Renewable Energy Access or DREA and spoken more on why because of Population dispersion and Geography cover why the current heavy REA Grid Rural connectivity strategy will increase the access to electricity at a much more pace than if emphasis was made more on DREA like its being done elsewhere

    We need more of Funding initiatives also as in the Green Climate Funds and like your current efforts in (world bank) Gogla if we have to reduce energy poverty in rural and urban Zambia

  4. The main point here is this statement. “The Rural Electrification Authority’s operational model should be reconsidered to become less engaged in the actual implementation of projects and focus on being a facilitator”. If you read between lines, this means more than what appears obvious. Is the REA a hindrance for the rural access agenda to take effect. The question is who will ensure that REA is not doing the actual implementation but facilitate!

    However, it is good to note that the world bank sees electrification or access to electricity (especially rural) is one main key factors to national development.

  5. That is Correct beacuse of the Geographical dispensation of Zambia and the scattered population and fragmented REA as an implementing authority cannot connect everyone in its current working and achieved projects targets
    It must be transformed and restructured to ensure it moves towards Distributed Renewable access (DREA) model
    It will not achieve increased access all by itself There must be many mini grid and isolated players especially that the feeding tariffs and grid code is already done but standardization may be ,payments trades and settlements maybe for those mini

    However they should continue reticulation “Zesco Grid Secure or Variable power” for those areas of…

  6. economic and demographic concentration as that is very important since DREA may be insufficiently in Capacity to secure and ensure growths and developments in those areas

    There are working and have managed to build the brand though we miss that Mando lady on their Marketing of REA projects and distributed energy projects

    If you look at the portfolio of Developments and Funding Zambia is lagging behind in Africa

  7. I am watching the CEO REA appear before the Committee on energy Now at Parliament Today at 11:51
    The Electricity levy and Financing can achieve only so much in the current huge REA electrification agenda

    It will yield so much but not the full potential capacity that is desired He should consider
    issuing a REA GREEN BOND like other fiancing counterparties or the current “CITI USD100 BILLION GREEN BOND TO MEET THOSE DESIRED TARGETS” to fund upfront the baclogs in electrification of rural areas and resolve the funding gaps He may not issue 100 but even 1 Billion Dollars can make a difference That is the way for accelerated access especially for the Rural…

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