Sunday, February 16, 2025

Preliminary investigations disputes the swapping of 5000 babies at UTH between 1983 and 1995


University Teaching Hospital
University Teaching Hospital

Preliminary investigations into reports that about 5000 babies where swapped at the UTH between 1983 and 1995 have reviewed that there is no midwife in the General Nursing Council of Zambia Register by the name of Elizabeth Bwalya Mwewa.

The investigation has also revealed that no midwife by that name ever existed and later on worked in maternity ward at the University Teaching Hospitals.

The General Nursing Council of Zambia has instituted investigations into social media reports alleging that close to 5,000 babies were swapped in the maternity ward at the UTH between 1983 and 1995.

Elizabeth Bwalya Mwewa, alleged to have been a midwife and currently in hospital is quoted in a report that has gone viral on Social media that she swapped over 5000 babies between 1983 and 1995.

GNC Manager Regulation and Compliance and Spokesperson Thom Yung’ana said the investigation into the matter will help to verify the authenticity of the report and has called for calm among stakeholders as investigations continue in the matter.

During this week reports emerged online that a dying nurse has begged God for forgiveness while confessing that she swapped thousands of babies while she was working as a nurse at UTH.

Elizabeth Mwewa, a nurse who worked at University Teaching Hospital, formerly called Lusaka Hospital, in Lusaka, Zambia, confessed on her sick bed that she exchanged the babies of thousands of new mothers while she worked at the maternity ward of UTH.

Elizabeth Bwalya Mwewa now suffers from cancer and, as she lay on her sickbed, she confessed to all her crimes.

She said on Monday: “May God Forgive me for my sins.”

She added: “I used to swap babies at UTH for fun.”

She continued: “I have terminal cancer and I know I will be dying soon. I wish to confess my sins before God and before all the affected people especially those who were giving birth at UTH during my service. I have found God. I’m now born again. I have nothing to hide, In the 12 years I worked in the maternity ward at UTH, I swapped close to 5000 babies.

“If you were born in UTH between the years 1983 to 1995 chances are your parents may not be your biological parents. I had developed a habit of swapping newly born babies just for fun. So take a good look at your siblings, if for example everyone is light and you are darkie… you are that child and I am really sorry for that.

“I know I sinned against God and may he forgive me for that. I am also asking Zambians to forgive me for the evil things I was doing to innocent children.

“I have caused some faithful couples to divorce after going for DNA Tests. It’s now that I have realised I was just being used by a demon to do that. I have caused many mothers to breastfeed children who are not theirs biologically.

“I don’t want to go to Hell for that, I’m really sorry I have sinned a lot. Please forgive me.”


  1. meaning all those who had babies on the said period should have a benefit of doubt if the baby whose now grown into being a man or a lady is not theirs shame,i wonder how the engagement process is in GRZ health

    • Fair enough, we are all familiar with fake news,

      but what about the retired police trainer who allegedly infected more than 500 female police trainees with HIV whilst serving at Lilayi Training School ?

      Home Affairs should issue a statement on that because deliberately infecting someone with HIV is a crime

    • 1.1 I think the case for UTH and the police a very true. In the case of the police women the man who have had to rape them or not used his position of authority but worse still cohersed them into unprotected sex. One would be a out right crime (rape) while in the latter the women would be partly to blame in allowing him to sleep with them for the sake of securing their jobs.

    • 416 babies swapped per year? Lord have mercy !!!
      The Minister of Health should immediately institute DNA testing for all family who gave birth in that period.
      This is no fun !!, Serious than EBOLA.
      Because MOST Zambians don’t care about what is going on, this case will die without any tangible results.
      Very unfortunate.
      Imagine, instead of having an intelligent kid, you have the skull, what a mess. 12 years and nobody could not see anything wrong? Then I can’t blame Jonathan for sending his clowns to SA for any stupid treatment instead of UTH.

    • Zambian don’t know why we learn maths.
      5000 divide by 12 years is 416 babies of politicians a year. How can she manage to swap a child daily without any mother catch her?

    • In my opinion Tasila looks like the alleged father who is in Mansa this weekend.
      But many dispute that she is daughter of the owner of Ester Foundation? The mother has doubts, you can prove from body language.

    • Look at the name of the nurse and you will be 100% sure this news was started by the Delusionals. They want to start Armageddon at all costs. I was born after 1983 but before 1995, but I think nurses then where more professional and UTH was a great hospital where such negligence could never have happened.

    • 416 babies per year. Which means on some given days she would have had to swap more than three or four babies. Or are you also saying that she never took a day off. This story is nonsense!

    • Only 3 babies were swapped at birth Jay Jay,Spaka and Nostradamus… has been confirmed…no wonder they’re 24/7 commenting on Lusaka Times….no life

    • @Anonymous why are you bothered by these 3 individuals? You also seem not have a life coz small things that bother you that shouldn’t really.

      It’s like you were told. You behave like a paedophile that’s always lurking in the bush.

    • I, for one, never believed that claim. I considered it to be fake. 5000 was too high number to fail to be discovered. In addition she did not work alone.

  2. This woman no need to forgive her just go to hell you were trained as a nurse how come you started working for devil .may the good devil of her take her as soon as possible and stay with her

  3. Although that news sounded weird, weird things have equally happened at UTH. I recall the case of a lady who sued UTH on the same grounds. She narrated how she suspected that her baby was swapped. The manner in which the Police and UTH Management conducted themselves was questionable. Instead of confirming whether the lady was the mother through DNA, UTH declared that the husband wasn’t the father as if he were the bone of contention. The lady ended up being divorced but with a child she suspected wasn’t hers!

    • The begining was ok, the last part saying she was divorced with a child she suspected wasnt hers is wrong. The child died shortly after dilivery.

  4. The General Nursing Council of Zambia investigating themselves and you think they will say yes…she is right…they will be sued like no man’s business. I was born at UTH but not in those years mentioned…now let’s forget about it as the nurse is now “born again” and repented what folly only in Zambia.

    • I would have thought the woman medical professionals or whoever dealing with the investigation would have checked this woman’s mental health. Right she has cancer, if she worked around those years considering that people started schools very late before eighties, so this woman would have been in her late thirties basically she is her either late seventies or eighties. I would suggest this woman she is also suffering from dementia and mental health combing with her cancer God knows. I wouldn’t take her stories seriously on face value.


    Research indicates that UTH had only 67 trainers and professionals.

    Per annum,UTH only had a baby boom of 150 to 160 this was hampered by traditional manner of giving birth in HOMES …

    Investigations shows that report is FAKE.

    • @Mr.P,
      Don’t believe everything you read. Your statistics are equally fake, 160 babies born per annum in UTH can only be true for years around 1983, but definitely not around 1995.

  6. That woman is a prophet of doom,she has just been hierd to cause comfusion,let her die with her sins,even her comfesion is vague,what other sins has comfessed of ?she shudnt dent the nursing profesion,iam not a nurse anyway.however the gncoz shud treat this case with the serousness and attention it deserves.

  7. If it happened then it is irreversible so
    Those who have doubts then they should
    Go for DNA.She could have done a few
    But I doubt those numbers. Was she alone

  8. Dr Boamah.”Iranian mothers do not want their children to spend money”.Flood swapped or no flood.Peter Carlos Hinds.

  9. DNA for what? Suppose, DNA establishes that you are not the child of your parents, how are you going to trace your real parents?

  10. This was a very bad April F…ls sick prank which obviously has caused a lot of families serious mistrust and anguish! Can this be traced to the originator who should be taken to task! What a sick jock!
    Most people don’t understand the history behind first April. First April was the correct first day of the calendar year before it was changed to First January. In order to discourage the recognition of the correct first day of a year, the King of England passed a decree that those continuing to observe 1st April as first day of a new year should be regarded as f…ls! Read about the Calendar change from the Julian to Pope Gregorian Calendars as predicted in Daniel 7:25 – A power would think to change Laws and Times!

  11. A well concocted fiction story meant to stir up unnecessary debate. UTH & GNC cannot accept the story, even if there was some element of truth. The drama iz nice anyway.

  12. #5.2 Gay Jay: “For what? I wasn’t born in that period”
    Maybe when you were born a “” midwife swapped you. Just confirm that this was a fake story manufactured in and a name naturally invented by trib.als. For who else but a manufacturer can make such an evil fake story? I suspect that at the next stage of the fake story the behind this fake story will claim that she swapped only bemba babies, ……… or nsenga babies, ….. if you see what I mean without mentioning names. …kikikikikiki

  13. 1. “If you were born in UTH between the years 1983 to 1995 chances are your parents may not be your biological parents. I had developed a habit of swapping newly born babies just for fun. So take a good look at your siblings, if for example everyone is light and you are darkie… you are that child and I am really sorry for that”.

    2. “I know I sinned against God and may he forgive me for that. I am also asking Zambians to forgive me for the evil things I was doing to innocent children”.

    Further proof that this was an April fools prank invented by trib.als. Just ask yourself whether 1st statement (which is really really evil and is designed to cause maximum injury to God’s people) could have been made by a person who genuinely seeks God’s forgiveness as in 2nd statement?

    • 1. “If you were born in UTH between the years 1983 to 1995 chances are your parents may not be your biological parents. I had developed a habit of swapping newly born babies just for fun. So take a good look at your siblings, if for example everyone is light and you are darkie… you are that child and I am really sorry for that”.
      2. “I know I sinned against God and may he forgive me for that. I am also asking Zambians to forgive me for the evil things I was doing to innocent children”.

      Further proof that this was an April fo.ols prank invented by trib.als. Just ask yourself whether 1st statement (which is really really and is designed to cause maximum injury to God’s people) could have been made by a person who genuinely seeks God’s forgiveness as in 2nd statement?

    • …… Just ask yourself whether 1st statement (which is really really and is designed to cause maximum injury to God’s people) could have been made by a person who genuinely seeks God’s forgiveness as in 2nd statement?
      There you are fellow parents, fellow siblings, fellow citizens ….. what the e.vil trib.als can do … fake stories all because they, the trib.als, lost the general election and think that no one else should rule.

  14. ..can you vote for people with such evil minds, fellow Zambians? I think not, not even in 2099, I now revise that to the end of the world, somewhere around the year 20,099 a may win 50%+1…. kikikiki

  15. This issue is serious and must be investigated by outsiders. It is possible that this could have happened but the number may not be correct. Firstly the procedure should be looked into and identify any loop holes. Secondly At what point were the babies tagged and who else was there to ensure the tag carried the correct name? What is the probability of this taking place.? There is no harm for the parents and those born in this period to have a DNA test. From this anomally all hospitals in Zambia to send samples for DNA. Cases have been reviewed all over the world after the discovery of DNA and some have had their biological parents identified.In Zambia it is said it is only the mother that knows the father of the child but with DNA the man may know whether he is or not

  16. Fake news all the way. Retards are now recklessly accessing keyboards and Internet data it is not funny. We need to whisk them like flies and swat whenever necessary.

  17. The GNC has rubbished the story…..nosense. If she is in hospital, just establish the hospital and go there and talk to her. Obviously, there may be other nurses who were her workmates and they can confirm whether she worked there or not. This story sounds true and worrying. Better allow for better investigation by security wings and officials at UTH not the GNC!

  18. This issue is of serious concern. Don’t just trash it aside.
    When babies are born at times they are separated from mothers and the only identification is a ribbon on the arm which can easily be swapped in less than a minute.
    Can GNCZ get down and investigate thoroughly.
    Apart from this we have had couples separating and divorcing on the basis of parenting in the country.
    When a DNA is conducted normally it’s on the fathers side and not the mother which makes this assertion possible that swapping could have taken place.

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