Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu arrives in Botswana for Kasane Elephant Summit


President Edgar Lungu has arrived in Kasane, Botswana for the Kasane Elephant Summit.

The plane carrying President Lungu touched down at Kasane International airport slightly after 08:50 hours.

ZANIS reports that the summit is as a result of the call by the President of Botswana Mokgweetsi Masisi, in response to the escalating challenges confronting elephant conservation and management in the region.

Southern Africa is home to the largest number of elephants on the continent, with 75 percent of them found within the Kavango Zambezi Trans frontier conservation Area (KAZA).The large number of elephants in the KAZA area has resulted in an enormous challenge of conflict with humans.

The Kasani Elephant Summit is aimed at reviewing the current status of the African Elephants in the region, management priorities in addressing human-elephant conflict, law enforcement and sustainable funding mechanisms.

The elephants are dispersed throughout much of Northern Botswana, South-Western Zambia and North-Western Zimbabwe.

The three Heads of State are also expected to conduct a brief site visit at the Kazungula bridge project to check on progress made with construction works.

President Lungu is accompanied by his political advisor Kaizer Zulu and Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda.

He was received in Botswana by Minister of Tourism Charles Banda, and Zambia’s High Commissioner to Botswana Patrick Tembo.

The Head of State is expected back home after attending the Summit.


  1. Where is the ministry in charge of wildlife? He could have even gone with the permanent secretary in this ministry. KZ and AC have nothing to do with wildlife! Oh my foot!!!

    • Lazy Bum Lungu has no shame indeed …this is a man who is letting trophy-hunters pointlessly butcher this hippos in their natural habitat in Luangwa and they are calling it culling. And there is the Kazungula bridge project where he has lamentably failed to keep up with the payments because he runs a reckless regime to add insult to injury they have added Zimbabwe to the project…Zimbabwe is one of the reasons there was justification to build that bridge but you add them on now for what?
      He just heard of a plan ride and jumped at the chance…he has nothing to do!!

    • “President Lungu is accompanied by his political advisor Kaizer Zulu and Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda.”
      Surely what advise can Kaizer give an international trip? The only thing he is suggest is shooting elephants for profit like they are doing in Zambia.

    • Kaizer is looked upon by people as piece of shhhit. The summit would have made sense, but thugs spoil the meeting.The guy spoils everything.

  2. KZ, there are no cadre elephants to organize for battles so what else are you doing down in Botswana?, I wish the trip could extend to South Africa so that you see how campaigns are being conducted with both ruling party and opposition parties campaigning within the same town without violence or machetes being displayed here and their, these countries could have been learning from us but now it is the other way round, what a shame.

  3. Instead of saying the plane carrying the president arrived at about 8:30 ,say the Gulf stream (Lamborghini of the sky) carrying the president arrived at 8:30 at kasane international airport).
    Taking the wrong people ala babuka uluchelo basamba bebele nga tuleya kwi keizer,ngaimwe ba sikazwe what do you think tulle kwi.

    • My humble prayer is that the humble plane of the humble ones should also catch fire to warm the passengers like the sister plane did in Russia.

  4. AHH!! Ba LT, So Botswana has a Minister of Tourism called Charles Banda? When did he take over from Kitso Mokaila who I know as Botswana’s Minister of Environment, Natural Resources, Conservation and Tourism. (Notice how much broader his mandate is.

  5. Learn to read intelligently. The president was received by the minister in charge of wildlife, meaning his permanent secretary and other technocrats are already there with him. Were you expecting to be in the entourage?

  6. I like it when the president visits smart leaders like the Botswana president. He will learn a lot. unlike visiting Munagagwa and who ever is president of the DRC or Mozambique.

  7. Let him learn how to conserve the animals instead of cropping Hippos.God has given us resources but we are busy borrowing money from China.Please ba Lungu can you provide the leadership we need.Be bold and make right decisions for the country.Think about the future generation and not wealthy bosss

  8. No wonder we were greatly inconvenienced this morning on Great East Road at peak traffic hour!
    We lost a lot of time and business just giving way to one person. At a time when the Economy and the Kwacha are in the toilet, we should be talking about ways of enhancing productivity instead of always grounding the wheels of Comerce to a stand still! Time is money! In view of the increase in Lusaka traffic, can the handlers of the president consider Airlifting him to the Airport or wherever to avoid inconveniencing taxpayers who have to work double to keep the ailing economy alive! Let’s be creative! The late Sata was so creative and on many occasions he used a helicopter between the Airport and Plot one!

  9. In as much as elephants are important, why do heads of state have to travel and meet for an “Elephant summit”? – especially ECL who has loads of issues that need atrending to at home. Even an under secretary in the tourism ministry could represent the country on this. What are KZ and Amos doing there? What a waste of the meagre resources.


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