Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu threatens to fire people if youth entrepreneurship is not actualized


President Lungu gracing the Central Provincial Conference over the weekend
President Lungu gracing the Central Provincial Conference over the weekend

President Edgar Lungu has sounded a warning to relevant bodies created to promote youth entrepreneurship to show cause why they should not be shaken up.

Speaking in Kabwe when he opened the Central Province Patriotic Front Conference, President Lungu cautioned against the prevailing Laissez-faire attitude.

He said the rhetoric surrounding youth entrepreneurship needed to be replaced with immediate action by the relevant agencies, as he warned that next time he will talk about the matter, he will either be reshuffling or firing people.

The Head of State called for drastic measures to trigger more young entrepreneurs to emerge and existing ones to be boosted.

President Lungu who is also President of the Patriotic Front, emphasised that Zambia’s future lies in the involvement of young people in Entrepreneurship.

He said that Youth Entrepreneurship was at the core of his heart and his vision for industrialization.

President Lungu observed that Zambia has a huge and energetic youth entrepreneurship potential that required to be harnessed for national development re-iterating that conditions need to be created to enable the youth, who constitute the majority of Zambia’s population to thrive as existing or upcoming entrepreneurs.

President Lungu's 2021 Endorsement
President Lungu’s 2021 Endorsement
President Lungu gracing the Central Provincial Conference over the weekend
President Lungu gracing the Central Provincial Conference over the weekend


  1. Fire people for what Lungu ,for Tuntemba entrepreneurship?. Zambia Airways ,Zam Rail and local contractors are all failing so why don’t you start firing from there?

    • But that minister of youth Mawere, muwelewele fye, he has even failed to do anything in sports.
      He should have gone to Sudan with Nkana.
      Zesco was playing an international match in Ndola, no minister to open games. Stadium Mwanawasa built was empty.

    • An action plan is what we need, NOT hollow threats. The problem of youth unemployment has reached crisis level. In 2016, Vision-Less Lungu promised 2-million jobs plus another 500,000.

      Maybe he should fire himself as he has failed to deliver even 1,000 real jobs (NOT car-wash, barbershop/hair-salon or black mountain jobs).

      2021, Kuya-bebele!!

    • Lungu always with his PF symbol…..Mr President you’re now the President of all Zambians its not just about PF PF PF ….and look at morons surrounding him…pure losers and bandits

    • Lazy Lungu talking about Laissez-aire attitude …really ironic….this is a PF govt he is talking about here..this man is given speeches and just reads.
      I think even that French word has been mistranslated …Laissez-faire is an economic system in which transactions between private parties are free from government intervention such as regulation, privileges, tariffs and subsidies.

  2. Fire corrupt Ministers first. And by the way have the ministers paid back illegal salaries gotten for illegal stay in office during the last elections?

  3. We know the region(s) those to be fired are from.I suspect the list has already been compiled by the tribal haters.

  4. Yaba baba you need a plan of action and not just firing people. You also the problem being an absentee president spending a huge chunk of your time away. You have infected everyone around you with laziness. All those people following you are supposed to be working. Their job is not only escorting and seeing you off

  5. Reminds me of what Valentine Musakanya once said in a memo he sent to Kaunda, “unfortunately, most of these reforms have not aimed at improving the quality of govt or solving administrative problems but rather to accommodate political pressures or fit some incompetent individuals from ministry they have destroyed into another which, in some cases they equally succeed in destroying… We have now reached a point where further reorganization or reshuffles are just going to produce a reversion to square 1 or square 2, or square 4 because we have been through all the squares of govt organizations.”

  6. This is the same as bribing for votes.
    This is the easiest way out of creating jobs…..give the youth some money to start a ntemba……no real jobs.

    This an utterly hopless leader of the corrupt gang of ministers.

    If they are not urging the privert sector to make jobs, they are dishing out money to youth to start street hawking type of work.

    The lost years …..Lungu.

  7. If Lungu’s appointments were based on competence and expertise he wouldn’t be threatening the individuals he appoints. Like this we only question the expertise and competence of he our dear president.

  8. How can a country have the type of hatred and insults from TULYAFYE people,even foreigners are insulting our President given Authority and time to rule?
    Who in the world can support anybody fighting Gods Authority?Roman’s 13:1-7 gives an answer,he is Gods servant as he plays the role of a leader.Your so called will NEVER RULE ZAMBIA BY HOOK OR CROOK,he will end up I Jail for his hatred

  9. Mr President Iam sincerely sorry to tell you that your own ministers laugh at you alot in their private dwellings because they know that you are the ALL TALK AND NO ACTION PRESIDENT. Sata never threatened to fire anybody but people were working like no man’s business including yourself because he meant every word he said.

    • No one will buy that jet for that inflated price not even half the price…meanwhile his govt has lamentably failed to keep up with paying a mere $18 million installment for Kazulgula Bridge yet the paid $42 million for Firetrucks and over $60 million for pointless VVIP Jets.

  10. Tatulefwaya HH but Chagwa must go! He is a failure! It is not the job of GRZ to create jobs through parastatals! The private sector creates jobs! The job of GRZ is to create an enabling environment of controlled GRZ expenditure, few and lower taxes, subsidies for farmers and manufacturers who should be the largest employers! Shopping Mall alone are not effective job-creation vehicles especially when driven by imports! At least 50% of what is sold in shopping malls should be Zambian produce! PF is a fraud under Chagwa and must go! The only thing that will make Changwa win 2021 is HH standing again! How I wish his followers can advise correctly. Don’t get me wrong. The UPND of Mazoka was good! Hungry Hacks and his tribal cousins reduced it to a tribal party! Come 2021, a new party for…

  11. Come 2021, a new party, a movement for change will wipe both PF and UPND out of existence the same way MMD wiped UNIP out of existence in 1991, 30 years ago! Every 10 years from 1991, major political change takes place! PF dislodged MMD in 2011! Watch the space!

  12. Be careful what you say about Lungu.Because they are locking up those who speak ill of him.Peter Carlos Hinds.

  13. PF will be committing Political Suicide should they encroach on Social Media space! The reason why Social Media has gone rogue is because you have taken away the free press that helped to moderate things. Trying to take away the only remaining means for people to freely express themselves will backfire terribly! It’s like sealing the lid on a boiling Pot! Zambians are hungry! That is why they are angry! There is no money in the economy! You are struggling to pay Civil Servants! There is no medicine in hospitals. Meanwhile you are buying expensive jets and also failing to pay you share for Kazungula bridge. Honestly, do you expect people to be happy? Please go ahead and close social media space since you can’t take good advice!

  14. I am PF, true green and still inside the party, but I nearly cried to hear Dora Siliya saying don’t paint Zambia black, but Dora is Zambia white with reserves of one month import cover, the lowest in the history of Zambia, Is Zambia white when opposition political parties being denied their constitutional right to hold rallies, Is Zambia white when the moribund ZNBC is just showing one political party on its channel and you are quiet, Is Zambia white when Police Officers are retired in national interest without being heard. I can go on, I am truly PF but I want to be on the right side of posterity when time comes, I don’t defend the party I defend right things, in short I will stand for justice all the time

  15. Total lies from the president, if those words came from him….he wants youth entrepreneurship when his government is incapable of awarding loans to students who appealed from the copperbelt university……I thought a loan was there to help someone with the hope of returning the money bad,and yet the of government acts like it is for free which just adds on to the failures which shows that the government is not suitable to rule the country…….. They fail and try to point fingers at people!!!!!

  16. Do something Mr President, we’re tired of trying to make ends meet at the precarious Black Mountain, we need jobs —start by opening up Kafue Textiles and many others factories that have be white elephants for a long tym

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