Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tayali faces arrest for buying foods from street vendors


Chilufya Tayali captured buying Nshima from a street vendor in Lusaka
Chilufya Tayali captured buying Nshima from a street vendor in Lusaka

The Lusaka City Council has given outspoken activist Chilufya Tayali 48 hours to explain why legal action should not be taken against him for buying goods from street vendors.

Mr Tayali releases images which show him buying food from street vendors.

LCC Acting Director-Public Health Edgar Mulwanda said there is a complaint from members of the public on Mr Tayali’s habit of buying food from the streets.

But Mr Tayali has dismissed the letter from the Council saying he will continue buying food from poor people.

He accused Lusaka Mayor Miles Samp of abusing his office.

“This is what job when you vote for a fool in office,” Mr Tayali responded.

“I danced when when that guy won an election alas, this guy is not a leader, because he doesn’t know how to look after people. We have a Ben10 in that office.”

He added, “I am for the poor and I will die defending and helping the poor. I am going to sleep happily tonight because I shared the little I had with the poor. But someone, wants to play politics with me and charge me for my Goodwill in helping the poor when they are not creating employment and opportunities for the citizens.”

“What a shame to whoever wrote this letter and all those behind him. I will not bow to nonsense and foolishness. I would rather pay the price for the poor. Stop investigating, just come and arrest me I will never stop sharing with the poor and I have no time to respond to stupidity.”

Chilufya Tayali captured buying Nshima from a street vendor in Lusaka
Chilufya Tayali captured buying Nshima from a street vendor in Lusaka
Chilufya Tayali captured buying Nshima from a street vendor in Lusaka
Chilufya Tayali captured buying Nshima from a street vendor in Lusaka
In contrast- Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa has also been captured buying and eating food from the streets.
In contrast- Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa has also been captured buying and eating food from the streets.


  1. When a clueless government is led by a visionless man like Edgar, this is what happens. No solutions for massive unemployment, poverty, disease and poverty. Just corruption at a grand level

    • This boy Tayali will go dancing to court with an easy case like this which will just embarrass LCC and Sampa who has an advisory team of 25 bodies…really laughable…you scared of removing them.
      Anyway the best time to arrest Tayali is now when that pointless dialogue forum is taking place as he is making sure he attends and gets his allowance.

    • So Tayali no wife,no girlfriend and no Kitchen….attention seeking Politician this is Christmas for Tayali..he is always out there seeking attention

    • Zambians are creative. They came up with portable-restaurants?
      I don’t see anything wrong with Tayali’s eating habits. Tourists would love that kind of eating.
      But I see some wrong with Mayor Miles, he is picking uncooked food from ground and eat.

    • I don’t eat on the streets because I am a lady but that plate Tayali is holding looks appetizing-for a single man. I am envious of those masuku though. Full of antioxidants and great taste compared to apples, strawberries, pears…

    • Anyone recall a time when President Chiluba (MHSRIP) stopped his motorcade so that he could buy roasted cassava and groundnuts? People have to be innovative and raise money to alleviate suffering leave people to choose from where they get their meals! Tayali is being authentic in a way

    • Nostradamus – No tourists would eat there only drunkards like you who are plastered with chibuku would eat there…there is nothing a tourists fears more than food poisoning

    • @Nosradamus – I totally agree with you 100%. However, I feel Tayali should be punished as per existing laws.
      It is also prudent that Council sits and amend the laws quickly to ban eating uncooked food in streets as this will bring cholera!!!.
      Therefore Miles Sampa must be charged with two offences as follows:
      1). For buying goods from street vendors (under Statutory Instrument No. 12 of 2018).
      2). Eating uncooked food on the streets and promoting spread of cholera (under new law that the Council must institute in their urgent sitting).

  2. Miles Sampa is a total disgrace that is treating that office as a playground.

    What has he even achieved in this office?

    • Miles Sampa once formed a political party. What happened to it.
      He also had a yellow taxi company. Also failed?
      Miles Sampa worked for Kalusha at FAZ.
      Miles Sampa took over GBM matero constituency.
      Miles Sampa was legitimate voted at PF president at convention.
      Miles Sampa falls and raise up or he is just a failure?

  3. “I danced when when that guy won an election alas, this guy is not a leader, because he doesn’t know how to look after people. We have a Ben10 in that office.” Kikikikikikikikikiki

  4. Do you have Wi-Fi in the streets in Zambia as Miles promised in 90 days or said in 90 years coming.what is problem with Zambian government kanshi?he chose to buy food street with his money not government money.

    • There is nothing wrong with the Zambian government, BUT SOMETHING WRONG with the Zambian People.
      If you check the mentality of the so educated bloggers here, then you will understand why our country is in such shiit. And politicians are just capitalizing on that.

    • His boss eats mangos on the side of the road so Sampa is just trying to go the extra mile in emulating Chagwa

  5. I always wonder how someone can buy nshima on the side of the road like that…eating in the market is one thing but that 3 plates surely can you not wait!!

    • I don’t think Zambians eat because of being hungry, they just eat anyhow. As long as they have what they call “pocket money”.
      You noticed travelling between Lusaka – Kabwe is 2 hours, but people start eating from Intercity, then Katuba, Chisamba, Landless corner then finally at John Chinena.

  6. This IS funny! Nshima complete with a chicken relish, standing up on a dusty road in deepest Africa. Gives a new meaning to food to go……except you dont!

    I support his sentiments, but he is better off setting up a charity giving help to the poor than ruin our tourism environment. He can set a policy to give the vendors small business loans. There are better things for both the mayor and Taylor to go prison for …on. Principle even.

    • Nshima wasn’t meant for fast food. Originally we Africans’fast foods are those snacks like imbalala, tute, notwakusasula. Nshima isn’t part of a snack

  7. Its true this is Chipatepate administration with humble and able leadership in a christian and highly corrupt environment

  8. This is fresh air for Tayali as someone above said… have just given him some air…

    Those utensils look very clean.

    I am impressed and would buy and help the poor as tiyali said

  9. This is fresh air for Tayali as someone above said… have just given him some air…

    Those utensils look very clean.

    I am impressed and would buy and help the less fortunate

    • Agreed. Miles ‘ dress sense appears sloppy. Those trousers are too long in the first place and the whole outfit is too baggy.

  10. This is chipantepante for real. The other day, the provincial minister in Southern province allowed marketeers to go back on the streets to trade but Lusaka city council is arresting those buying from vendors. What logic is in this way of doing things? Can someone help me understand this puzzle please

  11. So its okay for Sampa to buy food stuff from the streets but not okay for Tayali… this Government awe kwena.

  12. Ku meleka fye eku umu guyzi te why uku sakamana kwati fileya mu mala yenu. None of you here is eating that food it is the guy, if something goes wrong that is his own fish to frey, nga yakosa shani

  13. Mulekeni ekute chilumendo nga yakosa shani, ni mumala yakwe fileya kwati ni mumala yenu

  14. This is stupid, we have other serious issues, start by arresting ichipuba miles Samoa, then go to the streets to arrest all Vendors. Then call for an election!

  15. Leave Tayali alone, his just supporting the local grassroot team. Otherwise, he knows which hotel to eat from. Or does he? kikikiki. You can take his partner in crime too also buying food from the street. Pa zed chambe!!!

  16. What’s the fuss really for?

    That’s a permitted food kiosk outside the Magistrates Court Complex. Magistrates, Prosecutors, Suspects Judiciary staff and Chibokaila Wardens eat Lunch from there too. A lot of street Vendors now have permits having met requirements like those on the streets of New York, Johannesburg, and London to sell food. Even reputable firms like Impala and Chicago’s are vending on streets this way selling foods for the convenience of walkers. So long there is pedestrian traffic, there will be a need for regulated street vending.

  17. Leave tayali alone he enjoys the food from the street not that he has no money no vendor has said Mr chilufya tayali has failed to pay for the food.

  18. Rubbish. Who allowed that vendor to operate on the street in the first place. Also Tayali should claim to help the poor. He’s just helping his poor self.

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