Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Zambia’s envoy to Kenya Brenda Muntemba involved in deadly Mombasa Road accident


The Toyota Prada that was carrying Mrs Muntemba
The Toyota Prada that was carrying Mrs Muntemba

Three diplomats including Zambia’s High Commissioner to Kenya are receiving treatment at Machakos Level 5 Hospital after they were involved in a fatal road accident at Lukenya on the Nairobi-Mombasa Highway on the evening of Tuesday, February 26.

The accident involved a trailer and two vehicles which were ferrying the envoys who were traveling from Maanzoni in Machakos county on their way back to Nairobi.

The vehicle that was ferrying Zambian Ambassador to Kenya Brenda Mudenda and her colleague Kama Wasa alongside their driver Joseph Guttu was reported to have collided head on with the trailer.

Botwana Ambassador to Kenya Duke Lephoko and his driver Morris Maweu who were riding behind their Zambian colleagues also rammed into the trailer.

Police reports indicated the convoy was led by a police vehicle with full Siren on and on reaching Lukenya bridge, the trailer that was coming from the opposite direction failed to give way.

As a result a Toyota Prado that was ferrying the diplomat lost control and collided with the vehicle head on before the other one followed.

Guttu sustained a fractured right leg and bruises on the left hand, Lephoko had injuries on the left leg above the knee while Mrs Muntemba complained of chest and abdominal pain.

They were rushed to Machakos Level Five where they are currently receiving treatment.

Both the truck driver and one of those who was driving the envoy escaped unhurt.

The vehicles were extensively damaged.

Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua arriving at the Machakos Level five hospital where the two diplomats are being treated.
Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua arriving at the Machakos Level five hospital where the two diplomats are being treated.


  1. Fatal entails that someone died. Unfortunately, there is no mention of who died in the article. Perhaps the word was used wrongly in the above article, and hope this can be corrected Ba LT.

  2. Is it Brenda “Mudenda” or Brenda “Muntemba”? There are 2 different names for one person in this report. LT Editor asleep on the Job as usual!!

  3. Ba LT, PLEASE WITHDRAW THIS ARTICLE AND HAVE IT REWRITTEN BEFORE YOU CONFUSE MORE PEOPLE!! The order of presentation of events, description of how the actual accident occurred are all in shambles; how can a trailer collide with a car head-on and then in other sentence say the on-coming vehicle collided with the car carrying Diplomats??

  4. Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Hate to criticize someone’s grasp of their second language but are these guys at Lusaka Times a bunch of volunteers who rush out the door to look for a proper pay job? Seriously I’m curious, how is news blog run, who runs? Mistake surely is a one off rare thing, not this relentless malarkey that they continue to feed us on.

    Perhaps write in all 4 major Zambian languages, we will try to get it.

  5. They are like Fox News these LT guys. They scream sensation and they say something else. Ifyabupuba fye lyonse. Let me look for newsworthy sites I think mwe. Apa ungafelemo cabe na ma heart attack for nothing!

  6. Indeed mobile reporting The vehicle that was ferrying Zambian Ambassador to Kenya Brenda Mudenda, now she is Mudenda boy!another one. Botwana Ambassador

  7. Mrs Muntemba/Mudenda complained of chest and abdominal pain, well, maybe Arap Moi knocked her up with a half Nubian Kalenjin bastador! You bet she is Munthemba because there is no way this tribalistically stinking PF government would appoint a Tonga called Mudenda as an ambassador anywhere. Anyway, we shall soon seccede with our Tonga cousins leaving you thieves alone.

  8. Wishing you all God’s blessings and please get better sooner. Fate does not choose but here in Zambia some leaders can design fate for sake of publicity. Wondering where politics is now taking us to.

  9. I was once nearly killed by presidential convoy. They drive so fast putting the public at risk ..I had to swerve into a Bush hitting a tree. They left me for dead there they didnt even bother to stop.

  10. anybody know why they were travelling this route (Mombasa to Nairobi) by road? I’ve been on this road, it’s the most dangerous road in kenya, not to mention long and very busy as there are so many trucks from the port.
    there’s a new train that cuts the commute time in half, it’s more comfortable and way safer, even flying isn’t that expensive
    i’ll find out from my Kenyan friends at the Zambian embassy what’s really going on since whoever posted this report did such a mediocre job

  11. Palibe na fatal apa, kabili nobody died. Do you know the meaning of fatal, fatal means mwafa munthu mu accident please. No matter how serious the accident maybe, if there is no death, it is not fatal

  12. Fatal, Mudenda, Muntemba, ridding behind their Zambian colleagues! Waooooh. Our standards are really low. We need to do something about it. And Kambwili goes on ranting about an Indian man operating a compactor, my word.

  13. I was on the scene , trailer never moves alone but by a hose, the truck lost control the driver thought it was kenyata envoy elo head all injured where airlifted to matakos hospital brenda is stable just tuma periodical pains WILL BE OUT OF HOSPITAL SOON BUT HER COUNTERPART KWASA KWASA IS NOT TALKING HE HAS BOYCOTTED TALKING

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