Saturday, July 27, 2024

African Teachers Receive Supplementary salaries through Development Channel


Teachers in Africa are evidently the most economically disempowered of all professions despite being the greatest contributors to the development of the continent. African teachers trained the politicians who tell them their salaries cannot be increased, train the doctors who tell them they can’t afford the healthcare they need, train the bankers who deny them of loans, train the business men who ridicule them of their poverty and train the various government technocrats who deny them of their pensions and gratuity.

Teachers in Africa are synonymous with poverty and according to more than 90% of African governments, there are no funds to increase the much needed salaries for teachers and even if the funds were there, increasing salaries for teachers will only lead to inflation and further agitation by other civil servants. This is the long held position of African governments and institution while those of the private school proprietors is that they are struggling and have at least managed to do better than the meagre wages paid by the public schools.

This current statuesque has gone on for decades forcing teachers to abandon the profession leading to loss of quality and skilled educators which then downgrades the quality of the education in Africa. It has also led to teachers skipping classes in pursuit of economic gains also leading to lack of importation of knowledge to the students. In some other cases, teachers now take bribes from parents and students to give them pass marks which accounts for the reason why Africa is now full of “educated” illiterates with many having certificates let lacking any academic depth. It is now a known fact in Africa that a primary school educated person a few decades ago is far more literate than today’s university graduate.

Development Channel, the crier and advocate of Africa’s first economic war has however come to the rescue. Development Channel who believes that the funds for Africa’s development lies first in the $203 billion dollars capital flight that leaves the continent yearly says that salaries of teachers can be doubled without it causing any inflation or leading to any further agitation by other civil servants. The organization led by the visionary Charles N Lambert says its new unprecedented initiative, the Teachers Revenue Source(TRS) will put African teachers exactly where they should be through daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual salaries earned by the teachers participation part time in the patriotic duty of being a public enlightenment officer in Africa’s first economic war.

Teachers are expected to earn a minimum of $200 in basic monthly salary from their participation in TRS with very committed ones earning up to $1,000 per month. It should be noted that teachers in Africa currently earn an average of $100 per month. The Teachers Revenue Source (TRS) initiative also helps teachers get many need based products for free and high expensive items such as vehicles on credit terms with deductions from the TRS salary and not the primary salary of the teacher. As at the time of this report, thousands of teachers are flocking to be trained on how to use the Development Channel Mother App and work from their various individual locations for the economic war which empowers them yet empowers the continent.


  1. Boss ati an old grade 7 is more educated than a university graduate today? Which planet are you on?
    Stop receiving people!

    • You are very right on Teacher’ssalaries. They are the lowest and remain so for a long time. No wonder that best teachers have fled the government jobs and gone into private sector.

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