Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lusaka PF’s disciplinary committee has no mandate to question me-Julius Komaki


PF Member Julius Komaki says he will not appear before the Lusaka provincial disciplinary committee because it has no mandate to question him.

Mr. Komaki said he has not received a letter from Provincial interim chairperson Paul Moonga requesting him to exculpate himself for gross indiscipline in seven days.

Speaking on the Breakfast show on Hot FM, Mr. Komaki said it will be difficult to exculpate himself on charges posted on social media.

He said the Lusaka interim Chairperson has no mandate to summon him because they are an interim leadership that has not been elected by the people.

Mr. Komaki said he is going ahead with the petition to the President to drop Davies Mwila as party secretary general because he has caused a lot of confusion in the party.

The Patriotic Front in Lusaka Province yesterday gave outspoken Lusaka lawyer Kelvin Bwalya Fube seven days to exculpate himself for alleged insubordination or recommend to Central Committee for his expulsion.

Mr. FUBE has also been requested to appear before the Lusaka provincial disciplinary committee on Thursday 9th May 2019 at 10:00 hours.

The Party in the same vein asked controversial PF member Julius Komaki to appear before the Lusaka Province Disciplinary committee today, 8th May 2019, on charges of indiscipline and insubordination.

In a letter jointly signed by Provincial Chairman Paul Moonga and Provincial Secretary Kennedy Kamba, the Party in the Province asked the duo to appear for a hearing on 8th and 9th May 2019.

The Provincial Chairman said Messrs Fube and Mr. Komak have allegedly attempted to undermine the presidential powers of appointment and have been causing confusion in the party.


  1. KFB must be encouraged and not fought, what’s wrong with aspiring for higher office? Why are we promoting complacency and dwarfness?
    Davis Mwila is a wrong guy for the job, he motivates no ones when he speaks – he is so boring as leader that it’s hard to follow him

  2. It’s not an offence for a person to challenge the president for leadership of the party. This is what democracy should be all about. I think it’s time we started discussing what democracy is all about to educate our people. We currently have autocratic leaders in almost all political parties; these people do not want to be challenged by anybody. It should be made illegal for such leaders to suppress all manners of competition. Bushe chinshi twalufyanya fwe mafilika?

  3. Ba Kateka, please shut this down. Appoint KBF as Justice Minister and make Komaki District commissioner or send him into the diplomatic service. These divisions are not good for a ruling party at a time where you are suppose to show unity.

  4. I have said this before and I will say it again; “Julius komaki is PF & PF is Julius komaki”. No one, and I mean no one, can touch this guy in pf. Teeeente…wapyaa…!! Kikikikiki

  5. This is indeed chipantepante!
    1. You first pre empty on social media that the two are expelled.
    2. You then write to them giving seven days for them to exculpate themselves from 7th May
    3. You again ask them to appear before disciplinary committee on 8th and 9th May resp, without waiting for the seven days/exculpatory letters.
    4. You already suggest the verdict of expulsion before the committee sits
    5. You say KBF should first ve a position for him to be eligible at the convention but you forget he already had but it’s you thru Jean Kapata, who removed him.
    6. Just as there is procedure to vye for position, there’s procedure for disciplining sm1.
    7. The Dep. SG Mumbi Phiri said everything is already done and sorted. They are getting expelled as they are sponsored by known snr…

  6. The only crime KBF has committed is his desire to stand for the Party Presidency. They have no idea on what democracy is, primitive Africa. It is not even wrong to mention the weakness of the guy you are challenging and how you hope to improve things. Primitivity, primitivity , primitivity

  7. Political Party cadres must not be allowed to wear near-military fatigue or uniforms. Please outlaw this.

    If people want to wear security uniforms they should join the security services.

  8. There is something beyond our knowledge which is motivating KBF and Komoki especially to do with the rigging of 2016 general elections.

  9. Who says if you question someone appointed by the President then you’re insulting the president? What kind of thinking is this? Who came up with this kind of thoughts? Are we surely going to reach 2021 with numbers or with divided numbers. It’s better to hear complaints of our members unlike the bootlickers because we will build our party on complaints from our members and move on together as a United PF. Trust me you can’t stop members from talking and expect things to be well. Hear there cry and get sense from the genuine crys. Alot of the so called leaders of PF don’t even mean well for the party.

  10. hacepa komaki,he is a small,when we talk about big fishes whose Komaki.Pf is bigger than Komaki and like what the President always stress, there is no one above PF.Komaki,Fube and ”THE REST”are trying to bring confusion in the party.

  11. Look at what Barbadian police have done.Picked up people at the airport.Gave them laxatives.Then went through the excreta looking for cocaine.Why do’nt Barbadian police respect themselves.Peter Carlos Hinds.

  12. Europe giving black people cars?”If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day.If you teach the man to fish you feed him for life”.Peter Carlos Hinds.

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