Saturday, July 27, 2024

EU Delegation expresses concern over the suspension of Prime TV


The Delegation of the European Union has joined others in expressing its concerns over the suspension of Prime TV broadcasting License by the Independent Broadcasting Authority for 30 Days.

In a statement, the EU says it is concerned by the suspension of the broadcasting licence of Prime TV by the Independent Broadcasting Authority and joins those seeking urgent reconsideration of this decision.

It said Freedom of expression and freedom of the media are amongst fundamental values that the Zambian Authorities committed to respect under international and regional human rights agreements.

The EU said these are essential to sustaining an inclusive, peaceful and transparent democracy.

It said the partnership between Zambia and the European Union under the Cotonou Agreement includes a joint undertaking to promote and protect these fundamental freedoms.

And Human Rights Commission spokesperson Mwelwa Muleya says the suspension of the broadcasting license of Prime TV for 30 days is excessive punishment that is likely to seriously undermine the growth of the Privately-owned Television Station as well as deprive millions of its viewers of their democratic right to access divergent information and views as required in a democratic state.

Mr. Muleya said Zambia has a relatively good record of having established a robust liberalized media industry in the quest to promote free expression of, and access to divergent views, information and opinions as a matter of human rights and good governance.

He said it would be extremely unfortunate if such a record of human rights and good governance was undermined by a decision such as suspending the broadcasting license of the Privately-run Television Station when the matter could easily have been amicably resolved in better way.

Mr. Muleya said the Commission is therefore confident that the Government will listen to numerous voices pleading for its public interest intervention and will accordingly review the decision made by IBA.

He said while appreciating IBA’s mandate of safeguarding the rights, freedoms and reputation of others from unprofessional broadcasting, it is the Commission’s strong view that IBA should continue executing its legislative mandate in a manner consistent with the fundamental human rights principles of non-discrimination and equal protection and benefit of the law.

He encouraged IBA to be seen to be building the capacity of all broadcasting institutions in Zambia in order to contribute to a professional, pluralistic and diverse broadcasting industry as a hallmark of deepening democracy, respect for human rights and good governance.

Mr. Muleya has since called on all stakeholders particularly human rights defenders and the media fraternity, to effectively claim their right to a robust pluralistic and diverse media industry in Zambia that will fearlessly but factually and fairly mirror the diverse socio-economic, cultural and political heritage of the country for sustainable inclusive development.


  1. They won’t let such a biased propaganda machine operate anywhere in the EU.

    Double standards … let’s roll

    • Fake News. Who is the EU delegation and who is in charge. I don’t see any names. Donald Trump is constantly calling the media the enemy of the people. The press at his rallies are physically assaulted. About three weeks ago, a BBC cameraman was beaten at one of his rallies and I didn’t see President ECL condemn him nor the Delusional Dictator HH or any of these useless organizations. But let it be an African country and all hell breaks loose!

    • I have over 160 tv channels on tv on my tv. This is life.

      In Zambia people are suffering and fighting over a channel?

      Zambians are backwards really.

      I really don’t like that country.



  2. And what’s the stance of the African Union of despots ,misrulers and dictators about this Prime TV suspension? Lungu’s GRZ is abusing power.

    • And SADC ?

      We have always said SADC is a gathering of Tin pot corrupt dictators who have the unwritten code

      “Don’t call me a dictator or condem my crackdowns on democracy ,you might want to do the same one day”

  3. Don’t worry. Everybody will be quiet. What is true here is that confused prime TV remain closed. The government has power even to extend the closure.

  4. The solution is kicking out PF. Unfortunately them exellencies dont vote and someone in opposition is holding onto 3 provinces which cannot meet 50+1 threshold

    All Zambia needs is a mature leader that can inspire all and NOT only 3tribes.

    PF is simply taking advantage of opposition absence

  5. We all need fair and balanced news coverage by the media houses, however, when these stations, TV, Radio or any other abuses these tools to promote lawlessness in the country like what Prime TV has clearly been doing, they need to suffer the consequences. Prime TV is a tool that everyone knows is advancing UPND and HH agenda by promoting and spreading falsehood, misrepresenting facts and undermining Government just because of one man. We all know that HH has never infact respected those in authority from time immemorial and has gone to extreme lengths to do wrong things and now let Prime TV face the law. Surprised that those calling for uplifting the suspension of the licence dont reprimand the same on its unprofessional conduct.

    • Am also surprised that there’s no mention of the ills of Prime TV by those that are passing condemnation of the closure of the TV. Are they happy that the TV should bring chaos including blood shed in the country by its malicious way of reporting? I was expecting them to give counsel to the TV station before making blanket statements on the IBA’s legal and legitimate closure of the TV station. What will be the work of the IBA if it can’t come in to act on the media such as Prime Tv’s contravenning activities? Ladies and Gentlemen who are condemning IBA’s action on Prime TV, let’s be fair and do the right thing, and that is to give the proper counsel to this destructive Prime TV.

    • Ok they ban prime tv for reporting Likely to cause anarchy ?

      Why then do they ban opposition gatherings and rallies and rallies by civil organisations ,to the extent of banning position figures free movement and banning any civil protest ??

  6. PF booklicking survivors will only agree with anti pf views once they are kicked out. Today they are all quiet but soon as they get booted like CK you hear them telling us PF is bad. Lungu is bad.

  7. Prime TV is a tool that everyone knows is advancing UPND and HH agenda by promoting falsehood, misrepresenting facts and undermining Government. The Government should not lift the ban teach them the lesson. these foreigners voices must not be entertained.

    • Why then do they ban opposition gatherings and rallies and rallies by civil organisations ,to the extent of banning position figures free movement and banning any civil protest ??

  8. @malinso stop spreading falsewood, you said “Prime TV is a tool that everyone knows is advancing UPND and HH agenda” do you really mean everyone knows this? This is a false assessment because I don’t know that and I believe many others do also. So what should be done to you, for publishing fake assessments on the blog, so why shouldn’t you also be blocked on this platform?


    • And the same Europeans stood by while the hate swelled until it exploded. All in the name of freedom of expression. IBA is a Zambian institution whose job is to monitor and regulate tv stations. It doesn’t need to consult the EU or US when doing its mandate. It has laws and guidelines that govern it.

    • Why then do they also ban opposition gatherings and rallies and rallies by civil organisations ,to the extent of banning position figures free movement and banning any civil protest ??

  10. Can any of the PF rats tell us Why then do PF ban opposition gatherings and rallies and rallies by civil organisations ,to the extent of banning position figures free movement and banning any civil protest ??

  11. Recycled functionaries and cadres could damage the reputation of the PF and the beloved country. The arrogant manifested by IBA disciplinary committee must not go unpunished. Impunity breeds arrogant. It is irresponsible for functionaries to appease cadres and vice versa. The die is cast. Public outcry is self evident. The TV station performed its core duties albeit with enthusiasm and zeal, IBA did not.

  12. If this is not creeping dictatorship by a paranoid regime that claims to be popular …… can some one from PF tell us why even civil bodies and citizens are not allowed peacefull protest while PF are always protesting and rallying in support of Lungu ?

    Hell , even opposition parties are not allowed rallies most of the time….,

  13. Why don’t leaders learn from history.

    If a new laeder came and starts chasing the pf cadres like rats whould feel sorry.

    Even $ has forgotten how sata followed her like a mole rat over LAPGREEN.

    Would sata give $ the position she holding today. Only chagwa can do that

  14. Democracy goes hand in hand with a free press. By that, I mean various voices have to be heard so that the masses are well informed and able to choose from an informed place. So if we are only going to have ZNBC and Daily Nation as our only sources of news for instance and we all know they operate as PF mouth piece, then where in hell do we get to hear about the other existing political parties’ voices and what they stand for? Are those in support of closing Prime television saying the only voices we should be listening to are those of PF only? So what would be the point of having the opposition if they are never covered? It’s as good as saying we go back to a one party system.

    Lungs claims to be a lawyer. Let him be the first to show that he believes in the tenants democracy by…

  15. Indeed there is a huge masonic and Western conspiracy against Zambia. Rest people think it’s against the PF Government, no it’s against the country.

    Why silence against the closure of the radio stations and the un-operational TV station? Yes, because Prime T.V is their subversion tool to install a Government to loot national-wealth after the successful experiment of looting people’s parastatals. When it succeeds, all the land beyond what was eyed in Namwala will be put in their hands and worse more.

  16. FAKE NEWS. This is cheap psychology.On Monday you published and twisted what was spoken by diplomats.
    You are the same imposter who is posting articles on Lusaka times that three church mother bodies have condemned the suspension of PRIME TV.
    What did WE from the three mother church bodies.? THE TOTALLY DENIED the article that it was published by them.
    Lusaka times news publication is corrupt.we know what is happening.

  17. Just asking. .PTV was suspended at the same time two other stations had their licenses revoked so is noone talking on their behalf. 2ndly the churches issue a statement but this statement doesn’t tell us the church official who issued the statement, same with this story. One can only assume that the Upnd media team is putting words in people’s mouths. Yeah Mufuguli and Kagame between them have closed 45 private radio /TV stations and the EU has not said anything. Egypt has detained Hussein a journalist for close to 500 days ; the EU has said nothing. Kasshoggi a journalist was killed and cut into mince meat and Mr Trump has said nothing.

  18. I left out one thing. One of the major churches has disassociated themselves from the statement purportedly made by the 3MCs.

  19. Mmmmmmm, are they confused? Zambia is not in the EU and does not come under their European Parliament. From what I know there are no Zambian MEPs sent to EU parliament.

    What are these coated dictats coming form the delegation? It’s just a 30 day suspension to punish bad behaviour.

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