Saturday, July 27, 2024

NGOs Urged To Work In Collaboration With Government Departments When Implementing Developmental Projects


Monze Town Council Secretary Benson Bweenji has called on development partners to engage government departments in the district when implementing developmental projects within the district.

Speaking during a DAPP organised meeting on climate change and the effects of global warming at Ntambo Primary School in Mwaanza West Ward on Thursday, Bweenji said there is need to follow the correct procedures and channels when taking development to areas and that both government departments and civil society organizations know the channels to follow.

He explained that by following the laid down channels will not only spread development equally but that development partners will be accountable to each other as well as to the communities.

He added that the target was to take development to the same people hence the need for tight collaborations among stakeholders.

“….Because if we allow a situation where by this one comes this way; this one comes the other way; the people who are a target is you and then you won’t know who to listen to and tomorrow they will say people from Mwaanza West are not cooperative when I know that you are, so I am begging you all NGOs, all Government Departments you know the channel we follow,” he said.

The meeting was organised by DAPP to share knowledge on conservation strategies and ways that would help regenerate the plantation in the area.


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