Thursday, September 12, 2024

PMRC Chief Bernadette Deka Zulu in heavy debt, dragged to court


Policy Monitoring and Research Centre Executive Director Mrs Bernadette Deka-Zulu

Head of the PF aligned Policy Monitoring and Research Centre Bernadette Deka Zulu has been sued in the Lusaka High Court for failing to pay Vyansilati Enterprise Limited more than K2.6 million with interest which she borrowed.

According to a statement of claim Vyansilati Enterprise Limited is demanding that Deka pays back the K2,675,000.00 at 15 per cent interest per week from the date of default, being April 27 this year, until the date of the writ.

Vyansilati Enterprise Limited stated that they were a private company Limited by shares incorporated and were engaged in the business of civil woks, electrical repair and money lending.

The plaintiff says that Deka, at her instance and request freely and voluntarily entered into an agreement with the company’s director Marvin Chibwe on or about April 9, this year where it was agreed that she borrows K2,675,000.000.

Vyansilati Enterprise Limited stated that it was an express term of the agreement as accepted by Deka that she would pay back the said sum in two installments from the date of the agreement

The plaintiff stated that despite numerous requests to Deka to settle her indebtedness with interest as agreed, she has to date allegedly failed to make the settlement in part or in full.

They added that despite their advocates writing Deka a demand letter dated May 23 this year, she made promises to pay but there has been no effort from her to honour the said promises, causing the plaintiffs to suffer loss of business, profit and inconvenience.

The plaintiffs are also claiming payment of the money with interest at the average short term deposit rate per annum from the date of the writ to the date of the judgement and thereafter, at the rate not exceeding the current lending rate as determined by Bank of Zambia.

They are also claiming damages for breach of contract.


  1. I remember this silly young girl from that Al-Jareeza News programme debate when Hakainde was arrested where she was on the line with Amos Chanda on the other and she couldn’t say anything against her paymasters, she just froze…its laughable that she thinks she can head a think-tank when she can not think herself, PF Politicians merely invited her to all these meetings in Siavonga so she can contribute one thing and it isn’t her small brain.

    • Ba LT, this is personal. Unfortunately social media is making people live beyond their means. And this company should be looked at for its predatory lending activities!

    • Jay Jay you have a serious problem in life. Take an introspection and see how you can live positive life. You can not always be seeing negative aspect of things. It is just a friendly advice.

    • Kabu – Go and take walk in the cold to cool down then advise your friends not borrow money they can’t afford to pay back… I dont need pen pals!!

    • When you know somebody very well like Deka, it is so difficult to say much. Only that her rise has been such a surprise knowing too well her very background. At least she was no high flyer when I taught her.

  2. Were is this culture coming from? Most Zambians come from very humble back grounds but they want to play big when the get some “decent” job. You can not live a very high life with your pay. That’s why you end up stealing. You want to drink expensive whiskey etc with no money. These guys have been exposed to some life they can’t maintain. Mukose

    • When I say this is LAZY LUNGU WASTED years this is what I mean, you have former mechanics and lab assistants as Presidential Advisers…now this small girl as Head of a Think Thank, you need research PHDs to head organisations. ..but with the mediocrity that LAZY LUNGU brings this should not surprise you!!

    • It’s just Zambians mwebantu. They want to eat where they did not sow. They want to reap big with very little work. They want to live a lifestyle that is beyond them. They cannot just accept their level and live within. That’s why they are thieves. If they are not in debt then they are stealing or defrauding someone. I’ve really lost respect for Zambians. How will this country be in twenty or fifty years?

  3. Extravagance is synonymous with PF governance, that’s why the FIC report is being underplayed. Everyone is partying and free spending except, the problem with stealing is, you never can stop stealing until you face a court judge.

  4. Looks like a loan with very harsh terms – and this company hasn’t wasted time in going this far.

    But what do the pictures have to do with the story? If they are meant to potray that is where the money went, it’s wrong. The pictures may even have been taken before the loan.

    • The picture is showing the person. Do you want them to show the picture of her actually getting the loan or spending the money? This story is about the person, Bernadette.

  5. Nothing wrong with borrowing but it seems the lenders are very extortionate and want quick profit. 15% interest is pure day light thuggery; there is no justification to charge 15% interest.

  6. There is no comment from her and it’s unfair to pass judgement. However, no interest loans under Muslim financial laws are one good thing we should adopt in our Christian society. It’s just theft, plus 15%???!!!

    Obviously they went public because of her public image. Advise, to sell her house to her children at a low rate. Put all her cars in her relatives names and go move all her furniture, possessions to her friends, family. They can’t take what’s not hers or not there!!! Good luck a d God Bless, that funds to repay are found. Declare Bankruptcy?

    • Patriot Abroad: Even the Old Testament bans interest on borrowed money, as does Quran (Koran). But both Christians and Jews hv been corrupted by money in that they don’t observe this teaching from the Bible. This is wht I was referring to whn I said the three Middle Eastern religions had a lot in common in one of my comments on religion bcos they emerged in the same social millieu.

    • This is in Lusaka High Court…what’s there to hide? You want loans without interest how do you think the business giving you the loan will survive? Just don’t get loans..

    • @,Nemwine, that is true and for that reason it’s also true that interest is theft. Anyway, if she is smart and declares bankruptcy, she can rectify the unfairness of that 15% interest.

      @JayJay how would people buy houses without mortgages? Pay education costs? Cars? Loans are a reality of modern life and it’s costs. For that reason interests on loans is profiteering.

    • Live within you means …a car or house is a liability if its not paying you towards repaying the loan…think think!!

    • @Jayjay, practice what you preach.

      House, an abode is a human necessity as is air and food. Get real! Where do you live? In a cave …..chiseling away on a stone tablet wearing a one shoulder animal pellet number? Flintstones look is not a good walk down the highstreets in town!!!!!

      Loans are a modern life reality!

  7. I become so reluctant to comment on matters that are more personal in nature, besides this is a one sided story. Let her sought her personal problems

  8. @,Nemwine, that is true and for that reason it’s also true that interest is theft. Anyway, if she is smart and declares bankruptcy, she can rectify the unfairness of that 15% interest.

    @JayJay how would people buy houses without mortgages? Pay education costs? Cars? Loans are a reality of modern life and it’s costs. For that reason interests on loans is profiteering.

  9. The completion suggests that of a first Cousin to Pamela Gondwe. Looks like ladies are on the loose. Beware of Chipata ladies.

  10. LK do you have proof that Dheka is leading a policy monitoring centre that is PF inclined? I think you can do far much better than this by not being too personal. On the other hand if what is happening to this budding speaker is anything to go by then we have a lot to learn from it and learn to live life within our means. LT we can do better than this

  11. Anione anione anankala pa nsimbi yokupya. Much as I would count myself among the upper class in Zambian society, I honestly hate socializing within this social class because 1. overconsumption 2. drunkeness 3. womanizing 4. entitlement. If there is any grain of substance in this story then too bad for the afftected person and her family, that’s too much money to borrow for personal use. But I am pretty sure she has exhausted her credit line with commercial banks that’s why she opted for a tier 1 shailock. God speed.

  12. 15% is reasonable for our bank standards in Zambia. Some of us with the known big banks we cannot mention here are repaying our loans at 27%. We need big tank thinkers who can help change things in the country. For now under some mediocre leadership we just have to live with that.

  13. Before lending you look at credit rating and security of an individual. When she told the bank that payments would be in 2 instalments what was the source of income and her net worth?This is personal but it can compel someone to engage in fraudulent activities.

  14. This is the manifestation of hatred brooded and hatched by the so called biggest opposition party and some NGOslture of hatred will plunge this country into tumoil which will be very difficult to quench.This personal and you don’t how the deal was arrived at with he concerned parties.Leave her alone.Are thirsty for mwanawasa regime, where person was the arresting officer, prosecutor and judge?Pathetic culture mwebantu!!

  15. This is the manifestation of hatred brooded and hatched by the so called biggest opposition party and some NGOslture of hatred will plunge this country into tumoil which will be very difficult to quench.This personal and you don’t how the deal was arrived at with he concerned parties.Leave her alone.Are thirsty for mwanawasa regime, where one person was the arresting officer, prosecutor and judge?Pathetic culture mwebantu!!

  16. This is the manifestation of hatred brooded and hatched by the so called biggest opposition party and some NGOslture of hatred will plunge this country into tumoil which will be very difficult to quench.This personal and you don’t how the deal was arrived at with he concerned parties.Leave her alone.Are thirsty for mwanawasa regime, where one person was the arresting officer, prosecutor and judge!!Pathetic culture mwebantu!!

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