Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government will be compelled to put up radical measures to arrest mealie prices


President Edgar Lungu
President Edgar Lungu

President Edgar Lungu has said that government will be compelled to put up radical measures to normalise the escalating cost of mealie meal.

President Lungu, who described the rising cost of mealie meal as worrisome, said that government is doing everything possible to address the situation.

President Lungu was speaking at ZAF City Airport before departure for Northern Province for a two-day working visit.

The President said that he has a duty to visit all provinces to ensure that development projects are being implemented accordingly.

And on arrival in Kasama, President Lungu warned elected leaders and government officials in Kasama District against squabbles.

Speaking at Kasama Airport this morning, President Lungu said it is regrettable that the top leadership in the district is involved in squabbles at the expense of development.

The Head of State said the leaders should endeavor to meet the aspirations of the people unlike focusing on campaigning for adoption in 2021.

Earlier, Northern Province Bwalya Chungu said people in the province are behind the leadership of President Lungu and the Patriotic Front.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu is on Saturday August 10, 2019 expected in Muchinga Province for a two-day official visit.

Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone has confirmed the development in an interview with ZANIS in Chinsali.

Mr. Sichone said President Lungu will fly into Isoka District from Northern province on Saturday.

Mr. Sichone said while in Isoka, the President is scheduled to commission the Trades Training Institute and also inspect works on the Great North Road on the stretch between Isoka and Nakonde.

President Lungu is later expected to fly to Nakonde to commission a Zambia Forestry and Forests Industries Corporation (ZAFFICO) plantation and make a night stop-over in Chinsali.

One Sunday, the head of state is expected to worship with Chinsali residents at the United Church of Zambia -UCZ- church located in the town centre.

He will later commission the state-of-the-art police divisional headquarters, and also inspect construction works of the Provincial Studios under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services.

The Provincial Minister said President Lungu will also have an interaction with traditional leaders before flying back to Lusaka on Sunday.


  1. It’s like my muzungu wife from Switzerland refusing you but u say you will try and force things. Only a few people can lead. Same way only a few men like myself can handle a beautiful strong white woman. Those that don’t agree with my sentiments go and play hide and seek along great east road.

    • @NeeZ, you mean Ba Edgar has failed to handle his wife like you do?
      Maybe it’s true, all these travels, he just came back from Mozambique, and off he goes.
      A married man…. Sure the marriage is over.

    • So many things to commission in the North where they steal and evade tax and nothing in the South where they pay tax. For how long?

  2. No no no no. Let market forces prevail. This time in lundazi a 50kg bag of maize is going at k120 to k140

    Business from lsk are paying cash and they sell to millers at k180

    So the price of meali meal has to go above k150.for a 25kg bag

    Thats the only way the rural communities will benefit.

    Keep your hands off mealie meal prices

  3. Mr president Lungu has never lived in the village. I would liken him to a town mouse

    He doesn’t understand what farming is and what farmers go through.

    Please mr lungu. Stop politics of appeasement.

    Lower mealie meal price can ONLY be achieved through subsdisy

  4. When installing harmer meals in blue that are dotted all over the country we were told that these will lower the price of meali meal. Alas the opposite is the truth.

  5. The Kwacha/Dollar rate is sliding ,inflation rate edging up and agricultural yields going down .Bwana Lungu your mealie price fight is 3 against 1 and you’re gonna lose.


  7. PC, and these same solar mealie meal plants cost a lot but have turned out not to be such good investment. Actually it is these too many poor investments that makes mealie meal and life in general expensive in Zambia, what the IMF calls investments without economic returns. The money wasted could have been better utilised to subsidise mealie prices transparently. Instead we have all manner of unresearched investments including having a whole department and staff to dish out so called empowerment cash to all and sundry across the length and breadth of the country, moneys which will never be repaid as originally intended, and seemingly the only funds which dont seem to run dry. Well okay maybe now there is drought of funds as we have heard the new terminology or lingo that the resource…

  8. He just returned from Maputo. Before then, he was on several provincial ‘working tours’, not to mention other international trips. He says he has to inspect all ‘developmental projects’. For goodness sake, he is ‘commissioning’ a trades institute, a plantation etc. Where are all the ministers, commissioners, perm secs, etc? This is beyond ridiculous! How many times has he been to Muchinga province? What is going on? Preposterous! As usual, talking about an issue such as the mealie meal price, on the airport tarmac. Can we hear an economic analysis through a press conference? Oh I forgot, I am flogging a dead horse.

    • Yes true this President is the worse President of all and PF is the most useless party of all. Surely, ubunga at K130, a lot of Taxes as if we the people have enough money to pay Taxes, in short life in Zambia has become too expensive. It’s like you are rich as a parent but you just don’t want to see you child get educated.

  9. Not interested in hearing what you are going to do or you are doing to address the situation because you may not do it at all.Rather tell us what you have already done to address the problem.Life of promises is long gone …

  10. A 25kg is enough for a family of 8 people

    Just change eating habits.

    Breakfast nshima. Lunch shima. 16hrs porridge. Sapa nshima

    In Drc a bag of maize is more than $50

  11. this man called the President of Zambia doesnt care about development he is just campigning ahead of the 2021 elections. He is more occupied about being in power. While the masses get poorer the politicians getter richer and steal without shame. They can even abandon 48 houses coz that is a drop in the ocean of the money they have stolen.

  12. Hi, if you want to use the title Dr. for ECL add hc at the end to read Dr (hc) Edgar Lungu or Dr. hc. Edgar Lungu. Hc stands for honoris causa to show that this was an honour bestowed on him and he didn’t study for it. Good journalists should always check and use correct titles for people.

    The issue of deserving or not is a matter for University that awarded it and not general public. Public needs the hc awarded.

  13. Hi, if you want to use the title Dr. for ECL add hc at the end to read Dr (hc) Edgar Lungu or Dr. hc. Edgar Lungu. Hc stands for honoris causa to show that this was an honour bestowed on him and he didn’t study for it. Good journalists should always check and use correct titles for people.

    The issue of deserving or not is a matter for University that awarded it and not general public. Public needs the hc added.

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