Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Transparency International Zambia is being hypocritical


PF Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza
PF Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza

By Antonio Mwanza

Day in and day out, Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) has been issuing statements, condemning and accusing President Edgar Lungu of not acting on the perceived corruption allegations in his Government. When the President doesn’t act, they condemn him for not acting; when he acts, they still condemn him for acting. The question is, what really is it that TIZ wants the President to do?



On Thursday, this week, President Edgar Lungu instructed Home Affairs Minister, Stephen Kampyongo to ensure the case regarding the 48 houses is probed to its logical conclusion.

This followed a revelation by the Anti Corruption Commission Acting Director General, Rosemary Khuzwayo when she featured on ZNBC’s Sunday Interview that the Commission has closed inquiries in the case of the 48 Houses because there was no one who came forward to claim ownership.

Following the announcement made by the Anti Corruption Commission, the President issued a directive, instructing the Minister of Home Affairs, through the agencies that fall under his Ministry to collaborate and ensure the case regarding the said 48 houses was investigated further.

However, in a bizarre turn of events, TIZ an entity which claims to be a champion in the fight against corruption, on Friday issued a scathing statement condemning the President for acting on the case; they accused the President of interference.


a) As Head of State and Head of Government, the President has a Constitutional mandate to ensure that all government wings are discharging their functions and duties in an efficient and effective manner to the satisfaction and expectation of the Zambian people.

It is the job of the President to ensure that every wing of Government operates in accordance to the Constitution and Acts that establish them.

Article 91 of the Republican Constitution is very instructive in this regard; it vests the exercise of all Executive Authority in the Presidency.

Article 91. (1) states, “There shall be a President of the Republic who shall be the Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Force.

(2) The executive authority of the State vests in the President and, subject to this Constitution, shall be exercised directly by the President or through public officers or other persons appointed by the President.

b) In accordance to the Constitution and the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012, the President is the one that appoints the Director General and all the Commissioners of the Anti- Corruption Commission.

Even though all State Commissions enjoy autonomy in the discharge of their duties, it goes without saying that all those appointed by the President are answerable to him as their appointing authority.

No one can claim that he is above reproach; even the President himself is accountable to the people.

So, for TIZ to be condemning and accusing the President of interference for directing his Home Affairs Minister to make sure that the Zambian people are given clear answers with regards to the 48 houses, is quite bizarre and disgusting.

TIZ is being hypocritical. Their stance on this matter is unfortunate and very counter – productive.

Does TIZ expect the President to keep quiet and go to sleep when there is public outcry and discontent over the manner in which ACC has dealt with the matter of the 48 houses?

Does TIZ expect the President as Head of State and Government to turn a blind eye when everyone has been beseeching the Presidency to intervene in the case of the 48 houses?

Does TIZ expect the President, as Head of State, Head of Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces to just sit and watch while those he has appointed and entrusted with the authority to fight corruption and deliver justice on behalf of the Zambian people exhibit a lacklustre and laissez faire attitude towards their duty?

Let us learn to support those in leadership when they do that which is right.

We cannot make it a habit to condemn and oppose everything that our leaders do just for the sake of it.

We know and understand that TIZ needs that donor funding but do they have to contradict themselves in their desperate attempt to impress their funders?

It is shameful.

The Author is PF Deputy Media Director


  1. Whichever way this is done is okay. As long as the way is meant to give what the people want. TIZ did not have much to advice as ECL had already done the right thing. They were late to comment. Basically TIZ was talking about a task team, to suit TIZ, indeed it’s hypocritical.

    • WHISPERING Allegations are that those houses belong to some big Wig in PF. I wouldn’t condemn TIZ to question ECL’s wisdom to assign Kampyongo who himself is at the centre of 42 for 42 million fire tender corruption allegations to investigate who owns the 48 houses. As I understand TIZ suggested an independent tribunal to help investigate the 48 houses and did not in way mean to demean the presidents authority.

    • Hehehehehehe heheheheheheheheh hahahahahahhahahahhahaha kujukujujiiiiiikemekekekekeke

      So let ECL lead and let TIZ do the transparency check.

      What’s the fuss about?

      Clear each other’s lane.

      So let TIZ do their job and let ECL do his job. Politicians must do dictate how TIZ should work and TIZ let ECL do his job.

  2. My white Swiss wife elisa who is very beautiful thinks that most Zambians especially religious ones are hypocritical. A country that calls itself Christian nation and yet is full of corrupt leaders. I have to agree with my wife elisa. Update we have just got out of bed at the Dorchester luxury suite hotel. I am watching elisa take a shower while am layrd in bed. But this woman is beautiful.

  3. TIZ should not manifest itself as a confused organization at times, the sickening moments are when the president keeps mute or speak in the language that seek or seem to frustrated efforts of those mandated to fight graft and all forms of criminality. We the public loves it when he sincerely and strongly condemn and work restless towards dismantling criminality and its perpetrators. Honestly we are opposed to his silence even when no one has been accused of committing corruption. He should always issue strong statements against corruption and order speed arrest of agents of all crimes.

  4. WHISPERING Allegations are that those houses belong to some big Wig in PF. I wouldn’t condemn TIZ to question ECL’s wisdom to assign Kampyongo who himself is at the centre of 42 for 42 million fire tender corruption allegations to investigate who owns the 48 houses. As I understand TIZ suggested an independent tribunal to help investigate the 48 houses and did not in way mean to demean the presidents authority.

  5. Vladimir Lenin wrote that ,”When those above can no longer rule as before and those at the bottom can no longer live as before then we have a Revolutionary situation”
    In short Lenin meant that there is a limit to the peoples patience and the current hegemony will not continue because the people are Fed Up of scrounging whilst the Elite live it up.
    The current system in Zambia has decimated the middle class and created Rich and Poor classes, with the rich being very rich and the poor very poor.

    How long Jan Jah as Bob Marley put it in song.

    The upper most question on everyone’s lips is ,what is the difference between being dead and being alive but stripped of all basic human dignity and basic needs such as clean water electricity and three meals per day.

    There was much…

  6. Whatever you say Anthonio, things are not right in this country it’s better you keep silent iam hurting as a Zambian.
    What the president should have done is to disband the ACC and bring in independent investigators not ba Kampyongo please..we are not blind and deaf

    • There is nothing to applaud about this how many times has this lazy man directed investigations? Vespers Death, Soweto Market Fires, social cash transfer, elections investigations into violence etc…the list goes on there has been no report presented to the public or recommendations made public …what can a corrupt moron like Kampyomgo investigate?
      Let this boy Mwanza continue eating

    TIZ,ACC ,FIC and Zambia Intelligence service already know who the owner of those properties is.
    What ECL is trying to do is damage control.

  8. Antonio Mwanza maybe if you could keep quiet for this once. The president must first have started by firing the ACC director….because the pronouncement itself was a sign a lot of carelessness in the excursions of such important duties….if you manage to capture Konyagi which is moving how about houses which are stationed? The president is just pretending…but let him continue

  9. Yaba ba anthony trying to boot lick his way to more riches while the masses suffer. This is all propaganda, these people are too scared to advice their boss well instead they want to continue misleading him so they continue enriching themselves. People have stopped watching znbc because it’s all propaganda like this article

  10. Attention seeking Antonio Mwanza
    He who does the most grovelling and bootlicks gets the most crumbs from the powers that be.
    What a low life!

  11. Attention seeking Antonio Mwanza.
    He who does the most grovelling and bootlicks gets the most crumbs from the powers that be.
    What a low life!

  12. Antonio dont be an imbecile, you think we are all foolish and illiterate like you? If you are English literate, or just literate at all, you would not issue such a dumb statement.
    Just to wake you up from your slumber, I ask you a simple question, what would you have said if you were FDD Spokesperson? The honest answer is that you would not write such rubbish.
    Guys, I ask you to clean up your house and shut down your fake news machine and propaganda centre, because you are just wasting your time and actually alienating those of us who want to support you if you start doing the right things: we are many and carry sufficient votes.

  13. Antonio dont be an imbechile, you think we are all foorish and illiteraty like you? If you are English literate, or just literate at all, you would not issue such a damb statement.
    Just to wake you up from your slumber, I ask you a simple question, what would you have said if you were FDD Spokesperson? The honest answer is that you would not write such robbish.
    Guys, I ask you to clean up your house and shut down your fake news machine and propaganda centre, because you are just wasting your time and actually alienating those of us who want to support you if you start doing the right things: we are many and carry sufficient votes.

  14. TIZ is full hypocritical guys whose agenda is to gain momentum from the freemason who is above level seven and above group sixteen in Africa.Mwanza you are correct and keep it up dear.

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