Saturday, July 27, 2024

Miles Sampa wants street vendors to switch to collection of plastic waste as a business


Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa showing journalists the uncollected waste and blame his offices for not collecting the waste when they are given everything needed to keep the waste out off Central Business District
Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa showing journalists the uncollected waste and blame his offices for not collecting the waste when they are given everything needed to keep the waste out off Central Business District

Lusaka Mayor, Miles Sampa has implored street vendors to stop the illegal business and switch to collection of plastic waste for supply to plastic waste recycling companies.

Mr. Sampa said street vending remains an illegal business as it is against the Statutory Instrument number 12 of 2018.

He was speaking when he toured Hongsen Investment Limited of Makeni in Lusaka.

“Street vending is still illegal under the law so stop it and switch to plastic waste collection for supply to plastic waste recycling companies such as Hongsen, Investment Limited,” he advised.

Hongsen Investment Limited is a Chinese company engaged in recycling plastic into reusable products such as plastic cups, brooms plates, buckets, hangers and many other plastic products.

The Mayor disclosed that some youths were already selling plastic waste to the company at K50 per bale.

“Go out there and start collecting all sorts of plastic waste and come and sell here at K50 per bale instead of fighting running battles with council police in the streets,” he said.

The Mayor has been an ardent advocate of plastic waste recycling into reusable products as a way of keeping the city free of plastic waste which has been a menace.

His tour of Hongsen Investment limited was meant to show support to companies that are engaged in recycling business.

The Mayor was accompanied by Councillors Bupe Mulenga, George Daka and Dorcas Moyo.


    • A country in progress is seen by its good leaders, not these “whatevers” we have in zambia, nowonder we are going backwards.

    • These businesses of recycling and manufacturing must be done by indigenous Zambians whom the Government and Banks must empower not foreigners on Zambian soil and you go and boast as if there is a Zambian who can go and manufacture or recycle anything in China or India.

    • Since there are thousands of street venders next thing will be Margarate Mwanakatwe on TV that PF has created thousands of jobs for those to be employed by Miles Sampa to collect plastics. Decent jobs from PF.

    • This is brilliant thinking and we need more leaders to follow this kind of proactive approach to recycling. Well done Miles keep it up my guy.

  1. Mr. Mayor, the profits in scavenging are a lot less than street vending.

    Please facilitate sustainable businesses for these street vendors.

  2. Lungu should come collect it like he always does in blue overalls and boots.Its very unfortunate GRZ has allowed street vending to become such a huge menace.

  3. In other countries the council is involved in recycling plants hence creating tangible employment and force from exporting the products

  4. Miles Sampa, we are still waiting for the free WiFi that you promised. Have you managed to remove the Hybrid Chicken on Great East Road or this plastic recycling will go the failed way of the promised free WiFi and the Hybrid Chicken. You have made the Chicken become more popular than most politicians ever since you attacked it. The Hybrid Chicken can win against you in 2021 at speed you are failing on delivering your promises.

  5. Very good idea Mr. Sampa. This collection and sale of plastics for re-use is a multi million dollar business in some countries and I’m sure even here in Zambia it can generate good amounts of money. Besides that, it is a double edged sword – cleans up the cities as well.

  6. This is exactly what I suggested few years back and no one listened. Ba PF Government should engage the Ministry of Religious affairs to engage all women Pentecostals – especially, to start collecting all GARBAGE and drop it off at Mayor Sampa’s office for a fee, simple.

  7. Its a well thought theory and i believe any well meaning person has to support this. Don’t look at it from the angle of politics, if the idea is good its good. That’s leadership Mr. mayor and kudos. A leader is suppose to find solutions to the problems and that is one of the solutions.

  8. Please Mayor,find more interested investors and extend that to glass.We have so much glass especially bottles we cannot reuse which of recycled can reduce on amount of solid waste that is being thrown away but will not decompose!! Let’s us get recycled to produce other useful glass products!!

  9. Not bad , but they all can not pick plastics, for the hundreds of thousands unemployed there isn’t enough plastics.

    Miles Sampa , can your office look at tree planting in Lusaka as a way of employment for some steet vendors.

    Many western organisations and the UN and many western countries provide free grants for tree planting and other carbon capture projects….all need is a good project plan.

    • Further, the Council should stop cutting trees along Cairo Road. Only minor trimming is required. In some countries, trees are older and taller that ours ,but they have been maintained as such.

  10. This is a good idea Sir.
    However, please ,Sir, do not continue with the cutting(as opposed to pruning ) of trees in Cairo road. Those trees are not as bad as we have been made to understand by you. Just look at the slave tree in Ndola and Kabwe. They look older than the trees in Cairo Road, and yet no one is cutting them on the basis that they are a danger to life. Please leave the trees alone. Only very minor trimming is required.

  11. Buy them the right equipment, it’s sickening seeing people using their hands to clean such a mess. On recycling the council can do that, it’s just a matter of having dust bins for plastic, paper and the rest. Then buying equipment for recycling.

  12. Take them for lunch at horseshoe restaurant and explain to them properly. Not like this just mere pronouncements.

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