First Lady, Esther Lungu has commissioned the Esther Lungu Primary School and Esther Lungu health post in Ndewe Village of Senior Chief Kalindawalo area in Petauke District of Eastern Province.
The newly commissioned Primary School and health post have been constructed with support from MGC power Corporation from the United States of America, through the Esther Lungu Foundation.
Mrs Lungu said the coming of the health post is expected to assist in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity rates and also reduce the long distance of over 7 kilometers that people in the area used to cover to acess health services at Kalindawalo healt
And Mrs Lungu said the commissioned school at Ndewe will provide access to quality education closer to the people in the areas, especially the girls who are most deprived of their right to education due to long distances to schools,which makes them get maried at a tender age.
We Zasmbians are ID.10ts, thats how we get a dishonest and debarred lawyer as President, a lazy hen as VP and former shebeen queens as first lady. Soon the whole country will change names of institutions to Lungu this, Lungu that. Ubupuba!
When you see leaders who have achieved nothing start naming everything after themselves you know you are in trouble. Others have things after them by posterity because they achieved something. Levi hospital, Levi Mall, KKIA, MCS. All after they died or left office. Now here is a lazy man who has only managed to destroy the economy naming everything after himself and his family. Like the FTJ institute Chiluba tried to name while in power. Surely Lungu is of kindred mind with Chiluba. Even in trying to manipulate the constitution
@Kadobi, Yes some most Zambians are idyots, but not WE.
I am not of WE.
I am Zambian, but the few of us are not idyotic as PF. All children who will attend that school with silly name will pledge as PF children, no parent in UPND t-shirt will have their child accepted.
I give you my left index finger…
Dont name things after people who are still alive. You just turn them into demi-gods and they start oppressing people
Godfrey Miyanda & Mary Mwango Police Stations . . . . .in Chalala, Lusaka, Nothing wrong with naming public institutions after living souls. The Gen is happy and has no issues.
Who is this company and is it tendering for GRZ contracts …these Lungu thieves are not worthy for even a toilet to be named after them!!
Even in the UK wherevyou are squatting school and health posts are named after humans. You are just exhibiting your inferiority complex. And you usual insults… consistent with you little mine. Give credit where its due
My white Swiss wife once attended a meeting with ther heads of states wives where Esther was in attendance. It was a kitchen gathering promoting healthy eating in New York. My wife told me that when Esther lungu was asked to put the salad in the fridge, she went on to place a bottle of cooiking oil in the fridge to the amazement of the other first ladies
Kikikik….N.E.E.z you stupid… That was funny man!!! Keep them jokes coming.
This reminds me of of the 1000 (mil) metical bill of 1980 bill Mozambique that featured the president and his children on the portrait. Very soon we will have Tasila Lungu Primary School in Kuku Compound , I heard is underway to secure land and the Chinese will fund it.
My grandfather who spent 3 years in jail fighting amongst other selfless deeds refused to have a school and clinic named after him by saying as long as one is alive and well no public property should be named after them. Accepting/demanding to name public structure after you while alive is the hero complex we should so having.
As the Mexicans would say you allow for such because you are a nation of putos and putas.
The queen of England is still on the Pound and of inferior mine adore this…
Naming of properties should only be for people who have offered distinguished service to the nation. Not people who use public resources to offer the so called social-community services. Giving material and financial assistance that already belongs to the people!
What have all those royals whose names appear on buildings and streets in Europe especially UK contributed the world but wars and colonialism
Koma yeah!
When Opra Winfrey names a school after herself it is because she has footed all the bills for the construction and running of that school. Its not because she has solicited donors for the school from America. Iam sure these Lungus have been dying to name the fire trucks from America as the Lungu Firefighters
Ba Ester, where are the fire trucks you received in America?
the rate at which the Lungus are naming things after themselves are the red flags of a DICTATOR. Mark my words, this bally will fight tooth and nail to stay on in power.
I like this woman she’s so humble,she’s passing through a lot challenges right now.
this is a good development, it is good to have a school and a health post, but should they always be named after the people that have mobilized the resources or maybe the councils need to develop a policy on naming public infrastructure.