Saturday, July 27, 2024

There will be no violence during and after 2021 elections, declares President Lungu


President Lungu at a Rally in Kafue
President Lungu at a Rally in Kafue

President Edgar Lungu has declared that there will be no violence during and after the 2021 general elections.

President Lungu says Zambia is a peaceful country and that those praying for war will not succeed because God loves Zambia.

He says for as long as he remains President, he will not allow anyone to cause war in the country.

The President said this at a rally in Kafue district where he went to drum up support for the Kafue PF council chairperson Candidate retired Brigadier General Moono Simakoloyi.

President Lungu said some people are praying for Zambia to go to war instead of praying for peace and unity.

He said he will also intercede before God for peace and unity of the country.

Meanwhile President Lungu has asked the people of Kafue to vote for the PF Candidate Moono Simakoloyi in the forthcoming council chairperson by election.

The head of state said this will make it easy for government to take development to the area because the opposition have been refusing their MPs and councillors from working with government hence denying the people development.

And Justice minister given lubinda who is PF Campaign manager in Kafue said the opposition have shown that they are unwilling to work with the government.

Meanwhile, PF deputy secretary general Mumbi Phiri said the people of Kafue should vote for the PF because the opposition has nothing to offer.

She said the PF has shown the people of Zambia that it wants to take development to all corners of the country.

And President Lungu has appealed to the church leadership in the country not to allow politicians to divide them.

President Lungu says the church exists to unite and provide leadership to the nation and should be above politics.

He was speaking at Holy Saviour catholic parish in Kafue this morning.


    • Your Excellency, we have already advised shi Mpundu in a none cryptic context that THERE WILL BE TRANQUILITY IN ZAMBIA DURING AND POST DECISION 2021. Trumpets of violence are not only ill conceived and reckless, but more made out of incorrigible hatred driven by protruding ignorance.

    • Lungu should just be arrested before 2021 and HH should be sent to church to repent. CK should be made to do CPD and possibly training to change his mind set and everything that is wrong about himself. The political landscape is currently littered with stupid!ty which needs to be removed. These chaps think ni Zambia yaba nyina.

    • It looks like the threat of reporting PF to the ICJ and prime TV exposing PF violence in Sesheke has paid off. This is what patriotic Zambians have called for all along. Violence is a big NO, NO. This time no burying heads in the sand.

  1. Iyu enayu akachula elo akalila ngafumapo pali bu kateka. If you don’t create a condition condusive for all the players during the election there will definitely be
    no peace. You are the worst president Zambia has ever had when it comes to conflict management. This started from Mulungushi rock of authority way to state house violence only.

    • Lungu doesn’t like to talk about his weak issues and areas.He has no clear jobs plans or economic vision hence his economy has been debt ladden,aid cuts and IMF warnings.

    • Lungu went into government to steal. He was a thief even before, having stolen from an unsuspecting client. Then the Zambians in the characteristic fashion voted him into office to give the man/monkey the keys to the banana farm to look after. Dununa reverse!!

  2. Allow others to come and decampaign you lies. So you are not currently president of Kafue to bring development only if they vote for PF…..Dimwit.

  3. Good call Bwana Lungu ,but will there be foreign aid cuts ,IMF warnings , lacklusture economic performance corruption and cholera during and after 2021 elections?

  4. Hear hear all ye men….

    The godfather of election violence, who even ascended to the throne using the same, has spoken!

  5. The Mouth appointed by Romans 13 has spoken. May Gods Word therefore stand and all else fall down and die.

  6. What Bishop Telesphore Mpundu meant was that if 2021 elections are rigged like what happened in 2016 there will be war. It is just that he could not say it directly. This time PF should not steal the votes and no one will fight them. Problem is that these people are dead scared of going to jail due to the numerous wrongs they have committed in the short period they have been in power

  7. This chap is not normal no wonder people are saying he has gone bonkers, he just says what comes in his ka small brain with out processing the thought awe sure, this man is a loser in capital letters, how did we end up with this sh!t for president

  8. I don’t believe anything from this man, he signed a constitution but could not stick to it. you won’t run away from this one even to death it will catch up with you. A constitution is not something to play with..

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