Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambian President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu, says we can all be refugees.


President Lungu on his traditional morning run with staff from ZAWA, Students Union , UNHCR and Office of the Commissioner for Refugees staff, refugees and Senior Government officials

Speaking ahead of World Refugee Day on Saturday, when senior Government officials, UNHCR and Office of the Commissioner for Refugees staff, refugees, Ministry of Tourism, ZAWA and Zambia National Students Union (ZANASU) members, among others, joined him in his Weekly Health Run, when asked as what his message would be to Zambians and the world, ahead of World Refugee Day, President Lungu said “we can all be refugees, hence the need to be tolerant”.

UNHCR staff were led by their Representative, Ms Pierrine Aylara.

The World Refugee Day Global Theme for 2019 is: TAKE A STEP WITH REFUGEES

The African Union Theme: 2019, YEAR OF REFUGEES, RETURNEES AND INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS: Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa.
In Lusaka, the World Refugee Day Commemoration will be at Cosmopolitan Mall, along Kafue Road on Thursday 20th June 2019.

For UNHCR staff, the run with the President was in the context of taking a step with refugees and is a global campaign by the UN Refugee Agency, encouraging people worldwide to contribute kilometres/miles to the refugee cause.

The cheerful health walk/run/jogging with President Lungu covered about 10 kilometres, zig-zagging the mountainous terrain of State Lodge in Lusaka.

President Lungu on his traditional morning run with staff from ZAWA, Students Union , UNHCR and Office of the Commissioner for Refugees staff, refugees and Senior Government officials
President Lungu on his traditional morning run with staff from ZAWA, Students Union , UNHCR and Office of the Commissioner for Refugees staff, refugees and Senior Government officials


  1. What an aspiration, Mr President! Is that the thing you aspire most to? What about ‘No more refugees by 2025’?

    • Hehehehe……

      Same with stealing ……is you ask lungu about stealing , he most likely would say

      ” we should avoid stealing all the time “

    • Farmers in Southern Province are experiencing drought. Some have relocated as water refugees, with their livestock. Unfortunately some farmers are being attacked within the country, one farmer lost 77 animals butchered in front of him.
      Local Refugees protected too.

    • refugees into Swaziland! Running away from criminal prosecution for economic plunder is what’s on he’s mind.

  2. That’s the sad your Excellency.The very reason there is for urgent action to end tribal persecution via retirements in public and national interests.The proponents and implementers of this ethnic cleansing must be identified,shamed, &prosecuted.we require a commission to objectively asses the depth of this national shame

    • I also feel that there should be an inquiry to get to the bottom of this marginalization and retirement in national interest. This is a crime against humanity and one day people involved must be held accountable.

  3. Africans, Arabs, Asians and South Americans need to up their game on political leadership choices, look at them dying at sea in the hope of reaching Europe, what about those stuck at the Mexican border, those stuck at some island refugee center in Australia and Congolese scattered throughout Africa, all because of bad leadership choices, and they get so offended when they are not allowed entry into Europe and America.

  4. This is what he does best jogging like a small boy and talking about things that are remotely connected to the economy ….what is the students union doing there when this moron has closed CBU indefinitely.

    • The student union ceased the opportunity to negotiate with the head of state to reopen CBU and very soon get glued to news, the varsity will be reopened!

  5. Nope ,not me Bwana Lungu bcoz i don’t do “low expectations” .I aspire to be a chemical engineer,an industrialist or rocket scientist – not a God forsaken refugee.

  6. How does president Lungu encourage people to aspire as refugees? True, anyone can be refugee but how does that begin, being refugees is not a case of their own making but made by people like Lungu’s failed presidency where those who speak out on corruption by Lungu and his cronies are locked up or harassed. Message should be directed to your fellow presidents and rulers such as Munangagwa and the Sudan butcher.

  7. Kikikikikiki….. and there is no country in the world which does not borrow.
    AND even as individual we borrow BUT we borrow sensibly if we want a sustainable debt. Why does the President have this habit of wishful thinking and ignoring facts?


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