Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government bans oil marketing firms from participating in the transportation of government supplied fuel


Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo

Government has prohibited oil marketing firms from participating in the transportation of government supplied fuel to curb smuggling of the commodity.

Chairperson of a Committee tasked to look into the transportation of government fuel Stephen Kampyongo says the measure is one of the resolutions arrived at to govern the transportation of government procured finished petroleum products after consultations with stakeholders.

Mr. Kampyongo who is also Home Affairs Minister adds that transportation of Government procured petroleum products will be done by Zambian citizen owned companies.

He reveals that the committee will also establish a secretariat to handle the nomination of trucks for transportation of the commodity.

The Minister has warned that failure to abide by the new rules of engagement will attract severe sanctions.

Mr. Kampyongo was speaking after a meeting with members of the committee at the Energy Regulation Board in Lusaka yesterday.

The committee was formed by President Edgar Lungu following disputes in the transportation of petroleum products regarding the allocation of 50 percent of petroleum products imported by Government that has been designated to Zambian transporters.

The committee consists of officials from the Ministries of Home Affairs, Energy, and Labour.


  1. Today ati Zambian owned trucks, why because of elections coming up? All this time we have been wondering why Zambian fuel is ONLY transported by Tanzanian truckers to the exclusion of ALL Zambians. We have seen Botswana using it’s local transporters to go into south africa to import Botswana fuel. Zambia on the other hand only works with foreigners so that the people involved eat through them. Is this not corruption? Today they are making false statements to mislead Zambians. Then they themselves (only PF inclined) will now be given contracts. And after the elections we will go back to the Tanzanians. Zambia leaders

    • Very right citizen, wonderfully put and I paraphrase your point…

      Where have they been all along?

      No Zambian should listen or thank these Bztards… they’ve been too busy stealing to resolve the country’s problems. Now that they stollen and secured themselves, they want to appear working.

      We shall not feel sorry for you once you are out of office and the courts of law become your second homes.

    • Minister of Energy and Minister of Works and Supply failed to manage fuel supply chain? or PF wants its cadres and ministers to capture that lucrative ventures?

    • There’s no transparency. Looks like they’ll be nominating trucks owned by PF members / loyalists. Those deemed to be against PF or perceived to be affiliated to opposition will not be entertained. It’s a corrupt system which will only benefit PF. Excellent turn out. Let’s hold these leaders to account for their careless rule of this God blessed land – Mother Zambia. PF have grown pigheaded as if they own Zambia. Corruption is chocking society and we will not just seat back, watching our precious Zambia go up in flames. PF belongs in the museum; they are way past their sell-by date; it’s time for them to go. Viva Mother Zambia. Let boot out this careless bunch of leaders. Viva Mother Zambia. Activism is the only way out.

    • Creating room and work for GBM’s Arizona Trucks …dont be surprised to hear that even this nasty crook in the photo is also in the haulage business through his brother.

    • Really laughable appointing a monkey one Kampyongo former Katondo St Forex dealer to look into the theft of corn on the farm

  2. Are these ba Mumbwe only waking up now? There are so many sectors that should be left to the electorate to run and manage. But because of corruption, they don’t listen. There is a dry port in Chingloa run by forigners, Foreign Trucks pay a meagre fee to transport goods through the country. Oil marketing and transporting , Tanzanians. Suppliers for the mines, south African firms and the list goes on. God knows what else. And we’re told that we are sleeping and yet these ba Mumbwe block us from doing business. The other day the same Kampyongo was saying that foreigners come and do what we’re supposed to do and yet today he changes ghe same law he was blind to.

  3. What is in it for government and PF officials?

    “He revealed that the committee will also establish a secretariat to handle the nomination of trucks for transportation of the commodity.”
    There it is, PF style transparency. You will have to be a PF cadre or be ready with an envelope to fund PF campaigns, specifically 2021.

  4. ……For you and I ordinary citizens brace for increased fuel prices, as these additional costs will be borne by you and me.

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