State owned mobile phone operator Zamtel has grown its subscriber base which now stands at over 3.3 million.
And Zamtel’s shareholder, the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has commended the national network provider for crossing the three million subscriber base.
IDC Group CEO Mateyo Kaluba said the record increase in mobile subscribers to the Zamtel network over the past two years had increased by over 175% from 1,244,117 in 2016 to 3,367,700 as at June 2019.
Mr Kaluba said the growth translates in an increase in market share from 10% in 2016 to the current 19%.
He said this is also the highest number of subscribers in the history of ZAMTEL and the highest market share attained by the company in a very competitive sector.
Mr Kaluba commended the Board, Management and staff of Zamtel on the attainment of the key milestones, which he said were on account of the Board and Management embracing the transformation agenda of the IDC.
He further said the growth has been underpinned by innovation in designing competitive products, the ongoing network rollout across the country as well as the graduation to 4G and 4.5G in urban and suburban areas.
“I strongly urge the Board and management to continue to drive transformation from within particularly in areas of cost reduction, innovation and internal restructuring. We look forward to a growing, sustainable and profitable business “, he said.
Mr Kaluba added, the IDC would render its full support to the continued growth of the business and to ensuring that Zamtel remains a key player in the telecoms sector.
This is according to a statement issued IDC Public Relations Manager Namakau Mukelabai.
Same song every year of course you have 4 or it 3 million as taxayers paid for those inflated communication towers all over the country…we are tired of talking about increase in number of subscribers Sydney the Technican, we want to talk about profit after tax and dividends, you have too much waste in your company and ZAMTEL is a nest for PF cadres.
You lucky you are not in Tanzania …you would have been sent back to to cool temperature of the server room.
Give us numbers for MTN and Airtel, please
Why lies kanshi …..there are too many lies these days or misrepresentation of information how many of these are active users and how many are revenue earning customers? Now if only 19% represents 3.3 million how many subscribers do MTN and Airtel have ? Are you saying the total market size is close to 18 million slightly above the total Zambian population …PLEASE give us a break and you have @see saying 1d10ts are quick to condemn ..you are the people easily Hoodwinked by trivial things like voting for someone to rule u because of a song….let us stop being simpletons when it comes to certain things
List it on LuSE. Float those shares.
Retire the Director.
This is coming barely a few days when this so called IDC pushed the agenda to have Zambians bear the LOAN this sunken ship recently acquired and blamed ZICTA for its underperformance.
Flip flop narrative from the same ship.
We ain’t having that.
Damn find equity partner fast fast imwe!
What about the $350 million ZAMTEL owes to LAPGREEN?
The usual id1ots are quick to condemn
@shameless,YOU ARE SPOT ON!!
Ba shameless and your disciple zambiasours. With all due respect, your statement would make sense if someone has a zamtel or airtel line then he can not be on any other network. The current situation is that i own a zamtel active line, my MTN is also available and my most reachable line is airtel. So this is not a one man one vote situation where you get a group of 10 people and ask “how many of you are on airtel?” 7 people will raise their hands. So you assume that it means zamtel and mtn only has 3 subscribers??? Is that true? Because if you ask the same people “how many of you are on mtn?” Will it shock you that 6 people will raise their hands? It shouldn’t. It shows you that some people are on more than one network. Revisit your maths.
Is zamtel debt free?Don’t look at subscribers. Can they sustain on
Their own?Have they cleared debt
With lapgreen? It is like three people
Racing and you come first.
I don’t know why upnd sympathisers believe they are so smart. Yet when you dissect their arguments it will be clear to you that they are in fact simpletons. Case in point: my friend shameless up there. He has called people liars and id80ts without thinking carefully about his own submission. Mukazi tekanya bane…muza onekela!!!
If u can improve your services in siavonga am sure u can add another thousand.poor zamtel services in siavonga