Saturday, July 27, 2024

Democratic Party disappointed by Police no response for permit to demonstrate


Copperbelt University
Copperbelt University

The Democratic Party is disappointed with the police in Kitwe on the way they have handled its notification on the planned demostration against the continued closure of the Copperbelt University.

The party wrote to the police on the 17th July 2019 but upto now no reponse has been given.

Judith Kabemba, the party spokesperson says the party does not wish to go into confrontation with the police because it appreciates their role in society which is to maintain law and order.

However, Ms. Kabemba said the confusion that has been demostarated by the two officer incharge at Riverside Police Station and Kitwe Central Police cannot be condoned.

She said the party expected the police to exercise maximum professionalism at all times when dealing with the public .

“We are alive to the fact that police most times operate under difficult conditions and thus what is important is to stand up for what is right”, She said adding that every reasonable person applying his or her mind well would come to a conclusion that the failure by police to respond to their letter within the stipulated time and confines of the law indicates that a go ahead has been given to them to proceed with the demonstration.

“The Public Order Act for instance states that Police should inform us in writing five days before the event that they did not have adequate personnel to Police the event and suggest an alternative date”, Ms. Kabemba added.

She has since advised all DP members, CBU students and the public to gather at Kaunda Square in Kitwe on Saturday 27th July 2019 at 08:00 hours after which they will proceed with a peaceful walk upto CBU main campus.


    • Today’s students have no mobilization skills. In our time we just used to call a GM at the campus on a specific day. Then all students would arrive. What followed after that ensured that they opened the campus fast fast

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