Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ministry of Labour need tools like motor vehicles to monitor child Labour Programmes


Labour Minister Hon. Joyce Nonde Simukoko
Labour Minister Hon. Joyce Nonde Simukoko

Minister of Labour and Social Security Joyce Nonde Simukoko says her Ministry is currently having challenges in monitoring child labour programmes due to lack of monitoring tools such as motor vehicles.

And Mrs. Simukoko says all child labour programmes did not provide adequate monitoring tools to ensure continuity of the projects.

She was speaking when the new International Labour Organisation Country Director George Okutho called on her this morning, to familiarise himself with the operations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

In his brief, Mr. Okutho said this year, ILO will be celebrating 100 years of its existence, and it would be a time to reflect on what the organisation has been doing in terms of social dialogue, tripartism, development cooperation, legislation and what can be done better in future.

He said ILO will support Zambia in conducting background work such as analysis and surveys to help the country effectively participate at the labour conference.

And Mrs. Simukoko said ILO is an important partner in development and that the Ministry will work closely with the organisation to drive the labour agenda forward.

She added that the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender item that was proposed at last year’s conference will not be supported by Zambia at the upcoming International Labour conference in June as it is contrary to the national values of Zambia.

In addition, the Minister explained that only 54 districts out of 110 have labour inspectors in Zambia who lack transport to carry out inspections.

She said although Government bought 19 vehicles to beef labour inspections last year, many district offices donot have vehicles.


  1. This is the most useless ministry with this woman at the helm. So you want ILO to buy you vehicles or what? Madam if truly you still have some sense of shame left in you, do the honorable thing and resign. At least you will save yourself from a destructive path that you have taken. Your only interest is your paycheck and nothing more. It took Kambwili to castigate that Indian whilst you have remained mute as to why these foreigners are taking jobs meant for the locals. As if you were not so vocal when you were in the labor movement, all that was hogwash? Nonsense.

    • Really? The minister in charge of a ministry can say such a thing? Whose job is it to secure the funding? This minister is just confirming to everyone that she is lazy and lacks capability to run the ministry.

    • Not only is the masquerade minister unfit but also having no priorities, while child labour may be in existence in Zambia, the priority is job creation for the youth and protection of the existing piece works prevalent in so called Investors who are paying peanut wages. What has she done so far in this area? Ndwi!

    • You fool and yet you supported the purchase of those over inflated firetrucks 1 million dollars could have bought you a good number of vehicles for this important work

  2. No. What you need are serious programs that will prevent Asians especially Indians and Chinese from coming into our country to take jobs that’re supposed to be done by Zambians. Isn’t it Ironic that our presidents go globe trotting using our taxes in the name of looking for investors but when the same investors come, the Indians start coming here to take the little jobs that investors bring in Zambia? In the end, we loses as Indians get the money. Madam minister, your government is busy demonizing Kambwili over an unwanted Indian when you can never issue a single statement to protect Zambians who get abused daily by Indians right here in our country. Dora Siliya is even threatening CK with arrest over an Indian sure? What sort of inferiority complex is this?

  3. The PF has got an impressive talent of having the most useless people in key ministries….elo not just key ministries, all ministries. Dullness abounds in this party.

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