Friday, March 7, 2025

Detained opposition PeP leader Sean Tembo goes on hunger strike


Opposition PeP leader Sean Tembo
Opposition PeP leader Sean Tembo

Opposition Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) leader Sean who is detained at Lusaka Central Police has gone on hunger strike.

The decision to stop eating food whilst in detention is meant to force President Edgar Lungu to sells off his brand new Gulfstream G650 private jet.

Party Deputy Secretary General Ariel Phiri confirmed that Mr Tembo was picked up by police on Saturday and he was immediately arrested and detained by Zambia Police on unknown charges.

He said the PeP President was picked up from his farm in Ngwerere for interviews at Police Headquarters and subsequently taken to Central Police where he is currently being detained.

“President Tembo’s belief of being a target of intimidation for speaking firmly and against the social injustices of the ordinary majority, has made him decide to go on hunger strike from today 23rd. March 2019 until President Lungu sells off his brand new Gulfstream G650 private jet and uses the money to pay off all unpaid council workers and other employees in other parastatals who are currently in salary arrears for close to 6 months or more,” Mr Phiri stated.

“The decision not to eat until President Lungu sells off his private jet is a clear indication that President Tembo is willing to die for the poor and the voiceless,” he said.
He added, “President Tembo is in good and amazing spirits. He sends his best regards from his jail cell where he says is an opportunity for him to interact with detainees and listen to their plight.”

He said Mr. Tembo strongly believes that his arrest is just a clear case of intimidation of the opposition and a way of silencing those with divergent views by the Patriotic Front (PF) regime.

Mr Tembo last week called for the mental examination of President Lungu’s mental faculties after he purchased a luxury private jet at the expense of the poor Zambians.


    • It is the duty of a journalist to find out the reason for detaining someone. Why do you want us to start speculating? Journalists of nowadays, kuwayawayafye.

    • Zambians shall adopt “Satyagraha” (non violent passive resistance for social and political reforms). I am joining President Tembo on Hunger Strike and implore my fellow citizens to openly talk about this and by rotation sit on hunger strikes in visible places, at bars, hotels, restaurants, schools, universities, malls-just go there and sit without eating anything. When approached by employees of restaurants tell them, sorry brother, I am here to spread the message of Satyagraha, not eating in support of the cause of President Tembo.

    • They think they are smart the detain someone on Friday and Saturday as they know all courts open on Monday so you spend the Weekend in Police custody. Its good that he is not eating as they will poison him …by 2021 he will be bedridden.

    • I bet you that LAZY man Lungu is in a church today in Chipata preaching to the masses and pretending to be humble

    • Defamation of the President is a serious case and I believe the law behind it can be more revised to be aligned with freedom of speech.

      But defaming anyone the President included with malicious intent is not right and that’s Sean did here.

      Don’t go for a complete fast, take water daily otherwise you will fast until you die, Baba.

      I feel sorry for you because of your misplaced loyalty. It’s really not about the people, it’s you seeking 5 minutes of fame.

      ECL … there’s a lot of cash around, why not pay salaries for the hard working smart people of the Zambians Enterprise working for GRZ??

      Come on, now!!!

    • Defamation of the president isn’t a serious case. Why should it be? Is the president going to be rendered unable to work, Unable to think because he’s been defamed? If so then he is a weak president and not deserving of State House. A president should have a thick skin. He can’t go growling and barking at every gossip he hears about him

    • Look at how delusional BR JUNIOR is, by his requests to LAZY LUNGU, he thinks there is cash around yet the reckless govt is living hand to mouth and misappropriating everywhere like a desperate gambler; the same reason why a taxpayer like Sean Tembo is questioning the sanity of that LAZY procuring Jets for $80 million and as it looks load-shedding will soon begin as Kariba dam we heavily depend on is very low…I stated years ago to invest in alternative cleaner energies like solar but no one listened.

    • Does it mean our American friends do not have this chiefdom like law , because George Conway raised something almost similar. To make interesting his wife works at the white house .

    • Thats the main problem with the media please stop giving these morons audience….wonder why there’s so much violence in the world because of the media….why are you giving this jackass coverage and now his head is getting even bigger

    • Give him 2 days. Alalya! In any case 90% of Zambians starve everyday and I haven’t seen this M0R0N go on a hunger strike to protest that.

    • Defamation
      So the last character to have been detained for defamation was Saviour Chishimba. He is now quiet since the ka treatment.

      So Sean became careless about it. For how long can he go without food?

    • The problem with PF / Police in my eyes is the clamour for exaggerated respect for the president who is servant of the people/employed by the people. People should be allowed to question where necessary

    • He will be realeased , prisoners on hunger draw international attention , something lungu does not want at all costs

    • Jay Jay Zambia does not rely on the Kariba for power generation. You are too lazy to find out that most of the power used in Zambia comes from the Kafue. This thinking that Zambia depends on southern province for power is nonsense

  1. The levels of attention seeking by this fugitive from Botswana are worrying! Why didn’t he go on hunger strike before his arrest? Probably he too needs mental examination by the same doctors who will be examining Lungu

    • Zambians shall adopt “Satyagraha” (non violent passive resistance for social and political reforms). I am joining President Tembo on Hunger Strike and implore my fellow citizens to openly talk about this and by rotation sit on hunger strikes in visible places, at bars, hotels, restaurants, schools, universities, malls-just go there and sit without eating anything. When approached by employees of restaurants tell them, sorry brother, I am here to spread the message of Satyagraha, not eating in support of the cause of President Tembo.

  2. To be willing to die for a cause! Wow! I am beginning to like this man called Sean Tembo. May we have more of such Zambians.

    Lungu has met his match and he better tread carefully. I hope this is the spark that eventually ignites a fire.

    • Hunger strike! Soon the whole world will focus on us analyzing our people, our laws and our leaders. Is it worthy it?

    • Let someone put Sean Tembo on the police swing, kampelwa, and let him hung by his balls until gravity pulls senses into his brains

  3. I pity Mr Tembo’s selfless actions to help the poor Zambians.
    This new breed of Zambians can even go for 6 months without pay .They just remain quiet and suffer peacefully.
    Thank God, our parents in the 60’s and our generation in the 80’s did not stand for nonsense.

    • Zambians shall adopt “Satyagraha” (non violent passive resistance for social and political reforms). I am joining President Tembo on Hunger Strike and implore my fellow citizens to openly talk about this and by rotation sit on hunger strikes in visible places, at bars, hotels, restaurants, schools, universities, malls-just go there and sit without eating anything. When approached by employees of restaurants tell them, sorry brother, I am here to spread the message of Satyagraha, not eating in support of the cause of President Tembo.

  4. Brethrens!. Let’s form political parties not to play jokes.

    He wants to die over the new Plane. That one is newest to me.

    Jesus Christ! This is cracking.

    He is better off chosing a strong noble reason.

    To me he appears like, he is the one who is delusional. He will die and leave his family behind suffering.

    PF.. this man is not worth locking up. He is an attention seeker.

    • Zambians shall adopt “Satyagraha” (non violent passive resistance for social and political reforms). I am joining President Tembo on Hunger Strike and implore my fellow citizens to openly talk about this and by rotation sit on hunger strikes in visible places, at bars, hotels, restaurants, schools, universities, malls-just go there and sit without eating anything. When approached by employees of restaurants tell them, sorry brother, I am here to spread the message of Satyagraha, not eating in support of the cause of President Tembo.

    • Attention seekers are so many in the UPND alliance.This Sean Tembo has no followers whatsoever.His party cant even win at branch level anywhere in Zambia.
      POLITICIANS CLOSE TOO HH’RE VERY DULL!!!THEIR REASONING IS SO PATHETIC!!!Late Patrick Mwanawasa bought a presidential jet,was it his?NO!!!So what makes Kainde via Sean Tembo to think that if ECL’s PF buys a jet then that plane is for president Lungu?HH’s team must be serious with politics.
      I will be so happy to see Sean Tembo on hunger strike for 2 or 3 months!!Please let him die in police cells so that we can see what he will achieve from his NONSENSE!!!Look,freedom of express does not mean one has to insult the president.Even LAZ guided Zambians last week to control their emotions to avoid committing criminal offences when…

  5. Whatever charges they will come up with will be frivolous. This man hasn’t broken any law by saying what he said (assuming that is the reason for his arrest).

    The noose around freedom of speech is ever being tightened. Please! We need space and air to breath, least we suffocate.

    • That’s why the detained him over the weekend …this where BUFFOON CK is two steps ahead everytime he hears on Thursday that they are coming for him on Friday he goes underground and sends his lawyers to the Police then shows up on Monday at a Police of his choice.

  6. Who cares if he starves himself to death, it’s just too early for him to bring up silly tactics. Keep him longer in the custody his a threat to the public o other country citizens.

  7. Yama boma ni boma akulyenifye mwalafwa nensala mulwishefye nokufuma you go and see your family uyo umuntu you are starving for alelya

  8. Ikunyokole njala mambala. Learn to engage the parties concerned directly rather than throwing your tantrums in the wilderness. Your way of making some political mileage is risky and childish. When did you even come on the political scene?????

  9. As Africans, we have a long way to go to understand democracy. I now more than ever understand why racism exists. We treat each other like animals and somehow expect others to treat us as their equal? You can imagine how many people will be in prison in USA if calling Trump insane was a crime! Yet, they understand that citizens have a right to free speech. Mr. Conway is able to engage in a twitter war with the president calling him mad and yet life goes. Doesn’t arresting this Sean guy, a none entity give credibility to his issue?

    • How old are you? Where were you during Mwanawasa or RB’s time…you dont know anything about racism just spewing nonsense here whilst drinking Chibuku.

    • Those who are voting you down are insane or retarded. Your rationale is so advanced I doubt Lungu can grasp it. The part about treating each other like animals should be read by every president on the continent except Cyril Ramaphosa I think because the man understands democracy. Noti tubena Lungu tuma amateur presidents who are so mentally weak they have to be worshipped so they can grow a false esteem

    • American law is different from ours.

      In America a man can marry a man. That is a crime here.

      Do not compare a chicken and a pigeon.

      Freedom of speech should not include defaming others.

    • Ba John Chinena chachine but America calls its political system a democracy and we also do. Democracy is rooted on freedom especially freedom of speech because people who are competing for state house must TALK. If we want to be different from America perhaps we should call our system something else?

  10. He is a fool, am fools will follow him. Why didn’t he go on fasting before being arrested,coz the jet already was that he is caged at I hunger strike?

  11. As a former security agent he knows it’s better not to eat when detained by the same people you insult. In any case the detention will facilitate extradition to Botswana to face charges will will now have been unusually resurrected from their dormant state. People should read Romans 13 and they wouldn’t put their lives in such a mess.

  12. Let the useful danderhead for HH and the UPND starve himself to death..who cares apart from UPND sycophants and zealots and enemies of progress

  13. who cares about silly people let him go hungry he is the silliest chap
    He is foolish to insult the president learning politics in a wrong way
    borrowing stupid ideologies from bad people
    TEMBO from which part of eastern province who insults authorities

  14. he is a foolish politician thriving on demeaning authorities bad poltics who cares about silly people
    let him perish zambia has better people to worry about not this savage boy sean

  15. he is entitled to eat or remain hungry but the gravity of the offence still remains he has to prove that the head of state is mad we are tired by these boys having it easy to insult the president at will

  16. He should be released on Police Bond or Bail with no conditions attached even if he doesn’t apply for it so that he undertakes his hunger strike away from public knowledge scrutiny or sympathy.

    There are more important things we need to focus on as a nation than Sean Tembo’s attention seeking tactics.

  17. Its really sad to read comments on this media esp from people living in mature democracy.

    Do you not get involved in the country you live in ? You should be sharing views in accordance and help spear head tolerance not abuse of power.

    They Police in Zambia use this detention on Friday as a tool to abuse their authority.

  18. He says he wont eat till jets is auctioned.

    Ok. He must be a miracle man.
    Tomorrow he is coming out on bail and he is going straight on T Born.

    Lets hope journalists will follow up his fasting till jet is sold.

    Sata condemned lpm chopper and promised to sell it. But soon as he came in to power he was ever on the chopper

    If hh becomes president he will always be on the the gulfstream with tekere and katuka

  19. When tayali defamed hh he was taken to court beaten and striped naked in front of upendi leaders.

    Why didn’t hh condemn that. Hh is no better than lungu. They are just the same.

  20. BR Mumba jr, I suspect you may be sick with malaria because your actions and signs is akin to one with cerebral malaria, in fact you have become irrational in your thinking as you tend to be forgetful and slow. You need to go to hospitals like UTH or Chainama hospital for help. What offence or defamation is committed here?

  21. This boy Sean is the one that needs psychiatric evaluation. I hope the allegations against fraud is not true otherwise he is in big trouble.
    Coming to the reason for the so called hunger strike, it’s just another political stunt to hoodwink other unreasonable characters in the fore. First and foremost, the jet is not a personal property of the President but his office. If he exist the office today, the one who follows starts using it. Secondly tying the jet to salary payments is so absurd unless there are so many jets purchased to be selling every month to offset the wage bill.
    What people like the silly Sean should be discussing, is how the Government should overcome the economic turbulence that is affecting many other countries and ensure salaries are paid on time. To Sean’s small…

  22. To Sean’s small brain, selling the state aircraft will solve all the economic problems the country is facing. Tuleishiba utuntu. Good luck in your hunger strike. I am going for pounded yam and elusive soup my friend.

  23. He will be released , prisoners on hunger strike draw international attention, lungu does not want unfavarable international attention on his rule

  24. Akafwa chabe nensala. Why doesn’t he just go back to Botswana and clear himself of allegations of defrauding the government there?

    • Its a project in the Ministry of Agriculture called Performance Enhancement Project (PEP)….may be he has some links with the project.


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